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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Breakfast is 8:00 SLT every Sunday morning, at different locations around the grid. GoSpeed Racer is the current organizer and the inworld group is The Breakfast Club, though the weekly location is also announced in a thread or two here in the forums and other group(s) inworld.
  2. That one is a typical troll, based on the majority of their previous forum posts. Hopefully, the OP of that thread will ignore said person.
  3. While this thread is almost 2 years old, at least the question is valid and definitely still on topic for the thread, thus I'll bite. Given what I use SL for, I have absolutely no desire to go to a platform where I can create an avatar that looks like a block-man. So, no, I have not tried it at all.
  4. "A troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal, on-topic discussion, often for the troll's amusement." @pennytrated - Well, at least you admitted it.
  5. As someone that simply owns a bit of mainland, what I'd like is some more price points in the tier schedule rather than the current doubling of size. That would let me ease up into bigger plots a little slower and budget the increases a bit easier.
  6. IMO - Any item costing more than L$25 should have a demo or be rezzed inworld to see, regardless of whether or not it is a popular selling item. It may not be popular specifically because it does not have a demo. I do like an inworld presence, though it is not necessarily a deal breaker for me if there isn't one. If there is an inworld store, I'm not overly picky about what type of vendors someone uses. Whatever works for them is fine as long as I can get a redelivery if needed (or refund, if applicable). Except that there are likely as many ideas about the perfect buyer's experience as there are buyers. We all like doing things our own way, which usually is not "everyone's way". Like you, I hate those bags that animate you when you attach them. Primarily because I'm often unpacking while standing on a post stand and the holding animation will often mess up the pose stand animation, but also because those unpack scripts will not always unpack no-copy items properly. However, I actually prefer either a delivery HUD or a box that I can rez. I then already have the box as a backup - and if I don't want to unpack it for a while, it hasn't increased my inventory size yet. My inventory is large enough as it is. I definitely do not need a folder within a folder that contains another copy of every item.
  7. Because you were the adult that said to 'Be nice to each other' which, of course, promptly reminded me of all the times my mom would say that - hence my comical response that OP thought was disrespectful.
  8. So my very first response in this thread apparently was not enough to your liking to be considered a respectful adult response. Please tell me where I was making jokes or ridculing the post in that first response. Here, I'll refresh your memory so you don't have to look back (yes, that was a bit petty, but sometimes there is a need): My next few posts were mostly side conversations (they happen in forum threads). I then finally gave a joking post in reply to a post that was ribbing me for a spelling/grammar error in my first post. You then ranted for roughly 1.5-2.0 pages. When I finally replied to your various posts, I still think it was done in a very respectful ways. There was nothing in that post attacking you or the original post, nor was anything being ridiculed. Apparently though, since I soon followed that post up with a joke on another post, you decided that I had "made your point" for you and it was thus time for you to berate me in a personal message. It is not at all unusual for a serious thread to get the occasional side comment or joke in response to something someone else posted. Such happened in this thread a few times in the first couple of pages. The joking and side coversations do not take anything away from the original post - unless a true derail is needed. Though it seems that you can't handle having the conversation of your post go any direction except the serious nature that you deemed it deserved. You have spent the vast majority of this thread giving us a 'Holier than thou' attitude and yet you have "passively" attacked others. Hell, in many cases, even when you thanked someone, you still added something negative to the post. Step back and a take a hard look at your own attitude in your posts here - at the negativity that you have directed at almost everyone in this thread. I wish for once, when someone said that, they actually meant it.
  9. Someday I will learn to recognize when a thread is going downhill fast............... and learn to turn and walk the other way. I will not go back there. I will not go back there. I will not go back there. I will not go back there.
  10. Why is it that every damn time someone in these forums disagrees with someone else, all of a sudden they are mean and disrespectful people. Are you people truly not used to having people disagree with you? Or are all disagreements required to be phrased in such a way so that you still feel puppy love pouring over you? Sometimes it is like discussions with grade schoolers.
  11. That would explain why I'm not seeing it on many things. I thought maybe I accidentally turned off some setting.
  12. The whole point is that sometimes we want to be funny - because laughter will often make someone feel better than any nice words from strangers on a forum. We do not have to act like adults all the time. It actually is okay to act like children now and then. Even in a serious thread, discussing a serious topic, there is always room for fun. <final comment redacted, voluntarily>
  13. Thanks for popping back in and giving us more drawings. I love your created avatars and your wonderful drawn interpretations of them.
  14. I'd suggest going to the Firestorm web site and opening a JIRA for your request
  15. @Tex Monday - I just have to point this out, in case you aren't following this particular thread
  16. Okay, Tommy is my favorite again. Though...... can I trade that cookie for a brownie?
  17. /me puts on what will likely be viewed as her b!tch hat Flip the question - How do you know that they are doing their best? You don't. You are assuming that they did. Again, how do you know that they bothered to do the best that they can. I stand by my statement that it is "often" fairly easy to tell when someone truly has difficulty with the language or grammar/spelling in general. There are tons of questions asked here that make us scratch our head trying to figure out what they are really telling us and what they are asking. We try to figure it out and ask questions when we need clarification. However, I am old enough to know better than to assume that everyone is always doing their best in life - especially when many of said posts here are just wild rants anyway. Most of mine aren't either. Just because I offer someone constructive criticism, does not mean that I am attacking them. I'm usually even pretty good about not attacking those that specifically attack us just because we offered suggestions that they didn't like. Thought it is most defnitely not my job to make those people feel cared about. Everyone doesn't need to feel good all the time, especially when their response to the people trying to help them is to treat them like sh!t in return.
  18. Watch out Super Tom, Patch is quickly becoming my favorite Linden.
  19. No can do. You'll have to create a new one - and pay the applicable fee.
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