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Mercedes Avon

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Everything posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. ^^ ALL THIS! I would love to be able to roll a linden home AND have a 1024 allowance for a piece of mainland (of course this depends on the other benefits and the cost). And NO NO NO on making any part of Belli commercial. Just NO WAY!
  2. Whoa there. I never said I was an authority on anything and I am not opposed to the idea of an adult Belli. I actually agree with you. What I am attempting to highlight, maybe badly, is that adult activity is NOT being hidden away in some dark corners of SL. Every time I read that in this thread, I laugh out loud. It's all over moderate regions everywhere - in Belli and elsewhere. It seems to me that LL would have to ban nearly the entirety of SL if adult outdoor furniture, pools, hot tubs etc.in moderate regions was a bannable offense. Has anyone in this thread honestly ever heard or known of anyone banned for using an adult lounger in their backyard in a moderate region? Yah, I didn't think so. I am pointing out that the moderate rating is already open to interpretation, which a mole here said they were trying to avoid, and clarification was necessary. It's even more open to interpretation when you see adult outdoor furniture everywhere in moderate regions and Belli. It's ever further and further open to interpretation when a Linden authority of any type won't come into this thread - which has been going on for some time - and clarify this matter. And because they refuse to clarify anything and knowingly leave it open to guesswork, we get threads like this one asking for things we may or may not already have. It's the great Belli mystery. LL lack of clarification comes off as . . . well, we won't say it's allowed from a PR stand point but if you do it we just might not act against it because we will be sporadically deaf, blind and mute on the matter. "Nothing to see here!" I think that is wrong, and they owe it to their customers to be clear.
  3. Years back, there was no such thing as parcel privacy settings. You could rez your dungeon of debauchery many meters up, but anyone on the sim could perv cam you and they did. What exactly was "behind closed doors" when anyone and everyone could put their cross-hairs on you? Walls had no purpose other than to divide spaces. We now have privacy settings and now nobody can see anything unless they trespass. There is no way for anyone to know what you are doing, or not doing, unless they invade your land. I cammed around Belliserria yesterday, and I looked at what everyone has outside their home. I literally did not find a single PG rated piece of outdoor furniture anywhere I looked. I am sure they exist but finding any yesterday was like looking for Bigfoot.
  4. Mainland doesn't have a covenant but Belliserria does. It seems it would be easy to have an adult rating AND a covenant refining what is allowed or not. And who is going to police it? Same people who police the covenant now maybe?
  5. Umm, that is kind of a bull cruddy answer. If that is the case, why have one at all? It seems to me that we are already interpreting it differently and going down a rabbit's hole. Hence the existence of this thread.
  6. What Abnor just said. I have zero issues with an adult rated Belliserria area. It doesn't really affect me one way or another because - like some have already mentioned here - I don't see where an adult region would give me benefits I don't already have. I have out adult outdoor furniture in moderate land and guess what? I use it. I have used adult rated pools in moderate regions. Of course I do not leave my land open for strangers to come in and use it and I keep my invisibility on. And nudity in Belli? I guess no one here has encountered the nude "oh sorry, I accidentally walked on your land" Belli streaker guy who has literally tried this line with me on every parcel I think I've owned for any length of time in Belli. I do not encourage this. HE IS ANNOYING! He must get some Belli action though because he's been at it a long time!🤣 Linden Labs could clear this all up by just clarifying what constitutes "behind closed doors."
  7. I replaced the coaxial cable on my modem and the issue seems to have resolved. It does clear up for short periods of time and then returns but it has never cleared for as long as it has today so I am optimistic that that $13 cable was the issue all along. Thank you for the help!
  8. This is the result of the traceroute. I am not sure how to decipher it.
  9. I didn't see this right away because I have been busy with the approaching holiday, but I will look into all you suggested and get back to this thread on what (if anything) I find. Thank you very much @MarissaOrlofffor all the help and detailed response.
  10. You can wear a system skin as the "true body" but if it is not designed for your specific body the toes and fingers will be off and you would have to wear tattoo fixes for that. Pumec comes to mind. They supply a system skin as your default skin and tattoo layers to layer over to fit the fingers, toes and breasts to specific bodies. You have to wear a system skin regardless. I always have a system skin on, and sometimes that is what I am using as my body skin and a tattoo layer for the face. Sometimes I am wearing a tattoo layer on both. The problem comes is when the creator does not offer the tattoo layer option and I am stuck wearing their complete skin on the system layer. For instance, I adore wearing the old system skins from Amara Beauty for my avie's body. These are old body skins made before BOM and they are on a system layer. They also have some skins for sale that are not too old but they are all on system layers (she gives the toe, finger and breast fix on tat layers free). If I bought a face skin that was on a skin layer like the OP is requesting, then I could not wear both. I would have to choose. Sure, we can request they also toss in system skins for every body on the grid and if a creator is willing to do that extra work then good on them for doing it.
  11. The think the main reason is because a person these days wears a head from one brand and a body from another. Having two different tattoo layers allows you to buy a head skin for your specific head brand and a body skin for your specific body brand. It also allows you to mix and match skins by using a neck blender. I dislike when a creator puts it all on one layer and I can not wear another body skin with my head.
