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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Likely it was outsourced help that had no idea how SL actually works. Never blame malice for what can be more easily attributed to stupidity.
  2. I'm not sure I'm understanding your problem. If you block someone and they still push you, ban them. If you're not the land owner, ask the land owner to ban them. If the land owner won't, then go find different land. Only a land owner can restrict how someone moves around on a parcel.
  3. Who says we have to? There are already tools in place, both technical and behavioral to deal with this stuff. If people don't want to use said tools, some part of them wants the drama. We have too much nanny state in RL, we don't need it in SL too.
  4. I'm all for linking accounts, adding perks, or implimenting new ideas if the idea is to improve the platform. But adding restrictions to honest residents despite admitting that it won't work to actually stop griefing, just because we hope it might stop the casual griefers? Bad idea.
  5. These, and more, are reasons why you should always run your own systems when you're serious about having a store. Getting a web host and having a couple little scripts is not a lot of work, and not expensive at all.
  6. The vast majority of "alts" are not malicious, though. They're store models and land management bots, or test bots, or just ways for people to try different things. I personally have a pair of scripted bots I used to use a lot more, for land management and DJ work, and a couple test accounts for transfering products and testing permissions. Imposing restrictions on all the honest people out there isn't going to make griefers suddenly stop griefing. They'll just keep changing their MAC or IP numbers like they do when they get banned currently.
  7. I've never needed more than 10. Thanks to scripted and automated mailing lists, we shouldn't need as many as we do, and it's part of why they've had so much trouble over the years.
  8. I guarantee you that there is a man somewhere that does have a nickname for yours, even if you don't. The best names are the ones with a story behind them.
  9. I'd kill for a Grammar & Spelling Day.
  10. Also, if you check into how it works, it's less impressive than you think. The few tests I did didn't return results other than 0 or 1.
  11. I suspect you're taking this too seriously, but my script just checks to see if the avatar shape returns less than 0.5- I've never tested different body slider settings to see what returns what specifically.
  12. I haven't cashed out more than a few dollars in years, specifically for that reason. I generally put it back in through tips and gifts, or hoard it. A successful DJ though, they might want to cash out more often. At that point, it's income. LL will even send you a tax form to fill out if you cash out a certain amount, since you get flagged.
  13. What kind of maniac sells hair and makes it no modify?
  14. This is why you should never get legal advice on Internet forums. You absolutely have to file tax paperwork on SL income. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Required_Tax_Documentation_FAQ Again, RL laws apply to SL.
  15. This is incorrect, and the "it's just pixels" attitude will get you in a world of trouble during a DMCA, copyright, or tax breach. This is correct. As others have said, the venue is responsible for licensing and fees, unless the DJ is a freelancer. This applies to RL and SL.
  16. So, for some of my products, I sell no copy demos on a timer that deletes the demo after a few minutes. It's been the perfect solution until now. This week I've noticed two residents purchasing multiple copies within minutes of each other. Presumably to use them together, rezzing out new copies each time the timer runs out. Instead of buying the product, they're just rezzing out a new copy every 3 minutes, I suspect. As merchants, would you guys let this slide, or do something to prevent people from buying multiple copies like this?
  17. Don't even get me started on this... Jewelry, hair, plants, metal, shoes... I never know what these people are thinking.
  18. The US Copyright office has actually been considering an exemption to the DMCA for "online games" that are no longer supported by their creators, basically so that people can restore functionality to them. If that goes through, then I suspect abandoned products on the MP may also fall into the exemption. Would be nice if LL opened up the permissions on stuff when/if that happens.
  19. As a clothing seller, you could always box up the different body type items in such a way that unboxing it pings back to a server, that'd be another way to get decent data.
  20. Midday for building, midnight for building with lights, region settings for everything else.
  21. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetAttachedList and http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlGetObjectDetails Have been with us a long time, and are no more invasive than right clicking someone and inspecting them. This would be the best way to find stats about which bodies are worn most, though. If anyone has an active sim, I'd be happy to put together the script for them.
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