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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. /me doesn't speak Dutch but would like some gingerbread to go with my morning coffee, please :matte-motes-big-grin:
  2. It's an SL Miracle!!! /me digs Brokli t shirt out of inventory
  3. Has he given you the rights to eject from both groups?
  4. I agree! I'd love to see a Fight Club forum. It's so inconvenient carrying popcorn from one place to another here, I'd like to just park in one area to watch the fun.
  5. Lovely photo, Valerie...both of SL you and the RL you and your dear mum! Welcome back! /me hugs you
  6. Pamela, I wouldn't complain if it was your products landing on my beach. :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Argus Collingwood wrote: Are we hunting wabbits? :smileywink: Thank you, Argus! I've been thinking that all day but was trying to be quiet. :smileyvery-happy:
  8. In my usual SL look, I wear green eyes (my RL eyes are green). But sometimes I like a change...these icy eyes are from Pulse.
  9. Have you tried sending a message to the owner of the shop to see if they can tell you who made the hair used in their ad?
  10. Beautiful, Cat! It's nice to see some love on fhe forums! :smileyhappy: P.S. I love the kitty filing its nails!
  11. It's not just roadside, either. I have a piece of land on Linden waterfront, and regularly fish creations from this person off of my land. It's not only unsightly, but I noticed that the most recent one was over 70 prims. I have land settings set so that those objects should not be able to come onto my land, but they still do.
  12. Valerie, I had not heard of Durga so paid a visit yesterday, and left with a lovely gown! Thanks for the tip (like I needed another place to shop lol)!
  13. DQ Darwin wrote: /Dee points out the ambulance to Dillon as it rolls by, oops to late she is already chasing it. You know, that would make an excellent sig line! :smileyvery-happy:
  14. I agree with the recommendation for Hudson's; I've bought some great skirts there. I'm also thinking Zaara might have them, but I'm not sure about that. (Nice dresses though!)
  15. Ahhh! Well, I did ask, didn't I? Nice choice!! :smileyvery-happy:
  16. I haven't watched this one in ages, but I remember I used to love it... (grr, another one I have to post as a link!)
  17. I too give you a "win" for that one, but I want to see the song you're hiding from us!! (I was going to say I want to see your really big gun but that just sounds wrong!)
  18. Another oldie (not quite 60 years though!) :smileyvery-happy:
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