  12. Thank you, Rowan 🙂 Firestorm 6.4.21 (64531) Jul 21 2021 21:00:53 (64bit / SSE2) (Firestorm-Releasex64) with Havok support Release Notes CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz (3792 MHz) Memory: 16278 MB Concurrency: 16 OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 22000.376) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER/PCIe/SSE2 Graphics Card Memory: 8192 MB Windows Graphics Driver Version: OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 497.09 RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.0.2l zlib/1.2.8 nghttp2/1.40.0 J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.1 Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.01.09 Dullahan: CEF: 81.3.10+gb223419+chromium-81.0.4044.138 Chromium: 81.0.4044.138 LibVLC Version: 2.2.8 Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Firestorm Viewer Skin: MetaHarper Modern (CoolOcean) Window size: 1920x1009 px Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi) Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt UI Scaling: 1 Draw distance: 200 m Bandwidth: 1150 kbit/s LOD factor: 2 Render quality: High-Ultra (6/7) Advanced Lighting Model: Yes Texture memory: Dynamic (512 MB min / 10% Cache / 10% VRAM) Disk cache: Max size 1664.0 MB (100.0% used) Built with MSVC version 1916 Packets Lost: 0/31,991 (0.0%) December 20 2021 15:57:06 SLT
  13. For the past 5 or 6 days, my connection with SL is slow. I am finding it very difficult to enjoy SL when I can not build because things snap back into their old positions, my avie can't move well or things won't rez. This is what my typical SL experience looks like: https://gyazo.com/21280b89707ade65dbadbbeac2f4701e Empty Sim: https://gyazo.com/343131ce5b8df662e0b942e7e00329dd I have tried letting Firestorm through my firewall and Anti-Virus. I have tried a different modem, resetting my modem etc. I fear it might be Windows 11 even though I haven't had an issues with it in the couple months I've used it. I have tried using a different desktop (with Windows 10) and a laptop. I get the same results. I have tried Firestorm, LL's default viewer and Catznip. All have the same result. I am not having internet issues anywhere else. It will clear up up for short periods of times and then start up again. I can stream Hulu, Netflix, music, downloads are good and loading webpages is super fast. It's just my connection to SL. I am hoping someone has some advice for me. https://gyazo.com/7d59a1a04d5dd4cfb8c7f9a827f6f0b6 I am using https://gyazo.com/cde065216e0f3608d6eef1e2cd55a99b https://gyazo.com/1ca8f48ebaa6299c0d7933594d03080a
  14. I referred to them as container homes because that is what Patch Linden calls them in this video interview. They do look like container homes to me. I do concede that the concrete and brick facade throws off that concept but not all of the demo homes are concrete on the outside. Some have the vertical siding of a container home and so it's my thought that maybe that will be an option in the control panel.
  15. I would like to see an update to traditional homes so their walls can be tinted like the rest and have options for different color trims.
  16. I loved it but I am also a grass lover. I did use a grass ground over I made that faded in the grass nicely (I can send it to anyone if they drop me an message in world or here). I am really picky though and wanted what I wanted. I finally have it and will likely be squatting on my new parcel for a long time!
  17. I have my alt still premium - until the first of 2022 - and like a full blown addict, I keep rolling. It ended up I landed my dream trad location - parade route, grass, nice landscaping, front of home to road, and back of home to canal. I am going to pay her up for a year and park my butt there and enjoy my home (don't hold me to this). I can't believe I am letting go of my last location already because I was excited to get it. I know someone else will adore it though so I am sending it back off into the wilds of the SL land page! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Santa Louisa/97/148/26
  18. It looks different on everyone. I adore that. I am wearing it on my main alt - or am I the main alt? I am wearing an older Amara beauty skin.
  19. I think the Moles were strategic when they planned the interiors of the modern homes. I think it's intentional that they used the same textures etc across all their themes. Likewise, I don't think they make them inferior. I believe we all had this vision of what we wanted in a modern theme, and they delivered something modern, but it was not the type of modern (these are container homes and look like container homes) that we had in mind. Instead of looking at them for what they are (rectangular container homes), some are upset about what they are not (stick build contemporary homes). https://www.google.com/search?q=container+homes&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=AOaemvL5-QEm2HW0HtaJCyFwHnf8w3xSwA:1639688178366&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjOsKe7mun0AhWoj4kEHWnOCpAQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1920&bih=891&dpr=1
  20. I was so bummed I missed this release. I have been spinning for a couple of months, hoping to land a trad on the boat parade route. Whoever picked it up from you abandoned it yesterday, and I happened to roll it! I am super excited and sat on my front porch and watched the parade today. Thank you for tossing it back in, and thank you to the unknown person who tossed it back in again! ------------------ This means I will have this really beautiful trad with an AMAZING view going back soon. I have to take up my stuff there and put it in a rezzer, so I can save my build. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Residentia/230/51/34
  21. ^^ THIS is giving me so many ideas. We have some very creative people in Belliserria and I think once we see what the creative minds can do with this theme, some of you will be whistling a different tune.
  22. I like them and I can see the possibilities. I will definitely pick one up when they release and tinker with it to see if I want to move in permanently.
  23. @Frigga Freidman and @SarahThe Wanderer, your homes are so gorgeously done!
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