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Mercedes Avon

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Everything posted by Mercedes Avon

  1. Well, compliments to you, compliments to Blush, compliments to everyone. Compliments all around!
  2. @Annie NovaI am loving what you did with the bathroom. I am getting so many ideas from that. ❤️ May I ask where the shower head on the wall came from? I am looking for something simple like that so I can add my own shower surround that matches the room.
  3. If you already have the Genus head and a shape you like that works with it, then put those back on and then add on the Reborn body but do not add the Reborn shape. You can then tweak the shape sliders yourself until you get a body shape you like (right click on your name tag and go to edit shape). If there is a shape included with the body you like, but it doesn't work well with the Genus head, then put that shape on, and go into edit and write down all the numbers for the shape on a piece of paper - only the body, torso and legs are needed here. Then put the Genus head shape back on and go into edit and enter the body, torso and legs numbers from the body shape you liked and then you should have the best of both worlds. I hope this makes sense?
  4. I think it is looking good. I find the head shape slider pushed to rounder (but not too much) affects the chin quite a bit. Maybe try that to see if she gets more of the chin she wants.
  5. Thank you, @Patch Lindenfor your thoughtful reply. I want to assure you that I never intended for my comment in the original thread to turn into an issue. I agree that our brief conversation that day of the issue was positive and amicable. I didn't ask any further questions or fuss because - although I didn't see the addon as out of theme - I accepted what you said and went about my day. I brought it up in the original thread out of concern for another resident who was doing a similar project. I was also concerned about other content creators who make add-ons like myself (because I intended to sell that roof). I sincerely only meant to be informative. I feel I relayed everything truthfully and completely, but of course there are always two sides as you said. I stand by the feedback I gave and I am sure hearing criticism is not much fun. It was only meant to be constructive. I do hope that if we ever run into each other in-world again, we can say hello and smile and maybe even joke about how we had a spat in the forums that one time. I really have nothing personal against you. I may have wanted to shake you a little bit in the last few days, but I think you are a positive member of our community and I have always been your fan, and I will continue to be your fan, because you do great things for us and I do recognize this. I also apologize how this all evolved. It has made me feel awful for days. That is genuinely the truth. There is really nothing I hate more than being careless and hurting people's feelings (even if it was not intentional). Also, if you tell us you feel piled up on, then that is something that costs me nothing to hear and reflect on and try to understand. I am sorry that happened. I am sorry that none of us communicated well. Keep being awesome, and I will do the same.
  6. Linden Lil Black Book Grumpy Belli Door Snob Guy - THANK YOU!
  7. I picked up a second parcel to try out a different house. This is the result of that. The decor is much the same, just arranged a bit differently. I didn't include pics of the bathroom and bedroom because they look much the same. The garden in the back is also the same. I am trying to now decide which parcel I prefer - do I like the big staircase leading up to my parcel or do I prefer the other parcel that has no neighbors on any side? I plan to downgrade all but the one account so I need to decide!
  8. I've mostly been afraid to comment further on this subject for fear I look like an instigator of trouble or a vessel for "disdain" and/or whatever else has been implied. I already feel badly enough. I want to state here again, that Abnor Mole was nice to me when he messaged about my roof. He did not return it. He let me know the pitch was the issue and I thanked him and quickly flattened it. I 100% believed at that point that the pitched roof was the issue, thus I was not "pushing boundaries" or being inconsiderate to neighbors when I left the flattened version there. I was surprised the next day when half my build was returned with no warning or explanation. I do feel very badly that this has blown up into this big issue. I keep asking myself how I could have done better in this situation? I think I did ok. My heart was 100% in the right place. I by no means want to be seen as a troublemaker or someone calling people out to "further sow discord." I do want to feel I have the freedom to question rules that don't make sense to me or ask for clarification or even vent frustrations when I feel a need to. I am a paying customer, and like a lot of SL residents, I invest a lot into my hobby and experience here. I have often said, that my time in SL and the money I spend here is precious and not in vast supply, thus I choose to waste both wisely. I am not going to pick up my stuff and move out of Belli if I "don't like the rules." I get a premium home with my subscription, and if I do not like the rules, I won't go and purposely break them, but I will question them and hope for better change. This issue raised a lot of questions and for a lot of people and as we have all seen, it doesn't seem to be going away no matter how many threads are locked. Residents are asking for clear communication. No one wants to break the rules and upset everyone. It's a lot easier to be law-abiding when you clearly understand what the law is. Lastly, I know I am probably written down in the Linden Lil Black Book as the Belli B**ch who caused the New Theme Drama of 2022, but I am actually a very nice person. I do not have a quick temper, and have no bad blood with anyone, and I am open to respectful conversation on many topics. I chuckled to myself when I just typed this last line, but that is how the Linden reaction to this has made a paying customer feel. I think we can ALL do better. I hope this post is seen in the spirit of good will in which it is intended.
