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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Go to your dashboard at https://secondlife.com/my/ and attempt to log in with the password. If it fails, then you are remembering it wrong, or you've typed it wrong, or someone else got access to your account and changed it. If needed, try the steps for 'Forgot your login information'. If someone else has managed to change your password, you'll need to submit a ticket to LL and be ready to verify the account really belongs to you. Submit tickets at: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/
  2. Yep, this is why I never cared too much for the Big Mac - I could eat one since the sauce isn't heavy, but definitely not my preference. I'm not a big one for Thousand Island dressing either.
  3. I use a lot of the Firestorm features, but one of the biggies for me is the ability to increase my texture cache. My graphics card has far more than 512 MB on it so I might as well take advantage of that. I pretty much never have texture thrashing issues any more when using Firestorm, but that doesn't hold true if I spend much time logged in and bouncing around the grid with the LL viewer.
  4. Well since the original post is over a year old, I'm not totally surprised at that. If you are truly interested, you might try contacting the original poster inworld to see if they are still around and still offering classes.
  5. *bleh* I even get surprised if I order a hamburger somewhere and it automatically comes with mayo on it. I grew up with ketchup and mustard being the normal default dressings put on hot dogs and hamburgers. As I got older, I accepted other things on hamburgers - BBQ sauce, spicy hot wing type sauce, a few other things - though none of those other sauces ever get combined with mustard or ketchup. I can tolerate mayo in various dishes as long as the taste isn't strong. Like you, I need more mustard or other things to cover the mayo taste. IMO, Miracle Whip and Mayo both taste equally disgusting.
  6. We can only edit our posts for 24 hours - after that, no touchy-touchy at all.
  7. Read this and note the paragraph marked with 'Important'
  8. *coughs* um, the last I checked, it really is still 2018
  9. Then stop going to the places that you normally go to and you won't run into her -- i.e. she will no longer see you.
  10. Also, you have to log in to the MarketPlace - it is a separate login that the forums or your dashboard page.
  11. It must be too early for me, as I'm obviously missing something. I'll come back later after breakfast and more coffee.
  12. Yeah, I tried the LL 64-bit viewer with high hopes, but also discovered that they hadn't yet increased that limit. I had just assumed the 512 cap was specific to their 32-bit version and that they would expand it when they created the 64-bit one. I prefer Firestorm due to other features, but was checking out the LL viewer as a possible alternative for when I wanted two viewers logged in at the same time - I think the LL one is a bit lighter on system resource usage. However, the texture cache limit killed that for me.
  13. Well, between work and other RL crap, I managed to log in and pop over during the last set. And then my computer sound decided to be wonky. No matter how loud I turned things up or how I manipulated the settings, I could only barely hear the music. After much tinkering with settings, relogging, and rebooting the computer, my sound finally fixed itself, but by then the set was wrapping up. It looked like a fun day though. Hopefully next year, I'll get to spend more time there.
  14. Awesome shot. If I'd just seen this pic somewhere, I likely would not have realized that was someone standing on the sign rather than the person actually being part of the sign.
  15. And this is what someone would say that doesn't have an appropriate response to facts, while your initial comment was the response of someone that either doesn't truly understand CI or was just being flippant. For most people 30-50k is not considered laggy, which is what my CI typically is unless I've donned something complex specfically for a picture - and then I stay away from busy sims.
  16. Depending on where I'm at and what is happening there, I may have my jelly doll setting at the absolute lowest. Then anybody over 20k will render as a blob to me, but that doesn't mean that anyone over 20k is laggy - to me or anyone else. For the most part, laggy depends on the computer running the viewer that is rendering said person. If the computer is not very good, then someone with a CI of 20k could be a load on their system, yet a really powerful computer with a great graphics card wouldn't necessarily seem impacted by someone with a CI of 100k.
  17. Not on a typical egg sandwich - which to me is a fried egg between 2 slices of buttered toast - but for egg salad, where you mix in a tiny bit of mustard and chopped celery & oninos. Without the mayo, in order to get the right creaminess you would have to add too much mustard.
  18. I'm kinda getting the feeling that you've had a bad day. Maybe some more drugs might help.
  19. When asparagus in in season, we will often buy lots of it and then cook it, chill it and just keep it in the fridge for snacking on. We will often cook up a week's worth every weekend.
  20. Look for an inventory item called "Slink AvEnhance Feet Alpha" in your slink folder. That will make your regular feet invisible so that the Slink feet are all that show.
  21. Yeah, I enable the override every login. While I do use it a lot, if I go to a location set to no-fly and anyone is around then I'll stay on the ground. I just prefer to traverse many places by air rather than walking. Outside of RP sims, I never really understood why stores and such felt the need to disable fly anyway. One store owner told me it was "because they have areas where they do their creating and the don't want anyone spying". I didn't bother to tell her that there were ways around the setting. Not to mention that if those areas are within cam distance of where avatars are on foot, they can still be spied on.
  22. By doing a custom search on the Leaderboard page and checking a day at a time, there are days in Jan that were won by Clover, Rhonda and I, but the profiles still show nothing.
  23. If I enter a Custom Date of 12/24-12/24 on the Leaderboard page, then you are still shown as having won the day.
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