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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. If it's not actually a waffle house there are going to be a lot of disappointed tinies.
  2. Things like extra tier and upload discounts wouldn't be a bad thing, but if they're going to offer them, I expect they'll pop them into the super premium thing. They're not going to want to figure out if someone counts as a creator or not.
  3. Maybe it's responsible for horrors we can only imagine.
  4. As we're not allowed to bounce around, the least they could do is add a bouncy castle to one of the community areas. Then we can bounce around there instead. It could go with one of the bar structures and they could call it "The Bouncy Pickle". So after bouncing, you can go get a free pickle. This idea also explains why I would most likely never be hired as a mole.
  5. Looks like it was a surprise extra release today, as it wasn't released yesterday.
  6. I voted for the mystery one as none of the current ones are places where I'd be in theme. Nice to visit, but not to live. I'm still hoping they'll do a fantasy area somewhere down the line. I also know people who live in Elderglen and it'd be disappointing for them if the old houses close without a suitable replacement. ...and if the mystery theme turns out to be connected to the trains, I still won't live there, but I will be running up and down shouting "TRAAAIIIIN!!!" a lot. I like trains. A mole ordered me to post that on the forum so it would be seen, so I have done so like a good mushroom.
  7. A lot of the exhibits were removed yesterday as we were told the sims were going down on the 8th, so it was getting pretty empty. This caused a lot of confusion, so hopefully they'll sort that for next year.
  8. I figured it was a dolphin as it has a pointy snout and tail fin.
  9. It could be a wave controller or something like that. Try getting as close as you can to the source of the red boxes and then look for transparent things.
  10. That wouldn't do much, because it hasn't done much. Bear in mind what's happened this week. The releases were delayed due to illness and holidays. That's meant about a week delay, assuming things get going again on Monday. People were told this. Anyone can look at the sims and see a lot of work is being done, because most are being left as public access during the building. It hasn't stopped people saying the system is wrong in every way, anyone who says otherwise is uncaring, people who have houses are elitists, it's a Linden conspiracy, the houses are being delayed on purpose, the moles aren't working fast enough, and they're going to cancel premium right now (just before the houses start being released again). People talking from frustration are not going to be swayed by information in most cases. They care about having a house right now, not about all the rest. Though I can understand that people feel sad about it, I really don't understand people who take it to the point where they feel that sadness is more important than anything (or anyone) else. The worst thing about the release delay due to illness was that someone was sick. Not that the houses were delayed.
  11. June was the big birthday event, which was packed with people. On 4th July, I went to a community party in Bellisseria, the new Linden Homes continent. People are still around. They're just not in the same places they were years ago and they will be attending seasonal events where relevant.
  12. A lot of the money trees were the ones by Wolfhaven Productions. They still work, but the support is gone. There used to be a central list of all the trees in the world, but as far as I can see, that's gone. I see there's a note left at the main store by someone that the breedables by the company died this year (2019). There are no signs of new products or updates on anything for a long time. So it's not as simple as the concept of money trees being dead. If someone did a new version with a shiny website, you'd see them pop up in newbie areas again. But the old version is over because the creator stopped doing anything for them.
  13. All my premium tier is used on basic mainland. Linden Homes are not compulsory. What doesn't happen is that you can't ask the website to assign you a random piece of basic mainland. You have to find a bit you like and buy it. The automatic assignment is only for Linden Homes.
  14. Plenty of people buy things. Earning vast riches is never going to be easy, but if you just want to have fun and earn some spending money, that's within reach.
  15. Yeah, there's nothing I can really do about that, but I do feel more positive since getting the new shop finished. If I'm going to need to wall myself in, it's good to have a wall I like rather than a basic prim box.
  16. Thanks for the links! I found a lot of the little beaches and lighthouses, though I hadn't found the maze at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Downing Falls/129/91/37. I think I got the community HUD at the birthday, but figured I'd do public spaces before I broke into houses and stole all the sugar. It's also fun seeing the building going on. My favourite was the floating giant red prim of "Region has PASSED QA Do not make any changes in this region". 'Tis the builder problem of always wanting to do a few more tweaks, so I can relate.
  17. General sims have sexual content, so there's nowhere child avatars can go and be away from sexual content. The age ratings aren't working as they currently stand, because they're not being enforced for the most part. I'd like to see this change, but it'd also be nice to have a system that's more granular. Then people could state what makes it a certain content rating.
