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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I've recommended SL to a couple of online friends, both of whom hated it. One said it was just too hard to figure out what was going on (she registered while I was offline and refused to return a second time), and the other didn't like not being able to get a job immediately (she wanted to buy things but wouldn't accept any assistance from me). I've never recommended it to RL friends, because I don't want my RL up in here. :smileyvery-happy:
  2. Hi, Hippie! I've pinned the thread and will drop by more often now! :smileyhappy:
  3. Wildcat Furse wrote: ....and ...... my 1500th post goes toooooooo ...... THIS THREAD ... YAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! :smileytongue: *meows* Congrats, Cat!! :smileyhappy:
  4. Very "cheeky", Venus! :smileywink: Seriously, another great pic...I know I've said it before, but I love the way you dress to match the scenery. Very cool!
  5. Rabid Cheetah wrote: lol was speaking allegorically. I could have just as easily said 100 rotating "xXx LaNd 4 $aLe!!! xXx" signs :womanmad: Ahh...now *those* I did notice! :smileyvery-happy:
  6. JeanneAnne wrote: But sometimes I think that maybe LL throws in this stuff, sortuv as a Loki factor, just to keep things exciting. Just to keep the wonderment (frustration?) level up. You're quite right...SL offers many moments of wonder such as this. :smileywink: :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Hey, Keli, how about putting some bacon in that pan? I'm hungry. :smileytongue:
  8. What Venus said, and also you probably want to first make a copy of the item to keep in your inventory, so that you still have one with scripts (in case you need to resize, etc., later).
  9. Hmm? Oh sorry, Dres, I didn't see your post because I was AFK. :smileytongue:
  10. We have a Bart Simpson's Butt statue? Why haven't you blasted it with your cannon yet??
  11. Perrie, I'm sorry you're having to move...I've seen a sample of your lovely home in the Vanity thread, and can see why you are saddened by this turn of events. I'm very attached to my own home although I've only been there for a year or so, and would not like to be forced to move, either. I do agree with May that Linden homes may actually bring more residents around to the idea of renting; it worked that way for me, at least.
  12. He is....but I don't think anyone's taken him shopping for a hat yet! :smileyvery-happy:
  13. Owners of sims banning whomever they please is not "unconstitutional"...actually, it's not a violation (indirect or otherwise) of TOS, either. Have you considered owning your own sim so you can set it up the way that you want it to be?
  14. /me waves "good morning" while sneaking a piece of gingerbread for breakfast :smileyhappy:
  15. Thank you for posting the "sitting" photo, Charolotte! As you know, I don't use the LL viewer, but this is an interesting development even if it is one I won't be taking advantage of for now. I do like how that skirt drapes as you are seated! :smileyhappy: P.S. to Marianne: And thank you for the jeans info; I'll pick up a set to hold on to till my viewer is able to see mesh properly!
  16. It's wonderful to log in this morning and see you in this thread, Valerie! I hope you feel better very soon and that your visit with your parents gives you rest and comfort. Hugs to you, my friend!
  17. Eeep, that's right...I don't know what I was thinking! (OK, I was thinking about groups...but why? :smileyvery-happy:)
  18. You can't fool me...there's no way you got your hair tucked under that (awesome) hat!
  19. Pull up the group info/profile box and uncheck "show in search". Your husband may have to do it, depending on what group permissions are set for you.
  20. I believe group liability fee accrues when a group-owned parcel is set up to be listed in search. ETA: The group owner can change this so that only the owner is charged the fee, rather than having it split among group members.
  21. It should right itself when you get out of the pose position. Just stand up, let the head rotate back, then go back into your edit pose to finish dressing. :smileyvery-happy:
  22. How did you know I wanted a load of butter on it? :smileyvery-happy: /me noms happily
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