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Mercedes Avon

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Everything posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. I got tired of GOH. I admit that it was great entertainment for me while it lasted. I still have two homes in Belli and I did play GOH to find them, but now that I have them, I am settled and happy and do not feel a need to find anything better.
  2. By far I prefer a stilt on land with the back toward the water (and there are not many of these at all). I do not like the pier stilts because there is no privacy between homes and the on water ones are ok, but I prefer feeling connected to land I can explore. I haven't gotten into the houseboats because they are too close together with no privacy in between. However, I dare say that they are the most popular home theme so obviously people love them.
  3. I had this one not too long ago. I knew it was a dream parcel for someone.
  4. I would want: - 4096 land allowance. - Discounted upload fees. - More stipend. - Homestead without owning a full sim (should be that way already). - The ability to transfer lindens via the dashboard. - Discounted name change. It's already outrageously too high for someone already paying premium.
  5. An army of friends with each having an army of alts makes for a big army.
  6. This drives me nuts too. I also dislike one-time demos or timed demos. I went home to try on a demo and liked the outfit and went back to the event but nothing would rez. I logged off and logged back on and ended up completely naked at the event. Good times.
  7. I can see roadways and builds on the sims now. They all looked built out to me. I do not see rivers, but I see quite a few small and large lake areas. ETA: I notice none of the coastlines are finished so there are yet no true coastal parcels on the map, but plenty of in-land lake parcels.
  8. I do not like HUDs on my screen unless I am using them. I also use Firestorm's built in AO feature. Leaving off the AO HUDs reduces my scripts and since everything is no-mod these days, it is often the only way to reduce down.
  9. The answer really depends on whether you are using an applier on your Lelutka head for your skin or BOM. If you are using BOM, then using the supplied tattoo layer neck fix should work but only IF you are not using EVO X for your face. Right click and add the one that matches the color you choose on the Legacy HUD. If you are wearing an EVO X skin, the Legacy neck blender will not work (It is made for the original UV map). There are third party neck blenders that work on EVO X but you really need to be using BOM to use them. Things get complicated when you use BOM on one part of the body and appliers on another. I highly suggest using BOM all the way around if you can. I am not as familiar with the "drop slot" technique on the Lelutka heads. Someone else hopefully can explain that better than I can.
  10. You can find it in the toolbar buttons area of Firestorm. I drag it to my bar and when you click on it, it brings up a box where you can drag over things you want to have quick and easy access to.
  11. A lot of HUDS have "pages" (for lack of a better word) that you can flip to. As an example, a lot of hair HUDs have sections you can go to that switches the styles or allows you to tint. Those areas are the transparent areas you see when you are not using those sections. When you click for those sections of the HUD, the HUD rotates around and the section you saw as transparent is now what you see. I hope I am making sense? You can click on your HUD and go into edit and rotate it and see what those parts are. I am a minimalist and do not like HUDs all over my screen so I take them all off until I need them. I use Firestorm and place them in the favorite wearables box so I have quick access to them when needed.
  12. I am bored waiting for the new theme to come SOOOOON so I have been randomly rolling in the meantime. I picked up this very nice stilt on pier. It has an open water view on the side and is near the sailing sims. I like it a lot, but my love affair with stilts is over for now so I would rather pass it on to someone who will love it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Squeegee/165/30/24 I will let this out in an hour - 2pm SLT.
  13. Houseboats still seems to be the most popular and hardest to find on the land page. Pier stilts are rare too. You can usually find a Log soon enough and even Trads and Vics come up several times a day.
  14. Hopefully one comes up for you sooner rather than later!
  15. This is the rezzer I use. I think it's one of the best purchases I have made for Linden homes (another forum member recommended it to me). https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/The-Magic-Rezzer-formerly-Optimus-Multirezzer/4908598
  16. I love the Linden homes that are a smidge off the road with neat entrances.
  17. I use a rez system and add rooms of my house to it. I de-drez those rooms when I want to bring out the baby. I rez the rooms back out when I am done.
  18. Wow! Wow! Wow! I love how these campers turned out! I am really excited for the 512 modern theme and I am hoping I can make the land impact work so I can pick up a 512 on mainland.
  19. I use a zooby baby in my linden home. The real challenge comes with making them fit within the land impact allowances.
  20. They look too much the same to me, and like Frigga said, they are too open and big. I really wish they would focus on nice smaller houses so our land impact could stretch further (why I still love the traditional theme). I picked a chalet up and found it unsatisfying to decorate. If I am going to have a big Linden home, I would rather have a Victorian which I personally think have the best landscaping of all the themes.
  21. I sat on this one for days trying to decide whether to keep it or whether to free my avie to keep rolling. It's hard to give up such a lovely location but it's just not THE ONE. I will release it here soon! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Carrollton Bay/192/110/39
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