  18. This isn't about houses, because I don't want one. It's about exploring the new area and what I've found so far. I had issues finding landmarks as only one is in search, so I thought this might help others who don't have time to walk around the whole thing. Other people also might have found some things I haven't, so let me know! The first location is the one in search, which is the fairgrounds. This'll be great for vehicles, as there's an open rez area for the dock and for the airstrip. There are other open rez docks elsewhere, but this is the only one I found for air vehicles. All round, this area is good for flying with the sandbox and security rules. I only got warned once when I was flying a bit lower with my flying boat. The dock/pier area also has a water taxi that goes to one of the lighthouses and the Bellisseria mainland. I didn't find any other similar taxis around the area, so if I missed one, I'd be interested in knowing where they are. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bellisseria%20Fairgrounds/128/128/23 There are a bunch of lighthouses. The most useful is Kuga Lighthouse. It's at the start of a corridor of water sims that end at the old mainland/Pyri Funfair. I don't believe there's a ferry here, though it's set up as though there could be later. The corridor water is deep enough for a small submarine or mershroomie. There currently aren't any points of interest on the route that I could see. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kuga/39/82/21 The Squishy Pickle was tricky to find, as people kept talking about it, but not saying where to find it. I got my free pickle on a stick. No one was hanging out when I was there, but I can see why it's a useful location for parties. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brodovima/116/88/28 I didn't see any signs of the train yet, but there's still a lot of open space in the middle.
  19. I'd be one of those without a home if the mainland had build rules, so I will live with weird unfinished piles of prims in exchange for being able to build what I like. The official themes tend to favour realism, which doesn't work so well for my shop. It's currently a giant cake, which is only going to fly on the mainland. Derendering everything looks really weird. It doesn't help that the terraforming isn't great on the sim. Every issue is highlighted without the buildings covering it up. It also makes the texture repeats on the terrain stand out. What I would like is for the current rules to be enforced. There aren't many for the mainland, so it's not a lot to ask.
  20. I don't think they're going to let us eat any of the waffles.
  21. Yep, to get money from Amazon, I have to fill out a W-8BEN (as I live in the UK). This includes my tax number and personal information. It also includes a reference to a tax treaty section and paragraph, which means having to read the treaty and figure out the right answer. The form then has to be renewed after a few years. That's not something Amazon came up with, so I fill these out for a bunch of other US sites as well, then renew all those every few years. This can be pretty overwhelming when someone starts out as a freelance artist/writer. So I can appreciate why some people are panicking. But in the end, it's just what you've got to do if you want to freelance in a creative field. There will always be forms and contracts. There are always admin hoops to jump through. Take it slowly and just work through it one step at a time, until you've got it all done. To be clear, LL is not asking for W-8BENs at the moment. The point is more that people wanting to be paid online have to provide a lot of information, one way or the other, before getting paid. This is why I'm not worried, because it's more of the same for me.
  22. You might want to read the current answers to questions: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/439384-tilia-takes-over/page/7/?tab=comments#comment-1929793 https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/439384-tilia-takes-over/page/5/?tab=comments#comment-1929668 And this thread as a whole where people discuss what it means and what it doesn't: https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/439384-tilia-takes-over/ Or you might not want to read it, but it seems like a good idea to know what the new terms mean before throwing everything out. Most of it is legal waffle, rather than things changing for people. Only people who want to be paid real money will have to provide ID, which is pretty standard when it comes to being paid. SL was unusual in not asking for that information.
  23. No, I meant putting an item on the marketplace, not buying things to resell. So to clarify: 1) Make an item to sell. 2) Take a picture of that item. 3) Create a vendor picture/advert with your picture of your item. 4) Place your item on the marketplace so that you can sell it. 5) Also place your item at your shop for sale. There's a lot of work involved in those steps. You need to decide on the target audience. You need to know what permissions and price you want to use. You need to decide on branding for the vendor pictures. You need to decide how you want to sell things (whether you'll sell boxes directly or want to use a scripted vendor system). Which is why I suggest starting small: make one item and sell that item. Then do the whole thing again with a new item.
  24. The whole thing with not owning the money in your balances is pretty standard. I sell books on Amazon and that money isn't mine until they send it to me. Amazon could terminate my account and keep it all without there being anything I could legally do about it. Inactivity clauses are also popping up in other places, to deal with abandoned accounts. It's designed to drain credit from an account where nobody is coming back, rather than have it sit there unable to be accessed by anybody. What I'm not a huge fan about is how inactivity is being judged. It's at twelve months of no activity, so I could see a possibility for a person with an annual premium account to get hit by it, because they renew just outside of the twelve months. Something like fifteen months would be better for safety (this is assuming that paying for premium is considered activity, which it really should be... if someone's paying, it shouldn't matter if they log in or not).
  25. Right now, it favours people who can be around all the time. Give it time and that won't be the case, because the overall number of houses will be high and people will move around the different themes. That could be a year or two, but that's a lot shorter than never.
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