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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. It's often the same names derailing the threads every time and they never quite go over the line enough to get a ban. So I'd be more surprised if such a thread was actually nice. Not due to the intended topic, but due to the way it always goes on the forum. Second Pride has started though, which would be a better place than the forum if you're looking for pride stuff.
  2. What I'd like the most is a tier system that charged per actual area and doesn't go up in jumps. That'd make it easier for someone to own the weird little bits by their land, as it wouldn't require going up a whole tier level. On regions where the road goes through at a diagonal, this is really the only way to stop people cutting off those little bits. It's just not possible to cut the region up neatly into parcels that fit the current tier system. In other news, it'd be nice to see a refresh done on all the roads. They have bits where the road surface was never added or there's a default plywood prim showing that was adding at the region crossing. Also some roads ended up with an excess of light sources. Sending someone out to walk each route and note needed changes would be a good start.
  3. The MMOs I've played with seamless worlds had seams. They just didn't mark the seams. You could figure out where they were because weird stuff would happen around them. Monsters sometimes wouldn't see you if you were on the other side or you'd end up rubberbanding when you tried to cross. Second Life is just more transparent about the location of the seams.
  4. This isn't about people not helping themselves, because the land owner looks to have done exactly that. They likely moved in without realising the microparcels were there, saw the mistake, and took action. You would have preferred them to make their parcel an odd shape and buy your land, but that's not about what's best for them. They almost certainly will be able to find a better parcel elsewhere. One that's a nice regular shape and doesn't have microparcels around it. So there's no teachable moment here. You're just grumpy that the land owner realised they could get a better deal elsewhere.
  5. Making a list of all the bears I haven't got.
  6. Patch was in one of the booths at Hug-A-Linden, so put it on the calendar for next year!
  7. It's not really the downtime that'll cause the bulk of the screaming. It's all the people who were using their shopping cart as a wishlist.
  8. The SLB grass seems to be switching to a light yellowy green on the map (SLB Fantasy is an example with the new texture). Not necessarily significant, but they have used current and upcoming theme textures on the birthday regions before. That's probably the last comment I can make on it until opening, as exhibitors should be getting in tomorrow and can't share things. The CH regions have been fairly busy and one now has no cover. The uncovered one is the Helios Casino region. Not looking good for it being a backup giant monkey farm, unless that's where you go when you lose at the casino.
  9. The basic issue here is that the friends list can be glitchy and that's a bit annoying at times. It means you have to relog sometimes to make it work again. Your response to that is the sky is falling, the end is nigh, nothing will ever be the same again, people with lots of posts are attacking you, everyone is working for the company if they don't think it's the worst thing to ever happen, nobody cares about creativity any more, and so on and so forth. So you're getting the responses you're getting because it seems like a massive reaction to a small problem. This is also why some people are wondering if more is going on. I don't know why this issue has become the most important thing to you. Maybe a break from Second Life might change your perspective on it. Maybe just go to the birthday and look at all the fun builds if you want to see creative stuff.
  10. The first place I visited was Caledon, so I rented there briefly. But I wanted a place that didn't have a strict theme so I could try out building more stuff. I ended up switching to mainland. I found a little parcel in Mindulle by the road (in around 2009) and I'm still there. I've had larger and smaller plots, but I've always kept the little bit by the road. Being able to change the amount of land owned without moving is a nice feature. When I was doing better with money, I had a games garden and things like that. When things got tighter, I sold most of it and focused on the shop. I wasn't that interested in the first Linden Homes when they launched, but I liked the newer ones. The lure there was a home that I didn't have to build, didn't have to do any landscaping, and could decorate with things I didn't make. It's a nice change from building for events and such.
  11. I get the impression you thought this would be simple and something that could be tossed out tomorrow, but it really isn't. This also sounds like something that would be harder to code than the alternatives, because it has a lot of extra steps and complications. An automatic system might well happen, but it won't be quick to produce and I wouldn't expect it to be this. Regardless of that, it'll have no impact on mainland sales either way. Someone who decides they want a 2048 Linden Home is going to go for it, whether they can get it in two seconds or two days. They're not going to suddenly switch to mainland at that point (though they might after time, as I have seen people move to mainland because they want more creative freedom... or just more KittyCats).
  12. Missy sent out a notice on the main Second Life Birthday group. Exhibitors should hear over the weekend. I also see chat has been enabled on that group again.