  9. It is from Roost and for sale on the Marketplace 🙂
  10. I adore how you used the wood on the slate. I like the stones around the perimeter. Everything looks amazing!
  11. I made some minor changes to the front outside of my new house and added some beams to give the ceiling a little bit of a vaulted look 🙂
  12. I mentioned my issue with the roof to inform people so they didn't waste money buying these add-ons (and they are already for sale) when they can't use them. Likewise, I don't want people to get into a mess making a roof add-on and then selling it to people who can't use them. I would be lying if I said I wasn't annoyed when my roof was returned. I was actually standing on the parcel working when it was sent back and shortly after I had to re-log to reset my modem and returned to half my things gone and no message as to why (Patch said he sent one and it may have been lost in my re-log.) Ultimately, I do not get bent out of shape too much over SL things. I let most stuff roll off my back. If LL wants to police Belliserria with an iron fist then so be it. I can choose to go elsewhere if the rules don't work for me. However, I would ask that the iron fist be consistent throughout all the themes and for explanations to be more on point then a blanketed statement like "the add-on was out of theme" or a "major change to the structure." The add-on was neither of those things. I took time googling and looking at RL mid-century modern and container homes before I made the roof. I went off a RL pic. I also didn't care for the comment that Moles have to assume people are not reading the covenant. The covenant just asks that things remain in theme, and once again, I can argue the roof structure is 100% within theme. Now with all that said, I don't want to sound like I am pounding my fist on my desk and ready to rage quit Beliiserria over a mesh roof. I am still happy as a playful puppy. I am grateful for all the hard work put into Belliserria and think it's one of the best things LL gave premium members. Lastly, I suggest telling people that allowing a roof add-on of my type opens up things to interpretation and we will soon have traditional roof pitches on modern homes and I 100% agree those roof types are out of theme. It's probably easier from a policing standpoint to not allow them altogether. If that is what they are trying to avoid then say that, instead of making me feel I did something bad. Goes back to decorating my pretties.
  13. You can find the kitchen here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ROOST-Palm-View-Kitchen-Set/9798462 I bought the bathroom set in-world from Fancy Decor 🙂
  14. The kitchen is sold by ROOST Homes and I got it off the Marketplace. It is modular to it can be sized to fit (it is a little over-scale and I scaled it down).
  15. Yes, I am pretty sure that would be sent back, but I don't want to speak for the Moles or Patch directly and it may be best to ask them first. Yes, that is the roof that was returned. I wanted to add that both Abhor and Patch were nice to me about the issue. I do not agree that these roofs are out of theme, but I just do what I am told (sometimes).
  16. I made it, It is 1LI and if you drop me an offline in-world, I will hand you a copy 🙂
  17. I didn't think I would adore the Newbank theme as much as I do. I rolled and got a 1024sqm and chose a 512sqm house so I would have a lot of backyard. I made a lot of the parts for the backyard. I love how it turned out! I have a lot of pics so I will space this out over two posts. This is the Faraday house. Part 1 of 2
  18. I wanted to warn you that they are not allowing roof changes of any sort. I got hooted at my Abhor for a peaked roof I had (very small peak I might add) and I flattened it and then today Patch came by and saw the flattened version and returned it (along with my entire outside landscaping since it was all linked). I talked to Patch about it and he said they are expecting people may make rooftop decks but we are not allowed to change the texture on the top or add different roofs. I was disappointed but it's their playground and they make the rules. I am just glad I found out before I boxed it up and sold it as an add-on to people who would end up not being able to use it. Here is the roof top I had to give you an idea of what they considered "out of theme." You can find the 512 homes in the mailbox home rezzer.
  19. Since I nabbed a new theme home, I tossed back my beloved Vic on the ocean. The last I looked, it was still unclaimed.
  20. I made my alt back premium so I could have a new toy to play with.
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