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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Is that what it is then? If a person is looking for a relationship (or even a one-night stand), then no POIF might be a clue that there is deception going on. Does deception matter if it's a one night stand? Since I socialize for neither reason, that isn't an issue. I can't be used for unknown sex drama. Unless... it is someone's fetish to dance and chat platonically for an hour and nothing else. I will even dance and chat with people who have a partner showing in their profiles. Why not? I have a partner showing in mine. If it matters to the potential dance partner, I assume they won't IM for a chat. I don't consider dancing and chatting to be particularly drama inducing.
  2. I bet there are a lot of people totally turned on by your demon elf
  3. I suppose I profile people as well and make assumptions. I check out profiles and will be suspicious of empty ones. I read picks and steer clear of people who say they don't like drama or will send their families after me if I do them wrong. I check out groups to see what they might do for fun in SL. I don't like seeing all groups hidden. I hide shopping groups because who cares where I shop, but I keep social groups and interest groups showing on purpose. I hadn't thought of POIF as meaning much. I don't care if the avatar is all updated mesh, or their age, or even if it's an alt.
  4. Is that a thing? Using PIOF as a way to decide who to socialize with? I don't think I've ever checked to see if anyone has that or not.
  5. The context of the conversation broadened after a pattern of posts made it clear that there was more going on than just having your lookats seen. This post actually involves info from several other posts as well. In a way it does have a flow that makes sense if you know about the other posts.
  6. When I was a new little avie, I had another new avie friend. We were sitting in sandbox while he opened a box of random freebies. One of the many items in the box was a necklace that could be given as a gift. He didn't want it and transferred it to me. I put it on and every attachment I was wearing disappeared - hair and everything. I didn't make the connection and got dressed and disrobed 2 more times. We were both laughing when we figured it out. I've been deformed and orbited a time or two as well. Some people can laugh at the tricks and some people can't, but for a noob who has no idea what's going on, that it is a trick, or how to protect themselves, it's probably pretty mortifying. I imagine I would have panicked watching my avie fall to the floor, "die" and become unresponsive. Game over, man. I have to make a new account. Where was my last save point?
  7. @Persephone Emerald I've never done anything griefer-ish to anyone, but I now want to make a bunch of rubber shapes to dump off a platform just to see what happens. Why have i never tried this before? Is this why some people find sandboxes so fun? The ability to just play and experiment?
  8. You have a new Catwa Pro head. I don't think your old tattoo and BOM makeups are designed for this new head. I think you'll need to find BOM makeups made specially for the Catwa Pro. Okay, I'm guessing. I have a LeLutka EvoX and it uses different maps than regular Evo. I thought Catwa was the same with the Pro.
  9. Well that one brings back some rather psychedelic memories. /me floats off in an acid induced flashback
  10. It is through a group called Freethinkers. They meet every Tuesday at 4:30 SLT for a philosophy podcast and discussion. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wichi/220/129/31
  11. My SL looks like an educational lecture today. This one was well attended and about The Philosophy of Cats.
  12. I never got rid of the perpetual pucker of my Catwa head and finally chose a different brand altogether. I played with sliders over and over for weeks before giving up. The head looked great from the front, but the side view bugged me every time.
  13. Does anyone out there want a backwards house. Everything about this parcel I just rolled makes me grin. The front door is accessed from a walking path in back. The back of the house could be facing an amazing view of the ocean over the top of other houses and houseboats, but instead it is facing the road 😄 It is the only house on the the ridge facing this way. Quite unique and hilarious. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Spector/92/236/0 an old section of Trads in Bellisseria.
  14. RL Peeve - I hate being told I can't deliver an invocation before a public meeting in my hometown because I don't recognize a deity. I hate it enough to do something about it.
  15. I'm putting back the one I caught. It has some water for those that want that and a decent view. I am just rolling for fun until the new theme is released. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Timberloft/68/60/0
  16. It was just a few new posts in all caps with a bunch of racist and misogynistic rantings. No one commented and everyone reported them. They only stuck around long enough for a some of us unlucky enough to see them to post in a bunch of threads to move them to page 2. Then *Poof* the mods nuked 'em.
  17. I just rolled a chalet in Timberloft. It overlooks some houseboats and water and is surrounded by other homes owned by Governor Linden. So I guess Timberloft has been released. The houseboats have not been released and are in a different region
  18. Where are you trying to rezz the blob? Is there enough land impact there? Does any art of the blob hang over your parcel boundaries? Try going to a large sandbox and rezzing it there. You may have to take it back into you inventory in smaller sections.
  19. If you have patience and enjoy the game, then go for it! You will eventually find a parcel that has all the important things you want. There will be a big shuffle of some amazing parcels when the new theme is released. That will be "Soon"
  20. It feels good to be chosen by a cat. It's a totally different feel than being chosen by a dog. I love dogs, but it is not the same thing.
  21. I don't think it should be removed, but it wouldn't impact my life inworld at all if it was. I just wanted to know what responsible uses it had to residents as they wander the world. I got a couple answers. So, thanks. Like I said, I just turn it off. If someone is camming my coochie in a public area, what am I going to do about it anyway? I am in a public location. People can see that while camming or not. I have some choices - confront them, call them out publicly, leave the area, block the person, go "home" where I have parcel settings for privacy. People can derender clothes as well and I don't want the derender feature removed.
  22. Is camming someone a reportable offense? Is that like screaming, "Mom! She's looking at me!" I am glad you don't report or go into your IMs raging at people. Sometimes I think new residents don't know that some people can tell where they're looking. I am sure you taught more than a few newbies to turn off the broadcasting of their lookats.
  23. Congrats! You've been chosen ❤️ I have a 4-5 month old feral kitten at home that I'm still working on. Luckily, she is food motivated and I carry treats in my pocket. Her sister, Burdock, likes me just fine, but I am getting the cold shoulder from Teasel.
  24. This is a really creepy video. I loved it! Thanks for sharing.
  25. Sounds like it's used for drama, but thank you at least for answering my question. I did not say you shouldn't have the ability to see what others are looking at. I simply asked why you might want it. Do you have to tell these people how to turn on Lookats or is it on by default? Thank you for answering the question.
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