  13. The point here isn't to say that the new user experience is good (it's been pants all the times I've gone through it) or that it's easy to make friends. It's the idea that nobody logs into Second Life and nobody new will ever see another avatar. Someone who visits a club and gets banned on sight has seen that there are people. Terrible experience, but a rather different one. "I tried Second Life and they all hated me!!" Or if you get dumped at an infohub, like I was the first time. "I tried Second Life and all I got was spam and people begging for money!" As it is, people who did watch the video say he saw people and didn't try to talk to them. So my clickbait comment stands, because seeing people means it was not empty, and that was simply bait to get people to click the video. It's not a conspiracy. It's just what a lot of YouTubers do and how they got their following. Even relaxing channel themes can be prone to it, like the ASMR videos titled "ASMR 100% guaranteed make you sleep FAST and INTENSE relaxing you!!! TINGLES!!!11!!" I sympathise that people are trying to beat the algorithm and all that, but it doesn't mean I'm going to take them seriously.
  14. This comes up every now and then when a gaming channel is looking for some clickbait. They know people won't click on a video about trying Second Life and having a nice time. It's got to be DEAD and EMPTY and sad faces on the thumbnail. So I'm not going to click the clickbait, but let me know when someone tries to livestream one of these things and accidentally teleports into the middle of a crowd, because that'd be funny.
  15. I edited my reply about as Nika replied and Hedy had already responded... so I was wrong initially, but it took me a bit to update as I went through the thread to be sure and it's long. I edited the wrong answer out as people tend to remember the first thing they read and not the correction. So yes, pink is stilts.
  16. Okay, my first answer was completely wrong, so I removed it so nobody gets confused. I went through the thread from the start to make sure I got it right this time, because my brain was telling me I'd muddled something, and it was right. A lot of the early themes were not covered (traditionals, houseboats and campers), regardless of whether they were built on site or in the private build area. Victorians were the first cloned region theme and the first use I can see of covers. Forest Green = Early clones. Victorians, Log Homes and other misc areas. Pink = Stilts Red = Sakura Purple = Chalets Light Green = Fantasy Black = Newbrooke and later clones. Other random colours or shades of previous colours were used for single regions. So revising my answer, as they did those other stilt expansions, and brought the stilt regions back for that. Which I remembered, but my brain decided red and pink were the same colour (yay covid).
  17. You don't need to do anything really fancy involving alts to keep a basic backup. Either keep a copy of the wearable or keep the box it originally came in so you can unpack fresh copies. Though if it's a shape you've made, you can send a copy to an alt if you want. Shapes are just items in the inventory like everything else.
  18. I sell art on basic prims and full bright it for sale... but it's mod. So people can resize it, put it in a frame of their choice and turn full bright off. Making it no mod is a pain for anyone buying it.
  19. I'd suggest going with whatever you feel like doing first. If you want to see art by other people to look for theme holes, the Raglan Shire ArtWalk is currently running. All the hedges in Raglan Shire are covered in art by numerous different artists. Given you have a lot of textures to upload, I'd also suggest looking into premium plus, as texture uploads are free at that level. Especially if you want to make 1024 and 512 versions of each picture, as that'll get expensive fast.
  20. Since the fantasy theme was released, I've been tracking the original regions and removing them from my tracking list when someone moves in. Today, the last region had its first resident. Yay!
  21. The CHs are another 3x3 set of mysteriously covered regions, so probably another monkey farm. Trying to feed people to the monkeys now.
  22. Maybe they're fixing Lil Bacon and Chikkin.
  23. I've seen them around at big events and also chatting on some groups. This is outside of obvious work stuff and scheduled events involving them (which includes stuff that isn't meetings, like charity events and the love train thing). I've noticed though that other people are terrible at seeing them around. I said hi to one who was looking around Fantasy Faire, and when they replied, others in the area were suddenly OMG IT'S A LINDEN. Until that moment, nobody else had noticed.
  24. I'd been busy with events, but I've now been there and won many prizes! I was too good at the hoops apparently, so now have to throw some badly on purpose for the common and rare prizes. All of the prizes will be mine. I hit a few issues with Lil Bacon as he throws "Texture not copiable" errors in wander mode and the eyes blank out as they can't load. Also follow mode says he deletes if he can't find you, which basically means follow mode can't be used.
  25. Someone saying their computer is old and is a potato does not mean it's 32-bit. 64-bit has been around in the mainstream PC market for some time. My previous computer was over a decade old and struggled with Second Life, but it was 64-bit.
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