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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. Mine sits at zero and has for years, all it does it takes it directly out of my bank account. odd.
  2. only thing that ever touched facebook was the laptop, the phone, mm year I tend to purge the version it comes with and install a defacto from the public android repo. my 7.1 is clean of the bloat. lol att thinking they were funny.
  3. what data? that's the key, with ghostery, ublock and a few custom grease monkey related, I get nothing between the 2. I learned many many years ago to watch my steps to keep a certain family member from locating me or tying me to other related things.
  4. Facebook, I've had several real ones with my real self off and on, but I keep hiding from a certain family member, each time they would find me, I'd have to delete the account, I finally a year back deleted it totally, since nothing in my 11 years has linked me to RL from SL, I do not fear that person finding me.
  5. These are, Detach>trash>block. Not wasting my time when they only give me 5 mintues and I need last 20 to 30 to test every avatar I have setup for the clothes. So whom I do not buy from No copy>No demo>demos with time limits simple. keeps me buying from the Good quality content creators we do have in SL and some the small guys have close to the same items for half the prices and true demos and oh did I mention copy items! and demos! \o/
  6. mm this is not a normal MMO, so there is no server transfers, if you are meaning teleporting back home, open the map. and click go home. that will take you home
  7. First and 2nd one will do fine, that 3rd one, no. 8gb ddr 3, that's system ram, that's not enough to run windows and SL at once, windows will use 4gb at the minimum, firestorm will use right up to 3.5gb of ram for 32 bit client. You need to look at the top 2 and leave that 3rd alone.
  8. that would be a bot, I have had the same messages posted to my own forum at about 2pm pst.
  9. Costs for what LL has will come down when they shuffle to aws, some of the items are there, some of our tiers pay for that, some of the tiers pay for the physical machines in the data center, some of that pays for employee's at LL offices,, ect ect. Do not forget there is more to this, so what LL charges they have a science for, to make sure all things are balanced to make sure they can keep the lights on and people fed. "we want cheaper sims" do not forget about the bigger picture.
  10. Somebody mentioned Encryption, LL would require the key on their end for their logging because of legal things they must do because us based company.
  11. If people were using this for that method, we'd know, it would be all over the news. there are agencies within SL, the 3 letter words.
  12. I can agree with your list, the biggest for me, "come get the demo in my inworld store" Creators, No, you put it on the marketplace or it's a no sale ever, I'm not giving you traffic nor playing hunt it down in the store, since most of you like to force the tp point.. instead of letting me go right to it from the link you put... So gist is No demo, No sale Demo, but I must go hunt it down in your store, No sale Demo with a time limit??? No sale and word passed around you are one of those kind.
  13. \o/ uninstalled my addon! now this is nice and pleasing on the eyes, thank you LL.
  14. I finally got it, my hud did not recognize it yet. but have the gifts finally.
  15. Firestorm is a 3rd party viewer. Crashing the region with an IP attacker, LL has anti DDOS protection services running, they will not hurt the region or server the sim lives on. Controlling avatars is possible with scripting, using to take over the persons PC is not, There is no possible way without the other person installing malware crap from the person and that person uses a custom VIEWER with said functions, otherwise, LL would of banned Firestorm if it had the abilities or any viewer that could do that, it's very easy to tell on LL's backend what is taking place. 2 years??? really... LL has even been there. IF LL is not finding an issue, it's the users side that is the problem, "IT'S NOT THEM" I can hear it now, if LL cant find it and it's their system, that means it's the USERS issue.
  16. the prize is not working currently. lots of us gathered trying to get it. but it wont give it to us. edit: after waiting an hourish. it worked. but the winter swaginator hud never registered it.
  17. also SL can not give you a virus, there is no way of transmitting or heck even compiling it within lsl.
  18. Sansar is not for us, why wont you get it in your head, sure LL would like some of us to come over and spend time there playing with their new world, So once again SANSAR, not Stupid, is for another market, SL is our market. LL knows this.
  19. first thing I did was give my alt a redelivery of her gift and it works wonderfully, also means I can finally go back and snag some of the things I've REALLY borked up in the last 2 years LOL. LL ♥
  20. Gonna need the system specs to really understand what is going on here.
  21. Max concurrency I remember at one time being online before the system tanked was 87,000, I've only seen those numbers once in my 11 years, but the userbase we have now is great, we love SL.
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