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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: I have to agree with you about baked textures. Even before shadows was available as an option, baked textures only show the build at one time of day. They always have looked strange to me at other times of day and even stranger at night. What was intended to add realism, only was realistic one time per day. I do put shadow prims under furnishings I make but, like Pam, I make the prims mod and so they can be removed. I look forward to the day when I won't even have to do that anymore. Bingo. It's like a broken clock that's only right twice a day. Worthless for otherwise.
  2. I was right after all. The problem IS with SL, not the users. http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-9482 https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-3332 http://i.imgur.com/gTzKz2M.jpg
  3. Go places where there are people, and say hello. My Picks has a couple. Or use the destination guide.
  4. I must o to the wrong places. I'm 30 and I only ever bump into people 10-20 years older than me.
  5. Yeah, I don't mean clothes or highlighting type shadows. I'm talking about floor shadows. I saw a mesh house the other day- there were thick shadows being cast on the floor from the window frames... No matter what you did with the sun or the lights. Middle of the night, dark out, with interior lights on, and you're looking at rays of artificial sun and shadows cast by them. Baked into the texture. The creator's suggestion? "Turn off your day cycle and just leave it on sunset."
  6. He doesn't like that he got a review and he's threatening you? I have the perfect reply.
  7. I'm already seeing objects being offered with both options. Materials and non-materials. And that said, materials detail is much, much different than a gigantic shadow that defies the sun in the sky, and shows up in the middle of the night.
  8. Well, your case is slightly different- being able to unlink it is significant. Then it works for high and low graphics settings. That's smart. It's the ones where there's no options (for example, no mod so it can't be unlinked) that are the problem.
  9. Why do so many merchants put baked shadows/shadow prims on their products, and brag about it (something tells me it's ripped from a website where shadows have to be baked on, but we won't get into that). I mean, nothing's worse than looking at a build at sunrise and seeing the correct shadows on one side, and sunset shadows on the other. It looks stupid, and nowhere near worth what creators charge for it. Worse, they get offended if you ask if they offer a version without baked shadows.
  10. Well, no. I'm not talking about Nazis politically. I'm asking if the religion thinks it's okay to kill 'em in video games.
  11. Oh, good. id software will be happy to know I can continue to play their games. Wait... Do Nazi's count?
  12. Wait, hold on, back up. I killed demons, zombies, and this one floating skull last night with a chainsaw. That makes me a sinner?
  13. Penny posting about scale in 5, 4, 3, 2...
  14. Teagan Tobias wrote: Just a question, what would it take to create a Second Life Better Business Bureau. Someplace where you can look up a seller or store and see if someone has reported them? And could that even be done? Helps for finding problem businesses in RL, why not SL. There's not a single resident I'd trust to be impartial enough to be in charge of that. And we know LL wouldn't do it.
  15. The voice servers were completely down yesterday. Or the day before.
  16. I found a store on the marketplace today, selling a bunch of mesh, full perm. All of it ripped from video games. That's common enough by itself, but in every single listing, it says "You've purchased a 100% full perm mesh object. You can use this for your own creations and can resell it as part of it. Do not resell as is, DCMA is going to apply." Seriously? Can someone even file a DCMA when they stole the item to begin with? How would that work? "You can't sell that, I stole it first!"
  17. You're trying to get another one of my threads deleted, aren't you?
  18. Medhue is right. Said companies make entire games. Individual employees or small departments make the content. Just look at mods for games like Skyrim. A lot of those modders make content, mesh and textures and animations, to use in the game that the original developer never dreamed of.
  19. https://microsoftflight.com/ - MS Flight. Free. http://takeonthegame.com/ - Take On Helicopters. Not free, but combined with Arma 2, you can create a lot of your own content.
  20. This is something where, no matter what we do, it's not going to help unless LL does something about it. I recently found a store in-world selling mesh outfits for RP. They had quite a few customers floating around, buying things. Being a gamer, I recognized outfits from Dragon Age, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, and more. Most of the customers there had no idea what I was talking about. One even said that I was lying, because "if this stuff really was stolen, LL wouldn't let him sell it".
  21. Good question. That's part of what I'm asking with this thread.
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: The "lots of members" excuse is flat out BS. I'm in a group of maybe 10 people, with maybe 3 or 4 online at any given time, and I still see failures. Maybe, but I don't think it's BS. You may remember a couple years ago they spent quite a lot of time trying to retrofit the whole group chat backend with XMPP, only to eventually realize it was a fool's errand: although XMPP scales beautifully in number of sessions, it couldn't handle very large sessions. At least that's how I recall it, not having been involved myself. I don't think I ever followed it closely enough to understand why it's so easy to scale the numbers of sessions, and of connections, but not the number of connections per session. I'm curious if these flawless scripted solutions are known to handle hundreds or thousands of simultaneous participants per session. Here's where I'm stuck; if the blame truly were on the amount of users, then small groups would never, or rarely, fail. Except they do. Almost as often as the large groups do. That means there's another problem somewhere in the setup, more than simply "too many users". That tells me LL is trying to do too much with group chats. It seems like when you try to chat, it's involving simulator data for the sim you're on and/or it's including information like whether you're contributing land to the group, and all kinds of other extra data that's completely irrelevant to the actual chatting. I think Erik is spot on. The scripted objects work nicely because the only data they carry is the message, and they don't have to rely on SL's already overloaded servers.
  23. The "lots of members" excuse is flat out BS. I'm in a group of maybe 10 people, with maybe 3 or 4 online at any given time, and I still see failures.
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