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SarahKB7 Koskinen

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Everything posted by SarahKB7 Koskinen

  1. I think I might have a go at drawing a proper map of an imaginary and completed Gaeta I....
  2. Screenshot taken from map on Second Life website, showing the true shapes of the newest islands.
  3. Thanks! Funnily enough, by coincidence, I passed very close to you yesterday as I was on my way to Jeogeot.. I saw your blue mini map dot while I was travelling through Serpent Hatchery and paused to peek. You were working in SSPE1773 ( I think), one of the block of twelve new Stilt Home regions recently added, filling that hole.
  4. On 19th May 2021, I decided go on a very long SL journey - from the most extreme north-eastern region of the connected mainland continents (Gaeta V - Giuseppe) to the most southern connected point, which I identified as being Tully Low at the bottom of Jeogeot. And by using only one vehicle, which was not an aeroplane. The vehicle I chose was a hovercraft. Good on both land and sea. And surprisingly fast. Well, at least the one I had was. Reaching the Blake Sea from Gaeta V was easy and I got distracted by the Blake Sea's and Nautilus' familiar sights and places., I even crossed Satori's east side momentarily to visit the Mole island! Realising that I was wasting time, I got on with the journey, going down through Satori, Belllisseria (where I picked up a passenger!) and into Jeogeot and eventually reached Tully Low - six hours after starting from Gaeta V. Feeling a sense of pride and achievement, I decided to keep going. I decided to go onwards to the northern-most tip of Heterocera continent, which I identified as Fillip. And a few hours later, I reached it. Then I went to bed very very late and exhausted. Would I do the journey again? Yes. Here is my route, which was a bit iffy in places (apologies to parcel owners on Satori and Jeogeot whose lands I might have zipped across quickly...) ^ Click map a few times to enlarge it.
  5. On 19th May 2021, I decided go on a very long SL journey - from the most extreme north-eastern region of the connected mainland continents (Gaeta V - Giuseppe) to the most southern connected point, which I identified as being Tully Low at the bottom of Jeogeot. And by using only one vehicle, which was not an aeroplane. The vehicle I chose was a hovercraft. Good on both land and sea. And surprisingly fast. Well, at least the one I had was. Reaching the Blake Sea from Gaeta V was easy and I got distracted by the Blake Sea's and Nautilus' familiar sights and places., I even crossed Satori's east side momentarily to visit the Mole island! Realising that I was wasting time, I got on with the journey, going down through Satori, to Belllisseria (where I picked up a passenger!) and into Jeogeot and eventually reached Tully Low - six hours after starting from Gaeta V. Feeling a sense of pride and achievement, I decided to keep going. I decided to go onwards to the northern-most tip of Heterocera continent, which I identified as Fillip. And a few hours later, after passing back through Bellisserria and the continents of Sansara and Heterocera, I reached it. Then I went to bed very very late and exhausted. Would I do the journey again? Yes. Here is my route, which was a bit iffy in places (apologies to parcel owners on Satori and Jeogeot whose lands I might have zipped across quickly...) Click it a few times to enlarge it.
  6. That certain part of Gaeta I is known as Magellan Pen1nsular, not it's official LL name. (wow really LL, you censored a geological word?!) https://slgi.fandom.com/wiki/Magellan_Peninsula
  7. "Liver" ?! I came here expecting to read about internal organs found laying on mainland ground. However, I think you meant "resident", not "liver".... 😛
  8. The hidden regions, still reserved for the missing and uncompleted Gaetas, have all been mapped by @4lice Cerise using an online SL map browser by @Eddy Ofarrel This is my edit of her original map, showing how the Gaeta continents could have looked if circumstances in 2008 had been different....
  9. Thanks again to @4lice Cerise for the map above. Below, you can see the map again, I've edited in a probable terrain usage, maximised for efficient land use while allowing full boat access around all the coastlines. This would not look so straight-line and angular on the real map, so use some imagination and squint your eyes a bit....
  10. I've created a new Gaeta Continents thread so that it doesn't go too off-topic here and interferes with the SSP/Linden Homes theme of this thread. And one specifically for Jeogeot continent too.
