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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. That's because the menu only goes to one sitter for couples and the dance only starts if your partner picks. you also won't get a menu if nobody is on the 2nd ball. If you are both sitting on the balls then touch the dance ball again and you should get a menu to choose dances. I have also seen it where a couple both touch the dance ball and therefore both get a set of rezzed balls. Then they end up sitting on a separate set of rezzed balls and nothing works.
  2. I was thinking of this (which without words only some will get) #
  3. Sunday morning I logged in to visit a friend. There were 8 of us when I tp'd in and everyone was a cloud for maybe 20 seconds max before they all appeared completely normally. Personally I prefer the cloud rezzing in than the flying mesh body parts.
  4. I wonder how many of you boys squirmed a little when I mentioned her name 😂
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_and_Lorena_Bobbitt
  6. I guess it could be worse. We haven't had the thread from the guy with explosive diarrhoea yet these holidays.
  7. I actually expected someone else first Anyway, we are being trolled. The OP was viewing/visiting though not "discussing" this thread for hours after its creation. Also this is their 2nd ever post and I cannot find their first post, suggesting it was removed in the past. Finally, shouldn't this be down in the adult forums?
  8. Check your block list. You might have blocked the dance instead of accepting the animation.
  9. We are all residents here like you. Linden Lab staff will never (or very rarely) see your issue Aishagain is correct. Contact support. Theres a link at the bottom of this page under connect with us.
  10. It makes me think of someone who isn't here this Christmas for the first time. Kind of sad but also happy memories.
  11. Your description seems familiar to me. Somewhere in the back of my mind I seem to remember seeing something like this at The Looking Glass but it was over a year ago and I might easily be mistaken.
  12. There are a few threads in the forums about it from earlier in the week. Logging out of the marketplace (as in part it thought I was logged in) then logging back in, fixed it FOR ME. Here's one and of course the grid status https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/8qssywpq44nv
  13. Have you reported it? I mean LL might not even be aware there's an issue if nobody has filed a ticket.
  14. I answered here. You were over your allowance according to the peak use
  15. Judging by your picture at some point even if it was only for a moment in the previous tier month you owned a Peak of 51,536 which is over your allowance of 50,176. So that is why you were charged more.
  16. Contact support with a ticket. They will do what they can to recover your account. Theres a link to support at the bottom of this page
  17. I think there really is a song for everthing 🙄 This is for @Scylla Rhiadra Thank you for my croissant
  18. I think you have to specify which group roles get the L$ paid into your group. (It's been a while since I had any group that was paid L$) If this is a new problem and you were getting paid previously then ignore me
  19. Well that needs changing after what he just announced for the south
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