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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Not in Bloodlines, Val...just having some fun! :smileytongue: :smileywink:
  2. Not ready to get back to normal yet, I'm hanging around the graveyard at Anarchy Island!
  3. Have you tried clearing your cache? You should be able to do this from Preferences (I don't know which viwer you use), then relog and let the inventory fully load. Often, missing items will reappear after the cache is cleared.
  4. The residents who post here can't actually help deliver your purchase to you. What you need to do is send a notecard to the seller with this transaction history, and ask them to redeliver. Or you can go to their store in world to see if they have a redelivery terminal.
  5. My guess is that they mean: Dark, Light, Cleavage, and Freckles. Probably the easiest way to know for sure is to try them on and see what the differences are. :smileyhappy:
  6. I don't know of any way to do it from the website. If you have your preferences set so that IMs come to your email, you can reply to the email and send an IM back that way (be sure to remove the copy of the IM that you are replying to from your reply).
  7. I knew I'd hear about that! But I'm sure Lillie will forgive me for choosing Jeff Buckley's version. (Lillie's version is special to me in another way...it makes me smile when I'm feeling down, which is not the topic of this thread!)
  8. That's right, Dillon...I think you correctly pointed out before that we're kind of free with our definition of the word "ladies"...and we don't actually "lunch" either! (Unless Keli is around to pass out salads!! :smileyvery-happy: )
  9. Dumb question...how do you tell if a sim is not running RC code? I've TPd around a lot to see if I get the same result you do, and everything's been fine. The sims I visited were on Blue Steel, Magnum, and Second Life Server.
  10. Can't imbed this one for some reason, which is a shame....so beautiful...
  11. I was just about to send you an invite, Dres, but luckily I checked the list first and saw that you've joined us. Were you bombarded with invitations? :smileyvery-happy: And...Welcome to LWL!! Yay!
  12. I love these threads, too, Dres...and a "happy" one was a great idea! Here's another song that makes me happy...it will probably make people "tut" at me, but it makes me want to dance!
  13. Yay!!! Here's an old one for you, Dres! And yes, it does make me happy!
  14. I can't believe I forgot about the Dan Fogelberg song you listed, Quinn! (Can I use the coconut drink excuse again?)
  15. I can't find anything on YouTube except cover versions, but here's a link to mine: Garth Brooks - The Dance
  16. Even when I'm playing in costume, I always wear my ring. :smileyhappy:
  17. You're absoultely right, Quinn!! I was actually hearing Lillie's versions of that *and* the Tracy Chapman song when I was making my list, but must have still been too hung over from coconut drinks to remember they were on YouTube! :smileytongue:
  18. I posted my favorite in Maryanne's pop/rock thread (the Kelly Sweet song), but here's another one I like!
  19. Thank you, Venus and Pixie! I spent half the day in this dark look...I may have to break down and buy the skin because it was indeed fun! :smileyhappy:
  20. It's hard to pick just five! But here are five random songs I really like:
  21. Trying out a new look (please ignore "demo" tattoo :smileyvery-happy: )...
  22. I second what Venus said! Most times when I go to answer a question, Val's already been in the thread to give assistance! Congratulations, Valerie! *hugs*
  23. That is an excellent lounge pic, Venus! :smileytongue::smileyhappy:
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