  11. Hello all. Earlier today, @4lice Cerise (using an online SL Map browser by @Eddy Ofarrel) created a new map of the Gaeta continents (below) that contained regions reserved for the completion of Gaeta I and regions reserved for the additional Gaeta continents (II, III and IV) that should have been added to SL, but due to circumstances were not. You can read her original post here. (Created by 4lice Cerise ^) With 4lice Cerise's permission, I've re-edited her map (below) to try to imagine what Gaeta II, III and IV's terrain might have looked like. I've not included lakes, rivers, roads or mountains as that would be pure guess work. But we can map out the most probable continent shapes from these hidden reserved regions. I've kept strictly within the regions assigned to the reserved Gaeta regions and have not added more. I've given the outer edges protected water coastlines which alIow full circumnavigation by boats. Yes, the continents are not linked together, but I'm sure that they would have been, eventually. If you squint your eyes, they look less basic and blocky.... and is it just me who thinks Gaeta IV looks like a flat sole shoe?! Gaeta V was the first Gaeta continent to be built, which began on 14th April 2008 and was completed on 25th May 2008. Magellan Linden "discovered" Gaeta V on 14th April 2008 by crash landing his airship onto the beach of Gaeta V's Squall region on the west coast of Gaeta V. Wreckage still remains there (on the beach and in the sea), along with a Magellan Bear. The next Gaeta continent to be started was Gaeta I (uncompleted) and was created in two stages; the first section containing it's whole west coast and peninsular sections were built in a single day on 4th June 2008 (only two days after I joined SL!). Linden Labs then "brought in a moratorium on rolling out new mainland in July 2009", according to @Tyche Shepherd Source: http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/327/48/313677/7.html Then on 15th September 2008, the Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and caused the global financial recession. This also caused a contraction in SL and seems to be another reason why work on Gaeta I was halted. This may also explain why continents Gaeta II, III and IV were never built at all. (^ Image by Tyche Shepherd, 31st March 2009) Gaeta I's second section (hightighted above in red) was added on 31st March 2009 to the north-east coastal section, which contained a rectangular block of 17 new regions. Sadly, the remainder of the continent has never been completed, with 102 regions of its east and south-east sections still missing. Gaeta I also remains isolated as no physical link exists between it and the rest of the SL continents. Now that we have a complete map of Gaeta I, perhaps @Linden Lab @Derrick Linden @Patch Lindenwould consider completing Gaeta I to its original specification and style? This could be done without creating brand new regions by recycling some of the old Linden Homes Nascera continent(s) regions instead of deleting them. Moving, re-terraforming and renaming these old regions to complete Gaeta I would be an efficient and pleasing thing to do. And link it to Corsica with a north-south sea corridor too! Gaeta I will be 13 years old on 4th June 2021, please give it a birthday visit - or a "gift" (completion) if you're from LL...
  12. @4lice Cerise Totally just wow.... Thankyou ever so much for creating this map, I've never actually seen the missing Gaeta's visually like this before, this map may be unique - to the public at least. Maybe @Jack (Linden) has/had a comparable map? I have known about the mysterious missing Gaeta continents for a long time, from their tell-tale "invisible" locations from the SL map website and I had only imagined their actual shapes. So I'm totally mindblown by this new map, which is absolutely superb! In fact, I think you should talk to @Juliana Lethdetter as I feel this map deserves to be an exhibit at her SL map museum and completes a missing piece of SL's history, a "what if?" exhibit. I love how you've coloured the build stages of each continent's expansion too. From my data sources, Gaeta V was first to be built, beginning on 14th April 2008 and was completed on 25th May 2008. Then, Gaeta I's first (and only) stage was built on a single day on 4th June 2008 - only two days after I joined SL!. Then on 15th September 2008, the Lehman Brothers went bankrupt and caused the global financial recession. This also caused a contraction in SL and seems to be why work on Gaeta I's two further missing stages were never added and also why continents Gaeta II, III and IV were never built at all. Back to your map, we should assume that the perimeter regions around each missing continent were protected water regions, as Gaeta I and Gaeta V were both deliberately built with coastal water regions. Gaeta II seems to have been kidney shaped. Gaeta II is the smallest and has a straight southern coast and Gaeta IV's size seems to be even larger than Gaeta V, which is quite surprising. Now that we have a complete map of Gaeta I, perhaps @Linden Lab @Derrick Linden @Patch Lindenwould consider completing Gaeta I to its original specification and style? This could be done without creating brand new regions by recycling some of the old Linden Homes Nascera continent(s) regions instead of deleting them. Moving, re-terraforming and renaming these old regions to complete Gaeta I would be an efficient and pleasing thing to do. And link it to Corsica with a north-south sea corridor too! Gaeta I will be 13 years old on 4th June 2021, please give it a birthday visit - or a "gift" (completion) if you're from LL...
  13. No. That's a North American accent, the R's are too hard. And in England we pronounce the T as a T, not as a glottal D.. THIS is how to pronounce Worcestershire in a native English dialect. https://translate.google.co.uk/?hl=en-GB&sl=auto&tl=en&text=Worcestershire&op=translate
  14. https://youtu.be/gVfaf43W9cM?t=26 Paul McCartney approves BOM.... ♪
  15. There is nobody around because there is literally nothing to see or do in Bellisseria. That's because Bellisseria only has one purpose, a residential zone. There are no zones for shops or businesses.
