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Akane Nacht

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Everything posted by Akane Nacht

  1. Your post made me hear the "100 tears away" song in my head. 😄 True that. Nothing's a lost cause. We just get stalled now and then.
  2. I did watch it, twice cos it covered a lot. Looks like a deeply corrupt and cruel system. That's the million dollar question - if there is a proven blueprint for how to make policing work, who will champion it, and will communities get behind them to support it? I don't know, you'd have to ask the people who drew those conclusions. My opinion is, when it comes to criminal cases, I'd go by whatever press release the relevant authorities put out.
  3. Thanks. Those bring up several positives, like police as problem-solvers, having a holistic view of community well-being, and focusing on relationship building within the community. Pity such programmes were pulled.. it would probably work if given time to flourish.
  4. I've lived in Canada, albeit many years ago. Police there did outreach to schools, as I recall, and other community programmes. I don't recall any hostility or mistrust towards them, but I lived in a rather small city, so perhaps that made a difference. Of course police should not do things that infringe the law, that's kind of a no-brainer. I am in full agreement there. What I was asking was, what are the positive things that can be expanded on, or new things introduced? How can relationships be mended going forward? As for what we see on the news, we see recycled things from CNN and Reuters for the most part, at least in the English press. For the protests that affected parts of Asia, these tended to weave in local issues, of various sorts, regarding treatment of minorities and political views. It varied country to country.
  5. Are there any examples of where it has worked? When policing works well in your country, what do they do right? I'm wondering what the next steps would be, after all that's happened recently, and the end goal of what a good system looks like. ps. I'll stop asking if it bothers Americans that I do so. I was genuinely curious as this makes international news 🤷‍♀️
  6. I thought community engagement is part of police work? It has been in countries I've lived in, quite successfully. When police are very engaged and integrated with the community, I think it helps break down the "us and them" barrier, as well as making policing a community effort. Is this not a practice in America, or do they outsource it to other organisations?
  7. 1. It's not weakness or cowardliness, its probably shock. You may also freeze when under threat (fight, flight or freeze). The delayed effect just hits whoever is nearby, unfortunately. 2. Anger management takes some practicing. If you've ever watched the kids show, Mr Rogers, he has a skit where he describes how he deals with anger, I think its called "the mad that you feel" (if you google can probably find somewhere). It's seriously good advice, for any age. In a nutshell, he says to redirect the anger to something harmless and positive, and doing that will calm you down. that's my 2 cents, enjoy
  8. How would you know if the training worked, or was needed in the first place, without a reliable form of measurement? I suggest to read the article in full. It quotes the developers of this test, their intentions in doing so, and how it became mainstreamed. Note too, that every human being has bias. It does not follow that this bias translates to an observable behaviour. For example, I may have a bias towards bearded men, but that does not mean that I leap at every one I see or hire only bearded men to work for me or keep one tied up in my closet. I still behave within the bounds of the law and social norms. Implicit bias training makes even less sense to me. I asked a psychologist about this and he just laughed and shook his head. I dare say the people making money off these programmes will tell you otherwise but...maybe they have a motive eh?
  9. The usefulness of implicit bias tests is debatable to say the least. In any event, psychometrics may measure, but they do not predict any outcomes. Even a simple career test can't do that, let alone one purporting to measure a person's perception of society. IAT: Fad or fabulous? Psychologists debate whether the Implicit Association Test needs more solid psychometric footing before it enters the public sphere. https://www.apa.org/monitor/2008/07-08/psychometric
  10. In my 12 years here, I've met innumerable interesting and kind people, and a handful of creeps. As other posters say, we have technical tools to deal with those. Focus on the nice people and the creeps will soon cease to ruffle you. 🙂
  11. The only objection I have to it is when it's implied to mean "there is only one correct way to think about this issue". I'm sure not all people mean it that way, but that, unfortunately, is the message that's out there. I'd rather it mean what it sounds like "strive to look around you and see what's really going, regardless of your bias." Maybe one word is just too short for a rallying cry
  12. Nah, Gillette's move was just a marketing ploy that met with lukewarm success. From what I read, P&G still showed good growth, mainly for SK-II and Olay (skin lightening products. lel).
  13. yup. On the plus side, it made me more aware of the products I buy and who produces them. A lot of companies don't bear close scrutiny when it comes to ethics.
  14. that's fine. I had a different reaction, which is also fine. We can all make our statement with our wallets.
  15. I remember that advert, and since then, I've actively avoided their products as I thought that is a derogatory portrayal of men. Women make a lot of household consumable purchasing decisions. 😉
  16. got this stuck in my head. I don't mind tho
  17. Is it because if SL turns 18 they have to let us all vote? 🤔
  18. Couldn't agree more. We could try to learn from each other's strengths, too, and be open minded about different solutions, even if it doesn't dovetail with our own ideology. I really believe most people are after the same thing, just using different methods to get there.
  19. Nice video. Love their closing comments.
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