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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Good morning, Hippie! Be careful of the beaks, they look pretty sharp!!
  2. Quinn Morani wrote: I propose that we plan an outing (mouseketeer hats and all) to one of these Disney themed sims in the very near future. I volunteer to be the organizer! Who's in? Yay!! My mouse ears and I are in!
  3. Yes, Keli, I got ears! :smileyhappy:
  4. I can't stop giggling at that one, Mickey! Awesome! :smileyvery-happy:
  5. You may have promoted mentioned that, Dee! How many posts do I have to make to get the fat pack?
  6. I second Dillon's "wow"....what a great look, Eloise!
  7. Thanks to Cait, I got a plank animation in the Platinum Hunt but haven't yet tried it out. Maybe tonight!
  8. I am honored that you would offer a pair of your prized (and overpriced) prim boots, Dee! P.S. You forgot the part where the parrot says "Valerie! Sylvia's been snooping around on your sim!!"
  9. Thank you, Cat!! Surely Val will let us have the parrot for such an important occasion! :smileyvery-happy:
  10. I'll have to check that place to see if they have any long hair; I have some "hat hairs" but I don't really like them. Yours I do like!
  11. I think my post offering to feed you that parrot was post #500 for me! lol
  12. Hi, Maddy! Ewww.....wait, is that a cupcake?? Hi Cat! I will gladly feed Val's tattle-tale parrot to you! :smileyvery-happy:
  13. /me kindly offers pink pillow to Darrius for his rest (just ignore the wafting feathers!)
  14. Jacki Silverfall wrote: Good Lord I hope it's cleared up. The same thing happened with the Forum Cartel Group didn't it? I was going to say something but as most of you know I am a woman of few words. so I will hold my tongue once again. Hugs to all Jacki You're right! It took me ages to get up the nerve to visit the Hangout because of the (inaccurate) stuff people said about the Cartel group. Hugs, Jacki! I hope the creating is going well for you! :smileyhappy:
  15. Keli Kyrie wrote: @ Maddy I am sure you returned Sylvia's kindness with something that warmed her heart. :matte-motes-evil-invert: You are correct, of course! :smileyvery-happy: I seldom wear hats because I like my big hair, which doesn't play well with hats. However, if I were to have a Mickey Mouse hat.... (/me gives sad puppy dog eyes to Dillon)
  16. A planking thread would be fun! I keep forgetting which thread these posts are in (I keep looking in GD for some reason), but they make me laugh... and that reminds me, I need to try out the new planking animation I got in a recent hunt!
  17. Good morning and hugs to all! P.S. Dang, Lillie, that's gross! (Sorry, Cat!) :smileyvery-happy:
  18. My eyes are green in RL and SL. I sometimes change color in SL if I'm wearing a costume, but 99% of the time, I wear the same green shade that I think I have in my pic here (won't know till I post and see it again lol).
  19. I actually gave that a shot the day the thread was posted, and thought maybe it was from Reale because of the fabric, but nope! I'm stumped! /me turns in my shopaholic membership card
  20. Lillie Woodells wrote: Miss Ima, I now have no choice but to fill a squirt gun with Diet Coke and chase you around my yard. *squirt squirt squirt* I'm pretty sure she can outrun you, Lillie...you saw her defy Maddy's attempts to fireball her, right?
  21. Good morning, Hippie! Any special breakfast requests to help you recover from the dentist visit? I can snatch those fish sticks back from Cat and mush them up for you if you want! :smileyvery-happy:
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