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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. valerie Inshan wrote: What about being our first Honorary Member? Hm. Wait, the club has not been created yet. :smileysurprised::smileytongue: It's hasn't? I've been lounging for two days thinking we were official! :smileyvery-happy: And Dres definitely qualifies...he lounges and looks good in fishnets, that's all that's required, right??
  2. I ate all the chocolates, that's why I'm having to lie down for a bit! :smileywink: (And thank you for the lovely compliment about the earlier pic!!)
  3. Nice green area in Whitesun, with plenty of room and prims to build your own garden. Asking price is L$4,976. 
  4. Very industrious of you, Val, but I think it would be more relaxing to have someone read a story to us! :smileyvery-happy: Here I am not being industrious at all...lounging at the Cornfield with some very silent fellows while keeping an eye out for the rats scurrying nearby.
  5. Shelby's right...I've had to do the same thing many times due to a crash just after making a purchase, and I've never had a merchant refuse to redeliver. I imagine this happens to them, too! :smileywink:
  6. I didn't even know Shiny Things *had* a bargain room, how have I missed seeing that? To the OP: I agree with the recommendations of G Field...cute shoes, no messing with HUDs, and a good price. This is the store I go to when I need a new pair of shoes in a hurry and don't want a pair that will require any fussing with. Actually, I've been known to run in there barefoot because I know I can grab a pair, put them on, and head out with no muss, no fuss. lol
  7. Thank you, Pussycat! It's very likely that there are flaws as I don't worry about exact proportions; I just adjusted the shape till it looked right to me (which means yep, I did lengthen the arms a bit :smileyhappy:).
  8. No problem, you can have my share of the dark chocolates! And since Valerie isn't here at the moment, you can have hers, too! All this lounging has made me tired, I think I'll prop myself up for a minute...:smileyvery-happy:
  9. Honestly, Mayalily, you sound like you are jealous of Keli and the fact that she is well-liked here! Perhaps you could give us an example of "interesting threads" by starting some of your own, since you find this one so deficient. I really don't see the purpose in coming into this thread and saying the things that you have said. I'm sure there are people who don't care for the threads and posts you write, but they don't insult you, do they?
  10. You lounge beautifully, JoJo! (And the scenery behind you is lovely as well!) /me pries the tray of chocolates away from Val and passes them to JoJo
  11. Venus Petrov wrote: I used to argue that SL was not a game. I understand what LL intended to create but sometimes what one intends becomes something else for another so I leave each to define SL for themselves. Your world. Your imagination. This. SL is what you make of it...if you want it to be a game, then it's a game. If you want it to be a virtual world, then that's what it is. There's no "one size fits all" label, and I don't think it really matters what anyone calls it, as long as they treat other players of the game...or inhabitants of the virtual world...decently.
  12. "The Ladies Who Lounge"...I love that, Valerie! lolol P.S. Hi Maz!! Val's right....your tiger fur covers your newdity! :smileywink:
  13. The only thing that could make it sweeter would be if you were the one serving us the tray of chocolates, Storm! :smileyvery-happy: :smileywink:
  14. I love that idea, Venus! But I think you need to join us in lying about sampling chocolates and sipping champagne! And another great look, btw...love your ink!!
  15. This is a pretty little plot on a hillside with a nice sunrise view. Quiet area not too far from the ocean. Asking price is L$4,500. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scenic%20Hills/242/98/34
  16. Thank you, Valerie! You look so gorgeous and chic today (as always), I'm not sure I entirely believe that you really spent all weekend fixing up your new home! :smileyvery-happy: :smileytongue: And I agree...Dres, you definitely need fishnets to complete your look!!
  17. Striking a pose in our new garden skybox, which has a tree you can climb but that's probably not a great idea in this outfit. :smileyvery-happy:
  18. Beautiful, Parhelion! I'm loving this thread (and thank you to Valerie for starting it)...you are all artists and it's made me want to start working on some more gardens myself! :smileyhappy:
  19. I noticed something like you are talking about last night, Mickey. I was using Google to look up info about a club in SL, and was quite shocked to see the forum profile of someone I'm close to show up in the search results (because of photos that person has posted here)! It wasn't in the top spot, but not all that far from it, either.
  20. Now that is a green outfit, Venus! :smileyvery-happy: Seriously, that is a really great costume and a lovely photo! You put together such cool looks that I think you need to start including style cards with your pics. :smileytongue: :smileywink:
  21. I agree with Keli...seeing updates from the forums on my Dashboard is what got me interested enough to take a look.
  22. /me directs Dee to the Commerce Forum to pimp her boots.
  23. Account Receivable forms?? That sounds like a job for Miss Caxton!!
  24. I had almost the exact same thing happen recently. I was TPing around and while I was in one store (that I've been to several times before), I happened to look up at the top of the viewer and saw the location name. I walked outside of the store and looked, and sure enough, my house was next door! :smileyvery-happy:
  25. You did seem rather transfixed at their unveiling, Dillon! Wait, is this another of her nefarious tricks...hypnotizing her would-be victims so they can't fight back?? Look away from the tassels!!
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