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  1. For some reason clicking on edit didn't work for me either - although I've just tried Cinnamon's trick of clicking on the item again with the edit box already open, and it fixes that, too! 😃
  2. I don't usually inspect what people are wearing, I was more interested in finding out the creators of objects like houses and furniture.
  3. Hi everyone, I use Firestorm, and I know I should be able to 'inspect' items inworld to find out the creator etc., but when I right click an object then click more/more/inspect - the 'Inspect Objects' box comes up empty, with no information at all. I guess I probably need to adjust something in my Preferences, but I can't figure out what. Can anyone help, please?
  4. Thanks for the replies.🙂 I only asked as I have some store credit for a particular store where I can't find anything I want to buy for myself, but I know there is something my friend would like from there, so I was hoping I could use my store credit to buy it for her.
  5. I realise rules may vary from one store to another, but generally speaking - does anyone know if it's possible to use store credit to buy a gift for another person?
  6. Peeve: When you try a Marketplace demo for a top from a popular clothing store, and the demo folder contains a size which fits perfectly. So you go to the inworld store and purchase the top - then discover the store version comes in different sizes, and none of them fits! 😠
  7. Hi everyone, Can anyone recommend any cheap sky platform rentals? I'm looking for at least 1024m in size, with at least 200 land impact allowance. Thanks in advance for your help! 😊
  8. What don't I know about in Second Life? Lots of things - but one thing in particular is bugging me at the moment. I've watched loads of SL videos on Youtube where people using Firestorm right click an object, then more/more/inspect to bring up information about the object, such as the creator etc. I use Firestorm, but when I try to inspect an object no information comes up, and I wish I knew why! Presumably I need to change something in my Firestorm preferences, but I don't know what. If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate it!
  9. I'm not in world at the moment, but I'll give the group a try later. Thanks again!
  10. Okay, I'll give the group a try. Thanks for trying to help, anyway!
  11. Yes, I made sure there was a slash going through the keyboard on the hud, detached the hud, reset skel/animations (I also tried resetting animations before detaching the hud) - and my mouth still moves. I also tried turning off my main AO in case it was something to do with that, and relogging - but nothing seems to work!
  12. Thanks for the reply, Ceka! Unfortunately, I tried that, and it didn't work!😕
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