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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. I'd suggest working on the product descriptions. Things like 'high quality' and 'unique fabric' are marketing speak... you can say it if you want, but people will ignore it. What they want to know is things like what layers any system layer parts come on (having a choice is good), what it's made from (are there any sculpted or mesh parts) and that it includes glitch trousers. Which attachment points it uses is a concern (especially for the furry market). It may seem like you're stating the obvious, but state it anyway.
  2. I don't see a reduction in sales during the promotions or an increase in sales of items I put in promotions. Which suggests the promotions aren't that successful or harmful. Masquerade is a better choice of theme in that it's a distinct style and could be used to theme events (I've seen 60s events, but not Mad Men events... it's not a popular choice). Unfortunately, I don't think it'll reach its potential, as merchants and business owners need a longer advanced notice to really do something with a theme. We need the events to drive the sales of the accessories, and not many people can pull a masked ball out of the hat with a few days notice. But I don't think it's going to kill anyone's business either way.
  3. The messages aren't divided by magic box / direct delivery. It's based on what the merchant selected. If they don't change it, it defaults to 'use it now', but nothing's stopping them changing it.
  4. Looking through, the masquerade category is managing better than madstyle. Masks, formalwear and ballroom items are winning over the random stuff. It's a small enough category that it wouldn't take someone long to clear out the listings that shouldn't be there. (Though there is a certain humour in some of them... I'm imagining someone turning up dressed up as a chicken for a fancy masked ball.)
  5. Most stores aren't going to make a real life wage. They might pay for Second Life, and maybe a little extra for cashing out here and there, but not big money. It's not the sort of wage people would work towards for money alone. You have to get some level of enjoyment from making and selling things to stick at it, and if the fun goes, so does the motivation.
  6. Your post comes across as though you didn't like her very much, but you feel you ought to help because she's new and young. It's only going to go badly if that's the case. You'll end up resenting the time she takes up and she'll end up hurt because the person she thought was a friend turned out not to be. It's better to end it before it starts. What you might want to give her is the parting advice of not giving out real life information and a link to the newbie section of the destination guide (with the comment that she needs the G rated locations). It's found here: http://secondlife.com/destinations/howto/newbie
  7. It's the same as any other change you want to make to a product. You'll have to resend the complete folders via your merchant outbox (include everything you want in the product, not just new/changed stuff), then edit the product listing and associate it with the new folder. The old folder will now be the one in unassociated inventory, so you can delete it to avoid confusion.
  8. For breedables, it'd make sense to have a Breedables/Other for the many things that aren't cat, dogs or horses. Also, some clarification on whether non-animal breedables should be placed in the breedables section (much like currently, fungi for gardens get placed in plants because there isn't an appropriate category). It's nice to have an official word on it, for challenging delistings.
  9. It might be it was removed for another reason, like being in the wrong category, keywords or something like that. I've had items sit in a category for years, then suddenly get delisted for wrong category (often because a new category was created in the meantime). You may want to check everything else is squeaky clean with the listing, then relist it.
  10. KeriMay wrote: Thanks to both of you, and I agree, that does stink. If you can't remember what the permissions were, you'd have to purchase the item from yourself to test it (if that is even possible) or just remove them all and redo them... You can ask it to send you a test delivery (in your manage inventory page, click 'Actions' by the item to bring up the menu and select 'Test Delivery'). The item will appear in your received items as though you were a customer. You can also see the permissions of the items on the product's marketplace listing. Open the marketplace page for your product (the one people will buy from). Select the 'Contents' tab (which is between 'Features' and Reviews'). The items in the DD folder will be listed with their permissions. This doesn't help much if you box stuff and want to see inside a box, but it saves a test delivery if you have the stuff unpacked in the folder.
  11. I'd suggest asking for a sim restart. Sometimes issues like that are because all isn't well with the sim, rather than anything you/the objects have done.
  12. Raglan Shire does seem likely. The clothes may not fit directly, as that depends if you're actually a tiny or just tiny sized (tinies are obvious because they have no visable knee or elbow joint, so they bend rather like a Sylvanian Family toy). But even if you're only tiny sized, I bet you can get something that could fit with a bit of resizing. Here's the welcome area, which has some freebies. There are also loads of shops scattered about which may have stuff. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Raglan%20Shire/166/113/41
  13. It depends on the avatar. If it's antho/furry, a lot of normal clothes will fit. If it's a tiny, I'm sure a wander around Raglan Shire will turn up some free things. If it has a custom shape (most animals that travel on four legs, mesh animals, etc), there will probably be a limited range of creators making stuff (possibly only the avatar creator). What sort do you have?
  14. The wiki has a page on prims: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Primitive Prim count is sometimes called land impact. If something has a land impact of five, that means it's five prims.
