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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. Well said, and I feel the same about what I've seen happen in groups when some poor soul happily announces they got a home and gets ripped apart. Some people really do make it hard to wish them luck in finding a new home.
  2. /me piles on @WillowTenage with Beth! You are *always* sweet, so don't listen to any drama-stirrers posters who try to say otherwise!
  3. I would like one of those balloons, should they start appearing over parcels. But yeah, I hope there are no political/election events allowed. It would be a hot mess and no way would it end well.
  4. This! Plus more in world interaction with moles and Lindens, which reminds of days past when that used to be a lot more common. I'm not much into the groups, which seem to be magnets for... well we'll keep it positive and just say that I'm very happy to have the new friends I talk with on an individual basis. Real estate-wise, I have to say it's awesome having land on water (beach parcel and houseboat) that doesn't demand the premium prices I'd have to pay elsewhere for the same thing. It's awesome having such nice homes as part of the premium packages I've been paying for the past nine years. Till now, I had no use for the Linden home "perk", and now I am using that benefit as well. P.S. @iBrat, you would fit in with @Beth Macbain's group for sure! I've only popped in to the Discord once so far, and it was fun!
  5. Yikes! A lion in the chicken thread!
  6. Maybe this is it? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BHD-Linden-Houseboat-Wallower-Interior-Walls/17519450
  7. Well.... first of all, not everyone uses voice at all. I like the idea of having the option of being able to make payments for whatever reason, do stuff with inventory, and all the other things you cannot do with FB, etc. (And that's aside from the fact that FB is hostile to "fake accounts" like SL avatars.) The mobile apps I've used in the past were not developed by SL, so they took nothing away from SL developers' time.
  8. You try for them on your Dashboard, so no, you do not have to be in world. I wasn't in world when I got my houseboat. I'm pretty sure I have actually seen people post here that they have been using their phones to check the page for available homes.
  9. It's funny how so many of us like what others have! For instance, I think it would be cool to have one on a river! lol
  10. I honestly would not have thought to buy that path if I hadn't seen what nice looks everyone else here has made using them.
  11. Full disclosure: I am on the end of a row of houseboats. I just angled the camera to cut my next door neighbor's houseboat out. lol But I agree, I feel very lucky to be so near a lighthouse!
  12. And here's a shot of our houseboat, since I think I will be working it it some today. I am finding the wall textures too limited in choice, so have a couple of wall cover demos from MP to check out.
  13. I bought the little boards path at Sway's yesterday for FLF, and think it goes well in my beach backyard. (Also you can see how I'm using the grass mesh pieces from Violetitlity that @Marianne Little told us about). I tinted the boards just a bit so they would better match the porch area.
  14. Oooh, wow, thanks! I feel like racing off to find an event now to try this out!
  15. Check this one out. It's in an Adult region, if that matters to you, but it's a good place to take "clean" photos and there are some lovely backgrounds and props. https://secondlife.com/destination/comhar-photo-studio http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Comhar/51/216/57
  16. I think it would be nice to have for times when I'd like to speak with someone in a different time zone from my own, at a time when I can't log on with a full computer (like when I am at work). My partner's time zone is six hours' ahead of mine, so our chat time is kind of limited. It would be cool to be able to have a quick chat on my lunch break now and then.
  17. That's very similar to the method I use at laggy shopping events to derender everyone else in the vicinity. I use the click-shift-click on the Nearby tab to highlight the names of all avatars I don't want to see, then temporarily derender them. Makes shopping much less laggy. I'll have to try your idea to do it with objects!
  18. Ditto all that. I recently had a similar experience regarding a merchant, when I went into a store for the first time in ages and was trying to pick up some group gifts. Clicking was not doing anything, and I finally realized when I was about to IM the creator to ask for help that I had blocked her years ago for excessive spammy messages. lol (Unblocking her fixed the issue and I got the gifts, so happy ending till the spam starts up again!)
  19. I like the creative suggestions that @Marianne Little gave us. I'd really love to see what someone could do actually working with the terrain instead of just totally covering it up. But as you noted, there is always the option of abandoning to try for something more to one's taste.
  20. "Chicken stuff" lol I just checked my inventory, and it seems I bought the chicken avatar for this account as well!
  21. I might have to bring my chicken-avatar-wearing alt over for a playdate! BOCK!
  22. We have a pet chicken in our houseboat, does that count?
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