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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. In addition to the requested hug emoji, we also need a groan emoji for all the dad jokes and amazing puns. This doesn't seem appropriate: 🤦‍♀️ Maybe this https://giphy.com/gifs/moncho-3o7WIMPobHmxGPnYre
  2. I do this as well. It takes a while sometimes to decide if I want a certain location. It is how I decided I didn't like a certain cabin style. The one with a back porch and windows that open by lifting from the bottom. Yes, I open windows and doors and peer out at views to see if it feels right. I NEVER put a photo in the land window, though. I wish that was auto-deleted when property is abandoned.
  3. Ugh!!! I am still surrounded by unclaimed parcels. I wish I knew how they decided to offer up the new regions.
  4. The region doesn't have much water, but it is very mountainous and hilly making the parcels fairly private. Nice!
  5. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bindlestiff/76/104/0 My one house hopper alt just got a parcel in Bindlestiff. I am completely surrounded by unclaimed parcels. I guess it's been released?
  6. I snagged that one. I think I'll keep it. That leaves me with just 1 hopper. I am in no rush since there are some amazing areas that don't even have houses on them, yet. Yay for being patient.
  7. I think I saw a post saying there is a bowl of mash potatoes at the top the that huge column. If you go exploring, let us know if the rumor is true!
  8. Is there a way to change the name of a group after it has been created?
  9. Zena had Ziptie!!! HAHAHA Some of the moms already had names, but not all. I'm going to pass this list on to her!
  10. Real Life funny: I know most of you are city folk. I am not. My sister in law is a sheep farmer and it is lambing season. 18 babies and a few more on the way. She was going round and round trying to come up with names for all the new ones before she came up with a fun theme, until... Finley had Finlet Eevee and Evette Annie had Annette She stopped when she got to Magby had Maggot. She's still trying to come up with names.
  11. Not even to hear a grudging "you have a point, but?" I hate typing on my phone. I really like the new direction of this thread. What are you reading today? My closest book at the moment is HG Wells The Time Machine.
  12. I have to work today, but I will address this when I get home tonight. I didn't want to just dismiss it.
  13. Just to add really quickly that is takes a certain amount of arrogance to think that I just must not have understand you the first time, so you just have to say it again and I'll agree. Disagreeing for a discussable reason is not the same as being offended and saying it expecting others to change because someone didn't like that something was said. That was a painful sentence to write. I hope it makes sense.
  14. I am tired of seeing people enter a thread not to add to the discussion happening, but to just say how offended they are. What is the intent of the person entering if not to stop the discussion? I couldn't care less about tone in a written platform. <-- this idea is not new for me, but goes back on the forum for nearly 10 years. Tone is subjective. @Beth Macbain it is not sudden or new. You can look at my posting history for proof. It is too bad that you took this as a personal attack. It wasn't. No one person was singled out. I was careful not to, in fact. What was singled out is the idea that someone being offended is enough to stop a conversation. This same idea has been brought up at least 3 times on different threads and each thread had disgusted and insulted people saying the idea should not be up for discussion. I take offense at that not at the person.
  15. I am not fussing at anyone. Then is this a question of miscommunication? I thought it was for this entire thread. A few people have come in, read it, then proceeded to say they were offended and this shouldn't be discussed. Nothing is directed at Selene. I did not call a person out, but the idea that this can not be discussed.
  16. Nope, I reported it 10 minutes after he posted it. That was a jerk move for personal profit.
  17. It is in a thread with funny Covid-19 memes. Yes, it's related to every other post.
  18. Okay, so no discussion on providing alternatives for communicating or socializing?
  19. Sure. Okay. If you don't have an opinion on why this post shouldn't exist, it's okay.
  20. No one is making fun people who are ill, dying or dead here either. "Bring out yer dead" No one has to spend money here either, but if it is a side effect of offering the platform as an alternative communication method, then it is. Now if someone had suggested raising prices to gouge others, then even I would have said it was a bad move. Do you guys really think that this discussion should be censored and everyone who commented should be shamed?
  21. It's okay that you are repulsed. I am enjoying that thread. (there is another response in between because we were both tying at the same time) What I don't get is why that is acceptable and this isn't.
  22. It's an honest question. I really don't understand the difference. The people coming in here to try to shame people into not having this discussion are over in another thread laughing about the same thing. I am really enjoying the Make me Laugh thread. Just wanted to say that.
  23. And yet you are laughing at misfortune in the Make me Laugh thread. I don't get it. I don't understand. Is laughing at misfortune/death/disease/hoarding somehow different than discussing options for communication? No one has to read this thread at all, but a few have come in to say others shouldn't discuss this because they disapprove. Did I miss where someone wants people to die for greed?
  24. Isn't the 1 year anniversary of Bellisseria in mid-April? Maybe it is an anniversary gift 😁 There appears to still be a lot to do to prepare the new area. Lots of empty space to fill in. If they opened it tomorrow, they would still be working to fill in those areas around all the people trying to move in and decorate.
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