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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. yes that's nonsense. But I didn't get the impression that was the original intent of this thread.
  2. I don't think "stealing" culture is possible. Humans freely mix cultural things (food, clothes, language) all the time. The bloodlines thing is where I am more skeptical. Supposedly 1 in 200 men are descended from Genghis Khan, but they don't all go around calling themselves Khan Jr. However it's totally cool to love Mongolian Metal. The Hu rocks.
  3. It does not please me to agree with this, but I have experienced it on these forums, by people who claim to be tolerant. They've not succeeded in chasing me off tho 😁
  4. I just care about the doing part. someone can think the moon is made of green cheese if they want, so long as they don't try to make me eat it
  5. I was curious as affiliation is used for criteria in some other countries, like the PIO card that used to be offered for India. Definitions vary 🙂 Perhaps someone who grew up in a particular culture identifies more with it than whatever their bloodline is.
  6. what if you are adopted by a family with german ancestry, or marry someone who has german ancestry? is it about bloodlines, or affiliations?
  7. Breaking News: In the Atlantic Ocean a ship carrying red paint has collided with a ship carrying purple paint It’s believed both crews have been marooned
  8. I agree. In countries formed by immigrant populations, it is our shared ideals and common vision for the future that bind us. I'm not particularly bothered by people wanting to highlight their ancestry, I just see that as largely irrelevant to supporting a nation's ideals. Apart from those, there is a common culture that comes from living side by side for years, for example, helping a neighbour, sharing food, enjoying sports and music together, complaining about the weather... over time our similar interests and positive interactions form a new bond.
  9. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion and express it. Some opinions are, of course, sillier than others. 😉
  10. I agree with that. I think we're all working towards the same goal, just from different approaches. Om Shanti 🙏
  11. Same. It's kinda sad that calls for peace (even inner peace) are treated with such suspicion. ah well... good luck out there folks!
  12. I may be wrong, but I think the "calm down" advice had more to do with the doomsday-ish turn this thread has taken at times, and the reinforcement of anxiety that may come with it. The world doesn't have to be perfect for us to start making positive differences in our own lives, which is good cos it will never be perfect, and neither will we. Anger doesn't own us if we don't let it. ☮️
  13. When I take photos I find the textures constantly refreshing. I've tried various settings tweaks but it's hard to get them in sync. I take mostly landscapes but same problem with portraits - clothing texture will rez then make-up goes blurry. Any handy tricks for this? (I'm using default viewer.)
  14. that would be a faux paw... ...darn it I did it again speaking of dog jokes: A dog walks into a bar and hops up on a stool. He looks the bartender straight in the eye and says, “Hey, guess what? I can talk. Have you ever seen a talking dog before? Amazing, right? How about a drink?” The bartender thinks for a moment and says, “Sure, the toilet’s right around the corner.”
  15. Is it acceptable for a non-dad to post a dad joke? Or would that be a faux pa? (ok i'm done nao)
  16. you may not like him, but you gotta love that suit...
  17. my very first rental home in SL was a tiny flat for 1L / week, set in a cityscape with shops and a park. The landlord just wanted some traffic for the shops, and the flats were already there for decor. Smart landlord.
  18. It's hot and humid year round where I live, and I can stand the mask for about 20 mins at a stretch. Fortunately I work from home! Another downside is you can't see people's facial expressions properly. This is more disorienting than I anticipated.
  19. I wish it were just a hoax. A family friend was one of the first fatalities in my country 🙁 I can see how people may get fatigued with masks and social distancing, but, they really don't want to experience the alternative.
  20. I tried one that had internal filter layer but the chemical smell was so intense I switched back to cloth versions. 😛
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