  15. SaltyBoy wrote: My friends are you kidding? This has been going on for months and I am certain this is beyond a couple of people joking around because it's all the time and who has that much determination? Seriously, who else would be listening to your chat and creating and destroying accounts based on it? If the person harassing you knows things you've only told friends, chances are high it's one of your friends doing it. Much like most accounts are hacked because a trusted friend was given the password (and then promptly logged in and caused havoc). It's not easy to consider that someone you trust might do that to you, but it happens time and again. Not all people befriend others with the intention of an actual friendship. Some are just getting the information they need to use it against a person, because they think it's funny. It is possible to narrow it down by looking at who knew which piece of information, until you reach the only person who knew all of it.
  16. You may have more luck if you search around for event/wedding planning companies, as some may offer space for hire for setting up for an event. Other land companies tend to be looking for longterm renters, and the pricing and prims are set accordingly.
  17. I'd try selling it as a full plot first, because nice larger plots are hard to find. When I was in the market for a sim, there were only two that fitted what I wanted, so odds were good I'd be buying one of them.
  18. Scout Schwager wrote: I just purchased an Intan Couples dance ball, singles ball, and the 'Dance Anywhere" add-on. I only purchased this system as it seems Every club in SL uses it. Never buy a product on the basis that everyone has one. They may have different requirements for a product than you do, meaning you'll be disappointed (as you were in this case). It's best to try out different products, and for something expensive talk to someone who owns one. That's the method I used recently when searching for a dance ball. The one I got isn't the cheapest and it's not the ball everyone has, but it did exactly what I wanted (I have a There in Spirit / DevShack hybrid ball).
  19. If the issue is the house bits aren't all in the right place in relation to each other, that can happen sometimes when parts of an item try to rez too far below the ground (so SL pushes them up). Try putting a temporary platform a little way above the ground. Rez the house on the platform, then lower it into your basement hole.
  20. You have all the items for a product in a single box, and you want to upload that for direct delivery? You do that the same way as anything else. Each box goes in its own folder and you upload the folders. In the main Linden viewer, you can right click the box in your inventory, and hit 'copy to merchant outbox'... it'll create the folder for the box automatically. Then click the 'send to marketplace' button on the merchant outbox. On the marketplace itself, edit the listing and select that the item needs unpacking. This isn't needed for the listing to work, but it's nice to be clear for customers. There is some sort of limit on how many you can upload from the outbox at once I think, but I did them in batches of ten, so it wasn't anything I needed to worry about.
  21. I don't know if this is your issue, but I got that when I was using the wrong collada version (SL needs 1.4). In that case, the model looked completely empty in the preview window.
  22. funkilicous wrote: Its my understanding that a sim no matter the maturity rating has the same cost, I also understand when you purchase a sim you have every right to set the rules as you see fit.I have noticed a lot of mature sims with PG clubs or these police pig tip jars that issue a ticket if your a "potty mouth" Now im not attacking any particular sim or owner but if you own such or a sim or know of someone that does please help me to understand why you would go through the headache of trying to enforce PG rules on a mature sim? Please forgive me if I offend you I just want to understand the human thought process better. I have a mature/moderate mainland sim where I ask for PG behaviour. Some reasons: - The Linden version of PG is more like G (for the US) or U (for the UK) in terms of movie ratings. In other words, it has to be appropriate for toddlers. This isn't workable for someone who wants actual PG (appropriate for older children and up). - A Linden rating means the Lindens have control over what is and isn't appropriate. I'm fine with artistic nudity, but if it were set as PG/General land, the Lindens could ban people from SL and I'd have no say in it. A moderate rating means I have full control over what is and isn't PG. - Related to the above, if you do break my rules, I can choose to just slap you on the wrist and give a first warning. On official PG/General land, a bystander could AR you and get you banned from SL. - Being officially PG/General doesn't stop people engaging in adult behaviour. Someone who intends to ignore the land owner's preferences won't stop because of the official land rating. So it makes it no easier/harder to enforce my land rules. There's no extra headache. A reason which doesn't apply to me, but might to some: - The sim has a mixture of content on different parcels. For example, there may be a skin shop on the sim or there may be private residences with sex beds. The whole sim must be moderate if that's the case, even if PG behaviour is expected in public areas.
  23. Medhue Simoni wrote: I'm kind of starting to think that it would be better if LL just handles the grid. Independent users and businesses seem to do a much better job at everything else. I can't say my experience with third party market sites has been great. They offer low sales and disappear quickly because the owners get bored. The only thing setting Xstreet apart is it was sold by the bored owner rather than closed. Which isn't to say I think the marketplace is perfect. There's a lot they can do to improve it. But I know if they closed it tomorrow, my business would suffer. Residents are great at short term enthusiasm, but not so great at the longterm. You need the longterm for a market site.
  24. I own a mainland sim (all of it, as there are no roads or anything). There aren't any special things that come with it. You don't get access to any of the estate/region tools, the way a private sim owner would. Just the normal parcel stuff. For the most part, I haven't found that an issue. The only thing I'd like access to, and can't have, is the windlight stuff. But even there, what I'd really like is for that to be a parcel setting, so different areas can have different ambience.
  25. As well as demos for worn things, some decor items (houses, plants, furniture) will be out in-world for you to see. If you're using the marketplace, there's a 'See item in Second Life' link at the bottom of some listings. This will take you to the in-world shop in most cases.
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