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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. There are definitely still plenty of system skins out there. I'm still using a system head but switched to a mesh body last year. Thus I had to do the hunt for a new system skin with a matching body applier. I found tons of system skins, but it did take a bit of searching to find something that I really liked and was similar to what I had been using before (that skin creator was no longer in SL, so no chance of getting a body applier to match it). You do need to read the display ads careful and/or look at the contents of what you are buying. Make sure the ad indicates it is for a Classic or System avatar. Also, some of the ads are not very clear that they are only selling makeup tattoos rather than the full skin.
  2. As Phil says, just leave the thread and the post won't happen. If you want, you can also do a screen refresh, then click in the Reply box again (which will bring back anything you had already typed and not posted). You can then click the "clear editor" link at the bottom on the reply box to fully clear out your comments.
  3. LOL - I guess I never considered that one to be an unknown symbol. I thought the OP was talking about some weird graphics thing.
  4. Also, if you can manage to grab a screen shot of the blue circle before you crash, seeing it might be helpful.
  5. Is that in the SL Viewer or maybe some others? I checked in Firestorm last night and the calling card didn't give any indication of online status.
  6. Is there a Schedule of Events somewhere? I have to work off & on tomorrow, but I'd like to pop over to the event for a bit sometime.
  7. I rembember that bug and the similar 'exorcist' one (head turn backwards). I had put together a combo pic a while back with a few examples of those oddities. The first one, my body had bent such that the top half was mostly buried in my skirt. Most were corrected by a TP, but that last one required a relog to fix.
  8. Skell's write-up on the body says that you cannot even use Altamura skins on it -- literally only the skin that is already on the body.
  9. I had someone use my picks once to figure out some groups that I belonged to - because my group list was hidden at the time - and by joining one of those groups, could easily see if I was online or not. Someone else used a scripted object rezzed inworld that told them when I logged in and out. As others have said, a variety of methods can tell someone if you are online or not. However, finding you should be much more difficult - assuming you aren't frequenting known locations.
  10. While this might have been true at some time, it isn't currently. I have the calling card of one of my alts but I had de-friended her a few months back for some permissions testing. When she logs in, her profile does not show her online. The only way I can see her online is in a couple of groups that we have in common. Likewise, she has my card but sees me as offline via my profile.
  11. I forgot about the Exmachina body - my male alt actually has that one, though I haven't done much with it. At the time that I got it, it had only one skin and limited clothing options - not sure of the status on that these days. TMP might also have a free one, but I sure wouldn't recommend TMP for any sort of long term use, just because you have to use their skins and finding quality clothing that fits could be a problem.
  12. I'm not sure if there are any male mesh bodies for free. You can get a cheap one at Altamura by joining the Teleport.Hub group for L$10 and then the mesh body is free -- but it only comes with one skin and cannot use any other skin. According to Skell, the Signature mesh clothes fit it fairly well. It might be a good place to start.
  13. Ahhh. It was one of the coats in Bri's Underground January Coat hunt. I have little patience for waiting for an L to pop up, thus I almost never wait around for a letter and thus seldom get anything from lucky boards/chairs.
  14. Thanks. There were quite a few cute coats in that hunt.
  15. Yes, you can put all of your land into the group without causing a change in tier, as long as the tier is donated at the time the land is deeded to the group. I believe that donating the needed tier is an option you get when you deed the land to a group -- either via a check box or a pop-up box (can't remember which way). If the option isn't there, groups are actually allowed to be negative on tier for short periods, so you would deed the land and then pull up the group profile and donate your tier. A group gets a 10% bonus in tier, though that usually doesn't help much except with pretty large amounts of land. As an example, let's assume that all 3 of your parcels are 512 sqm and your husband's is 512 sqm. That means that you would be are using 1536 sqm of tier and paying for 1024 sqm of tier (because your first 512 is free with your Premium membership) and your husband is not paying anything because his 512 is free. If you deed your total 1536 sqm land to the group (donate tier at time land is deeded to avoid additional tier fees) and your husband deeds his 512 sqm of land to the group (also donating the tier at the time the deeding is done), then the group ends up owning 2048 sqm of land. Yet, because of the 10% bonus, the group actually ends up with a total tier of 2252/2253 (depending on how LL rounds). What that means is that you then have another 252/253 sqm of tier available for more land. Since 252 is not a typical land size that you can buy, this is why I said the bonus usually only helps when the amount is quite a bit larger. Additionally, if all 4 of the plots are on the same sim, then they all can share the total combined allowed prims/LI. So one plot could use more than the 175 LI (of the 512 sqm) as long as total of 700 LI is not exceeded by all 4 plots combined. The sharing of prims/LI is not specific to groups, but to the land owner (i.e. an individual or a group). Thus if all 3 of your plots are on the same sim, you already have the 'sharing' ability. Putting all of the plots in a group simply adds the 4th parcel into the 'sharing' pot.
  16. I've had things rez and open a bit slower than usual, but haven't had anything disappear while editing.
  17. Well, many of us dance on sand beaches in our heels and wander through snow covered forests in our heels, so sure, why not.
  18. My inventory now has a huge selection of chokers - a type of necklace I'm not typically fond of.
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