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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I'm with you. I think it's a waste to buy something that just lags up a sim and charges you a recurring fee to do it, only to eventually die. Or whatever it is they do. Granted I have a dog- but said dog doubles as a security system, with push and damage enabled, and has no recurring costs. That's the way to go.
  2. Avatar rendering cost has nothing to do with scripts or bandwith. It's a graphical thing. It's just how many prims are attached, flexi or not, etc. If you have an old or poor graphics card, lowering your ARC will help your Frames Per Second, and maybe how quickly your avatar prims load AFTER they're downloaded. Scripts are separate, but these days, they can be measured. You can count how many scripts are on your avatar. Fewer is better. I generally have less than 10. If you want, contact me in world (remeber to say why), and I can give you a little object to tell you your estimated script memory, which plays a significant factor in bandwith, teleports, etc.
  3. Penny Patton wrote: I've considered this a big topic for years. The lack of consistent scale in SL has been a huge detriment to SL's graphics, the level of detail, and even the amount of content we can fit in a sim. The problem is compounded by the confusion surrounding avatar scale, leading to further building issues as well as problems with attachments, furnishings and even animations. It is extremely difficult for the community to solve this issue with no support from Linden Lab. This is a problem LL really needs to address. They can do this very easily by making a few changes. LL needs to provide accurate height information to residents who are editing their shapes. Currently, LL shows incorrect height information. The height displayed in the appearance editor of LL's own viewers is off by about half a foot or more. LL is aware of the bug, they simply have yet to correct it. Second, LL needs to provide new residents with properly scaled and proportioned shapes. The shortest of the current starter avatars is still 6'8" tall. That's pretty mammoth considering that "short" avatar is a woman, and average height for an American woman is 5'5". Shorter in many other parts of the world. The avatars for men just over 7' tall. Some of the older starters I believe were closer to 8' tall or more. So, the starter avatars are giants, until recently LL provided residents with no information on height and now that they do the height they provide is wrong. In addition, avatars can be anywhere from under 4' tall tto just shy of a full 9' tall. It's really no wonder there's so much confusion running rampant. Bigger avatars need bigger builds, most people eyeball their avatars and build around them, with several feet of height difference between the average avatar that makes most content in SL way out of scale with each other. Then there's the BIG culprit, the SL camera. SL's camera placement is terrible, pretty much requiring people increase the size of their builds to double scale. Whe you make a house double size, it takes up 4 times as much area. So, your house requires 4 times as much land. In addition, with current restrictions on prim sizes, those 10x10m rooms are now 20x20m. A 7 prim 10x10 room winds up being 16 prims at 20x20m. So you need more land space and more prims! Here's a forum post where I explain how to fix SL's camera placement. If you own a full sim, building like this means you're basically paying for a full sim but only using it as if it were 1/4th of a sim. That's a fairly substantial waste of money, wouldn't you agree? So yes, most definitely scale is important and there are many very real benefits, for everyone, inbuilding to scale. You're right about one thing. Moer standardization needs to be in the viewer for it to be more widely accepted. I know users have been pushing for it for years. But until someone with some authority (read: LL) puts in some methods and scales people will actually see, it'll never be enforced. The second issue is- what about all the products already built to the current oversized scale? What happens to all of them?
  4. The general consensus seems to be that builders made buildings to compensate for the camera. Then people started scaling their avatars up to "better fit" in those buildings. So, following the trend, builders started making vehicles, furniture, and accessories for these upscaled avatars... Which caused more people to scale up, etc. Now everything's sized up, so a seven foot tall avatar is called short when they go out anywhere.
  5. Anyone else think there should be more talk about a standardized scale for building in Second Life? Some builders build to RL scale. Which often seems tiny when your avatar is scaled for something else. Or vice versa. We know why this happens. The camera position is largely to blame, as is the sliders for making avatar shapes. The camera thing is an easy fix, adjusting zoom and position. Zoom in closer. Make avatars semi-transparent, etc. The question is, can we fix it? And if we can, will people accept it?
  6. Toysoldier Thor wrote: What is being suggested is that LL will take "shut down" actions on a DCMA that has no justification / validation? i.e. what is being suggested is that anyone - even with malicious intent - can go through the process of filing a legal DCMA and that this legal filing can go far enough with no validation to have LL execute on the actions of the filed DCMA? So, LL does not receive the DCMA and validate the credibility of the filing before taking action? I find that surprising and scry if this is true. Worse, you often have to counter DCMA and go through all the legal nonsense of that original false DCMA, which if I'm not mistaken, provides your RL name and address to the person that filed to begin with.
  7. I don't mind points 2 and 4, personally (I often click "Reply" on the last post to contribute anyway), but number three is a huge pain for me, too. Gotta start copying the URL into the clipboard before you sign in, or sometimes just to refresh the page after a long pause.
  8. Dogboat Taurog wrote: So use a 45 second or 60 second security orb. Even 30 seconds can be enough, if it's not right after a sim crossing. Give 'em five minutes, even. Just give 'em enough time to leave before they're stuck in a funny animation and you're stuck with a vehicle on your property. my orb is 10 seconds, it was free and no mod. i can't say i care about you and your vehicle on my land. you aren't wanted and i dont pay my tiers to cater for others. 5 mins indeed, lol. If you've got an orb that kicks people out already, what are you complaining about? Keep using it and live with the loss of a single prim (it shouldn't take more than one), or accept the consequences. My advice was to people who want to keep tresspassers out without inconveniencing anyone.
  9. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: My parcel is set up with multiple levels that I use. Not only do I not mind people using most of them, I even have a pair of Stargates (best way to get around SL, hands down) on my parcel just so people can find it, and an all access teleport pad near them to easily move around. If you're going to build something interesting, show it off, I say. If you don't want people on your parcel, put up a sign, or put up ban lines- but by everything holy, don't use a 10 second orb or ban lines just inside a sim crossing. They're hell on vehicles. i ask you to refer to the threads title. signs are pointless in a moral free world. ban lines are not allowed where i am. an orb system appears to be the cheapest way forward as i can easily make one. i can't factor your requirements on land that i pay for. besides, some want to show the builds they make, i dont, i just want a peaceful SL. So use a 45 second or 60 second security orb. Even 30 seconds can be enough, if it's not right after a sim crossing. Give 'em five minutes, even. Just give 'em enough time to leave before they're stuck in a funny animation and you're stuck with a vehicle on your property.
  10. Be careful taking that advice. While it allows the in-world browser to work properly, the Lindens also didn't do ANYTHING for security. As soon as you turn all of that on, you're opening the flood gates for exploits, both in-world and not.
  11. My parcel is set up with multiple levels that I use. Not only do I not mind people using most of them, I even have a pair of Stargates (best way to get around SL, hands down) on my parcel just so people can find it, and an all access teleport pad near them to easily move around. If you're going to build something interesting, show it off, I say. If you don't want people on your parcel, put up a sign, or put up ban lines- but by everything holy, don't use a 10 second orb or ban lines just inside a sim crossing. They're hell on vehicles.
  12. Having seen LL's track record, I'm even more concerned they'll foul up permissions with the new system.
  13. As far as I know, the only way to force prims underground is with non-physical prims, and to leave part of the linkset above, such as your invisible root.
  14. The real question is, why can't you reposition the window? Although, as a solution, hitting Enter could be possible.
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