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bigmoe Whitfield

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Everything posted by bigmoe Whitfield

  1. Thank you both and it's good to see kitty is removing it. it's a function that I can say is gonna put stress on the asset nodes and group functions. wonder how it slipped in.
  2. So I was standing in one of the sims I regualar at, in came this person, as I stood their and watched their group tag as changing, as in making little paw prints above their name then spelling out the group tag they had on, this rinsed and repeated over and over, I've been here long enough to realize all it's reloading and reloading and reloading the group over and over, that means the LL backend is constantly refreshing that group over and over. Why is this even possible? @Tommy Linden
  3. if LL was hacked and the database and such was compermised, they would reset all user passwords, they did this once in 2006 to every one. so is the accounts hacked? no. LL would be all over it and issusing statements, this is not a company that hides these type of issues, we'd know, so what can be gained from this, avoid using links to other sites that do not have the secondlife.com domain on them, simple. avoid being phished.
  4. did you buy it off the marketplace or did you buy it in world? the marketplace has redelivery now, so if you use that you can get it without that person, long as it was copy.
  5. Redelivery works, even for gifts! Impressive! keep up the good work LL!
  6. mmmmm.... Turn off shadows first, then drop your draw distance to 64 or so. also all and I mean all CONTENT you see is user created, UNOPTIMIZED content. SL is not like other games.
  7. let's hope your chrome book has enough physical ram and it has a good video card in it.
  8. Just one little complaint about that, I make skins for a product, I make layers for another, I am not selling a physical product, why do I need a store?
  9. LL has a whole floor in a data center, kitely is a different product used on a different infrastructure setup. one is HUGELY expensive the other is time based. I have my 2u in a data center in indianapolis, just the space I rent from a company wihtin it to hold my physical hardware is 250 a month, this includes power thankfully, but does not include access to the backbone aka the internet, so that is 150 onto of that, now their mark up is 75 dollars, so actual cost is 325. so I pay 400, they pay 325 and they make 75 dollars profit. hopefully this helps explain more.
  10. time to side track! Jo! when is the next open house? I'd like to visit, but we know i'm one of those silly cute furballs and normally can not.
  11. My friend has his mainland store on it too. he reported it .[Today at 3:52 PM] according to the message he sent me on discord.
  12. I see your whole issue. Chrome book. Nobody makes a viewer for that operating system.
  13. I think a few big content creators would want it, since they have so much tied up in sl.
  14. well this is pushing in the right direction for me to maybe become premium in 11 years. ohh patch :3
  15. Shadows is a huge effect on hardware. so it's very relevant. they physical drag the hardware down enough with taking huge amounts of resources.
  16. Shadows and high draw distance are frame rate killers. 11 years I've been in SL, with all kinds of hardware.
  17. SL has never done well with ati/amd graphics cards, SL is more centered around nvidia chipsets. sure somebody does have a solution for you on this..
  18. if and when I have more time to do such I will be thinking about it. right now my job is a bit nuts, so my days off. like today, I'm all in me mode and me mode is just helping like I am and doing updates to my sox av's. and just having fun. factory life sucks lol.
  19. I've always been a people person, I'm kind to all, even those that mm push the limits. reason before yelling, calm before the storm. I've applied to the lab so many times to try and help them with customer services or heck! a customer moral agent! but sadly even back when philip still had the reigns he could not even help me
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