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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I've been on my island from RGF Estates for over a year, and the few times I've requested support, I've been very happy with the service I received. I've used their live chat support a couple of times, and the agents were very courteous and when necessary, quickly brought in a manager to solve the issue for me. I've also spoken with the owner and the vice-president, and they were very helpful and polite as well. :smileyhappy:
  2. Janelle Darkstone wrote: It... most... definitely... is... not! rant rant whine whine alum inum! rant whine rant *crosses her arms and sulks in her inflatable hover fort.* You forgot to flounce! :smileyvery-happy:
  3. That's up to you...if you close the account you will lose the items that you have purchased, but if it is distressing you this much, maybe that is what you should do.
  4. Are those items by any chance filed under Library? If so, they come with the account; you don't buy them. Speaking of Library, find a skin in there and put it on until you find your other one. That way at least you will be rid of the demo skin.
  5. Ooh, thank you, JoJo! I'm there now, but having a little lounge in between picking up boxes. :smileyvery-happy:
  6. Another perfect outfit, Tay! I love your take on fashion from other decades! @ Jojo, thanks for the info! It figures, it would have to end yesterday (lol), but at least I know what store to check out for other nice things!
  7. That sounds like such fun, Val, though I think someone whose name I won't mention but he is my partner seems to think that you and I will landscape wearing ballgowns! (Hmm...photo idea? lol) :smileyvery-happy:
  8. Well, bugger, Dee, do you mean he's not on our payroll? He mentions us so often I thought he was our official PR person!
  9. Venus is right...just be glad (or envious!) that your land doesn't turn bright lime green on occasion, as mine does! It's one of the Wonders of SL! :smileytongue:
  10. This will sound blasphemous, but I almost hope Our Lady is not located, so that we can continue reading about your search for her! :smileyvery-happy:
  11. Beautiful pic and look, Jojo! And I will do to you what I do to Venus, and covet your dress! :smileyvery-happy: Valerie, you are lovely and serene as always! I need you to come help me build a forest, I haven't changed clothes in 3 days! /me is not so serene!
  12. I was just about to request that we please start getting some pics of this romance, and look what we have now! /me sits next to Val and sneaks a handful of popcorn from her
  13. Keli Kyrie wrote: I appreciate your point of view just one small correction though. If you are using Viewer 2 this works Inworld as well as from any web browser so you don't have to leave SL to use it. When you are inworld you get a special window in the viewer that displays your feed.  This is one reason that I just turned the feeds off...I don't use V2 and have no intention of doing so. So that means that when I do go to my browser to see my web profile and find tons of posts on my feed, some from people I don't even know, that makes it 1) overwhelming and 2) kind of useless...for me. I quit using FB months ago for the very same reason. I just don't want to devote as much time as seems to be required to read through these feed-based forms of communication. Having said that, I'm glad it's there for those who enjoy it, and that you are all having a good time with it! :smileyhappy:
  14. This is an interesting question, Venus! Smilers just do not look right on my av; maybe I'm just too used to seeing myself look slightly annoyed. :smileyvery-happy: But the funny thing is...I have two good friends who use smilers all the time, and it works for them. I don't just mean appearance-wise, but it really suits their personalities (and I mean that as a compliment). I hope they will chime in here with their thoughts.
  15. @ Venus - Thank you! In fact, I was trying out an outfit to wear to an opening of a teahouse! :smileyhappy: @ Val - Thank you, too! But I forgot to lounge...please don't eject me from the group! /me hugs you back @ Randall - That looks like a great place to conemplate; I love the way the pool is elevated above the rest of what we can see.
  16. Following the lovely Venus' example, I go for an international look, too... :smileyhappy: (Except I was lazy and skipped the travel part...this is a skybox!)
  17. You mentioned that the house is a rental, so I'm wondering if your landlord (who I assume owns the house), can help you out by modifying/changing out the window textures? If nothing else, maybe s/he could remove the blue tint for you.
  18. I started out with a Linden house that I moved into not long after I joined. It quickly proved to be too small (OK, not enough prims!), so I moved to a rental, then a bigger rental on a beach, then finally to a private island which I am still renting over a year later. Now I have taken to buying Mainland plots to build on and decorate...and I have no idea how many houses I have because the number is constantly changing as I buy and sell land. :smileyvery-happy: My actual home is with my partner in a beautiful skybox up above one of the Mainland plots. :smileyhappy:
  19. I agree with Jacki's suggestion of shutters, but if you prefer drapes, try tthe type that have 2 separate layers (a sheer lining and a heavier one). Maybe that extra layer will help block the window tint...if not, try putting up simple blinds then hanging drapes in front of them.
  20. You look so cute, Tay!! What a great look...you nailed it! :smileyhappy:
  21. @ Valerie - Love that sig!! It makes me want to take another lounge pic today! :smileyvery-happy: @ Venus - That's a lovely lounge photo! You look like you are thinking about taking a little nap there in the flowers!
  22. @ Valerie - Lovely photo, and you are the one who has the stunning effect! Though I will also say that the shadows look great; I gave up and just bought some trees that come with their own shadows. :smileyvery-happy: @ Pixie - Wow, great pic! I had to look twice because I actually thought it was a RL photo!! That's a lovely lounging pose, too! :smileyhappy:
  23. I'd give you a kudo for that if I could, Valerie!! That's perfect (and so funny)!! :smileyvery-happy:
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