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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Port Lux/150/57/3403 Muniick is having a 50% of 'almost' everything in the store July 9th-18th for their 2nd anniversary. It's still the 8th for me, but it's the 9th somewhere. I got the discount early. Make sure to Inspect Object. I got a fan from there that disappeared when I crossed the room, but other stuff is good.
  2. Letting go of a log home that I loved for 8 months. The region is quiet. I've never seen a neighbor in all that time. The house is right on the water (2 sides) and situated low, so you aren't above it. Good Privacy. The view is great, the water is wider than a little stream, you can see a log bridge from the deck AND the house windows FACE the water. Amazing! Downside - there is no road going to this house (which is why the mailbox is on the water and the house faces the correct way.) Oh, please, universe let someone who will love the place get it and not a collector who will just own it. Going at 8:30pm SLT https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Traderest/84/72/0
  3. Those busy moles have decorated around the airstrip and put tons of plants out along the beautiful brick walkway next door, so I checked out a little further down (up?) the river in the chalets to find this new long straightaway framed by brick walkways. It would be fun to line the walkways with people and have a boat parade or maybe rowboat races. I also enjoyed the little notes for the next moles to come along. I can tell this won't be my neighborhood if it's "less wild and more formal", but someone will really enjoy the river views.
  4. I've experienced hunger in my lifetime when I was much younger, so there isn't much that's been listed that I wouldn't eat. However, I do have preferences. I would (and have) eaten a bug. I want to not recognize it as a bug though, so fry it up and grind it into a protein powder or something. That way I know what I'm eating, but I don't have to recognize it. I feel the same about most things people find gross. I hate the texture of gummie candies, but if I'm hungry, I'd deal. I prefer not to eat raw tomatoes, so I cook them. I've never had caviar. I hear it's salty, but the idea of fish eggs is not gross. I don't think I've ever eaten tongue, brains or intestines, but I learned not to ask as a kid. When I lived in Louisiana on the bayou sucking the heads of crawfish (crayfish/crawdads) was a thing. I stuck to the tails. Hungry people are not picky. I have even tried pineapple on pizza. It's not my first choice, but I wouldn't turn it down.
  5. I love this new theme. (consider my socks knocked off.) It has the feel of what I tried to make my chalet - rustic, no electricity, wild landscaping - as opposed to manicured lawns and trees, electric street lights. I will be abandoning the chalet as soon as these are available, so if you want a chalet right next to the airstrip, let me know. I do agree that the houses are too big, but I don't actually have to use all the rooms, do I? I like the one with a balcony. I can simply put up a fake wall to block the doors of the 2 side rooms and make it look like they are not even there. In the other 2 story house I could cover the stairs completely with a well-textured prim and pretend the upstairs doesn't exist. I hope the other 4 versions have fewer walls or that a smaller house is available to choose, but I can work with what I'm given to spread my 351LI how I want.
  6. The house is still set up that way. There are newklear rods in the pond. 😉 The only thing that seems to have changed since my last visit a year ago is the fish. There use to be 3-eyed goldfish (similar to the ones from The Simpsons) Now there are 2-eyed, rather startled looking, chunky goldfish. It looks like someone may have simply removed the middle eye to hide the truth. The region is Permaglow.
  7. Bellisseria - History of Three Meter Island - General Discussion - Second Life Community This thread should have been in Linden Homes subforum, but it is in General Discussion - Land.
  8. Somewhere in the older Victorians is toxic waste leak. A small green waterfall flows into a pond and hazmat signs are around. I think the Lab is trying to cover it up. I would provide a link, but I forgot where I was exploring.
  9. I think I like this theme better than the chalets. I was a bit stuck in the decorating of those and unsure what kind of furniture fit the area. This new theme (is it just named fantasy?) gets my brain moving in several directions. Are the trees glowing? Is that why several of the pics are so dark? Should I work on getting over my dislike of full bright 😄 I can't wait to get home from work tonight and get a better look. Thank you to all the people that have posted pics already. You're my heroes!
  10. I don't think that's a window frame. It's in front of the boxes in the back. No windows in this pic. It could be partially under ground like a daylight basement or built into a hillside to have no windows. That book looks magical and sparkly. I like the color choices on the walls, the rustic flooring, and the arch.
  11. It's no longer an unnamed SSP region, but it's new. There is an airstrip in the main river through the chalets. Has that river been named, yet? It's on that little island. I am debating abandoning my chalet due to the lost view of the river, but I've enjoyed watching the new underwater train track tunnel and the airstrip going in. That's my little green chalet by the bridge. I might have to keep it until I see a train go by and watch a plane land at least once. SSPE2178 right next door has some unique brick walking paths along the waterfront.
  12. That is a much classier look! The dark wood paneling really helps offset the flowers.
  13. I wanted to try making a room I would NEVER want to see in real life. I ended up with something so girlie, frilly, and sweet it kind of makes me sick. I may have to have my blood sugar checked after this. So, I guess I succeeded in decorating in a style that is so unlike me that even I would deny putting it together. Has anyone else tried a style they ended up just hating? I knew pink flowers would never end up being a good decision, but this may have gone too far.
  14. Putting back this super-private, ruggedly landscaped log home. I think this region was released recently. This parcel and several others had no homes showing on their lots. I was not able to reset the mailbox last night, but I could this morning, so the new owner will have a house to decorate. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ever Grateful/112/60/0
  15. I've been without a house hopper for several months now since I wanted to enjoy what I had. The stilt I am letting go made me appreciate the stilts (my least favorite style) I had a LOT of fun with this location - especially the landscaping. I have a top-of-the-world trad that I like even better, so it is time to let someone else enjoy this unique spot. It has no water, but the privacy is amazing for the stilt region and the view is incredible. I'll let it go at 10amSLT. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Jamaica Me Crazy/220/236/0
  16. 5G is good and all, but can you stick a magnet to your arm where Satan's microchip went in? Congrats! You're now a part of the global genocide... and, uhhh, you should be receiving direct orders from the Zuc himself (or something). Thanks for protecting yourself and others. The sore arm is worth it!
  17. They will reveal what the new theme will be. They haven't announced an actual release date for the frenzy over claiming of the new theme houses. I wouldn't abandon just yet.
  18. Yes, the Drunken Mouse (Die Betrunkene Maus) is the community center for the Chalet lands. It is a pretty spectacular building.
  19. I haven't had a chance to explore the area, yet. I can't wait to get back inworld and take a look around the neighborhood.
  20. I never have music playing. I would rather hear the birds, bugs and water flowing. If I want music, I'll go to a club.
  21. A fence is a must or I will walk right off the edge. The decorating will take a while with my RL schedule being busy for the next week or 2, but that gives me time to think about how to work with the unique location. Thanks for giving someone else a chance at the fun and excitement of this amazing spot.
  22. My one hopper rolled a trad for fun. They are my least favorite home theme and I've never kept one long enough to decorate, but it is still fun to see what pops up sometimes. I got one in Domingos. I don't have a photo yet because I'm still trying to figure out what to do with it. The location is amazing! It's on a cliff overlooking a couple rows of other trads and straight to the horizon over open water. I am sure I will be walking/falling off the cliff at some point, so apologies in advance if you live below me. I cycled through the 4 house options at least 20 times trying to decide which house I would try decorating. I ended up looking at add ons before finally deciding. I think I have a winner of a canvas to get started on. I'll get pics up when the decorating is done. I'm out of GoH for a while, because I like everything I have and can't make a decision to abandon one at the moment. The search for the perfect Vic and camper will have to wait while I enjoy what I just caught.
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