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Cynthia Deere

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  1. Sorry all, I was able to get a houseboat - not a great location so moved to the sky above it. But thanks!
  2. Want a houseboat ..guess I'll keep checking till one becomes available. Homeless in Second Life..ha
  3. Thank you so much, I'm honored! Cyn
  4. Love this! So creative!
  5. Thank you, this is a great build with something new around every corner. C.
  6. I use my MacBook Air with SL (but use the Imprudence viewer)
  7. During my wanderings recently I came across Sopor aEternum. This incredible build is full of things to do and discover. I can't comment enough on the wonderful photo opportunities and the attention to detail that was used in this space. Check it out! Soper aEternum
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