  16. *delete please* (slightly off-topic rant about inworld stores, land and Marketplace)
  17. @Tony Giffen , move back to the Blake Sea! Escape the shackles of consumerism in Bellisseria! Most of the boats tied up to "house boat" (ugh!) docks in Bellesseria have never sailed a single centimetre, they are there purely for decoration, or as a narcissistic display of personal wealth or status. I would never want to live in Bellisseria, even for a day. Its "residents" don't create, they "consume", which was not the original main purpose of SL's creation. Bellisseria is a "consumer customer continent". Its "residents" (see: "consumers") live their virtual lives shut away from each other and the other continents inside their ready-made, prebuilt identical wooden box houses (see: "sheds") in ready-made, prebuilt identical cookie-cutter regions, consuming products bought only from SL Marketplace instead of actually bothering to create their own, or visit an actual inworld store where one might meet other residents or perhaps even the product maker and form friendships. Bellisseria was built purely as a huge residential zone to generate income for LL and does not contain a single shop or retail zone, which can act as a social gathering area. Belliserria is a perfect representation of a "gated community" type development with its silly and restrictive one-size-fits-all conformance rules, which in itself restricts resident creativity and imagination in that part of the SL map, contrary to the overall original vision of SL by its original creators. Every time I visit Bellisseria, I am always saddened by its soullessness, by the feeling of being "lost" in an endless residential zone of sameness and rigid conformity. You never see anyone walking or driving around in its many straightline streets. Why? Because there's literally nowhere interesting to walk/drive to! This is in total contrast to all the older continents, where everything in those other continents looks and feels different, odd, quirky, imaginitive and strange. Everything rezzed, built or abandoned in the older continents has an actual history and a purpose, some of which are only known to their owners and have become lost over time, which creates a pleasing and interesting mystery of why certain things look, behave or even exist in the older continents. Bellisseria has none of this, it is the exception and the oddity of the entire SL grid. To be brutally honest, I feel that Bellesseria epitomises all that is wrong about the current direction of SL as it conflicts with the original intentions and creative vision of SL and it saddens me. But it does generate cash for LL, which it seems that all LL seems to care about these days, along with messing up the viewer UI....
  18. Technically there is, a short one. Route 66 starts from Bay City - Truro and goes east straight through both halves of Bay City, then through Nova Albion and joins to Dore region in western Sansara. But it never goes further east than Dore because of the historic regions of Ahern, Lusk, Perry, Clara, Varney and Stillman - all which predate Route 66 and are some of the earliest regions of SL.
  19. @Ansariel Hiller There was a daylight time slider in the original LL v1x viewers. Legacy viewers such as Singularity still contain it. Firestorm also contained it up until recently when they introduced the terrible EEP system, which is a clunky mess of windows, tabs and buttons that slows framerates and reduces ease of use too. Cool VL viewers creator has said in these forums that he has both WL and EEP systems in his viewer and contains the daylight time slider.
  20. @Alexa Linden Reintroduce the Windlight style daylight time slider please. I and many others hate the lack of one in current EEP viewers, which cannot replicate the slider function as easily or as quickly..
  21. @BJoyful Those spaces are/were reserved for Gaeta II, III and IV, but were never added. On the SL map website, if you click those empty spaces in certain spots, the empty spots even tell you the names of the three missing Gaeta continents which ought to have been built there.
  22. @CruelN10tions I would recommend looking on the mainland continents of Jeogoet, Satori and Corsica, as they're mostly big, wide, flat and have lots of abandoned land parcels. If you want to add in (terraform) some water irrigation channels, rivers or lakes, get a parcel as near to the water table altitude of 20 metres, as continent's central interiors are usually at a much higher altitude where terraforming down to water level (at 20 metres altitude) is either very difficult or impossible. Alternatively, buy mesh water features to rez out and simulate it instead, as their realism and quality has improved a lot in recent years.
  23. Parcels do have a "restrict sounds to parcel" function in the land settings.
  24. @Pup Karu Could be an actual invisible wall, or "dead prims". It might be a physics prim that belonged to something at that position, which you may have detached and forgotton about? Invisible things can be highlighted by CTRL-ALT- T (Doing it again will cancel the highlight). if nothing appears there, then its likely to be "dead prims", which will only go away after your sim restarts. I haven't seen "dead prims" for years though, they are/were an interesting phenomenon.
  25. Hello @Tommytu. I've just had a visit to your area and found the source of the alarm, it's a rotating yellow alarm beacon positioned on the ceiling of its owners home porchway, at house number 118. The alarm's description is: GCD - Emergency Light (CEILING)(v2.4) and is owned by someone (I won't reveal his name) who was last online on 18th April 2021, so he would seem to still be recently active. Walk close enough to the alarm where you can right-click the ceiling alarm, then you can block it, which will permanantly silence it, unless you choose to unblock it. Blocking it worked for me.
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