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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. Clover just mentioned in group chat that there were freebies scattered all over
  2. Thanks much for the notice. I'll put on my alpha and derender everyone else to help fight any lag. I have a huge note here to pop over after I finish a few RL chores..
  3. You limits 'clock' starts with your first "billing transaction" -- that is when they buy L$ for the first time. Your 'buy' limit will slowly increase over the next 28-30 days until it hits your maximum. Once you hit your "Day 30" after starting the clock, then you can Sell L$ and Process Credit. And as Alwin pointed out -- do not sell lindens directly to another resident, as that will get you in trouble.
  4. Ooooohhh - I had not heard of said sale. I a couple of my premium alts have a fairly large stash accumulating for cash out to pay for membership, so I can rob them if need be. /me makes a note to get to Apple Fall very soon
  5. Alice is an alternate persona of Talli -- rather than a traditional alternate account.
  6. If the tattoo has to be recreated by someone new, I do see more signs about doing custom work in tattoo stores than any other type of store in SL. Given what it might cost though, you'd definitely want to go with someone trustworthy -- a well known shop - and don't pay too much until it is completed
  7. I've been doing taxes for the past many hours. I seriously need a drink - make that a few drinks.
  8. Lack of caffeine can sure make me look dead, or undead
  9. As long as there are brains around, since you'd thus likely be a zombie
  10. You've come a long way, baby. Don't you just love all the super old pics of ourselves. Back when clothing and hair were so....... interesting.
  11. Yes, first and foremost is that the system head classic skin and body applier need to come from the same creator. The neck fix supposedly works for the mesh body to system head, helping to 'blend' the area, though it is not true in all cases. When I did my last set of skin demos, the neck fix sometimes made things worse. It all comes down to the skin creator. As Chic mentioned, not all of them seem to pay as much attention to matching this seam line. Thus the rule is demo, demo, demo - and use lots of windlight settings, turning yourself around so that the light hits you from all sides. Eventually you will find something that works for you in most settings. Also remember that you have no control over others' viewers and thus no control over how they see you.
  12. Ahh, Skell's eyes noticed what my not-fully-awake-ones didn't see.
  13. Yes, you can look really good for free, or at least super cheap (once you get the body anyway). Keep an eye on just a few websites (fabfree and and scoop.it) you don't have to spend lots of time searching out the freebies/cheapies yourself. Also, there are a few "deal" groups inworld that help - things like the Fifty Linden Friday, 60L Secret, 25L Tuesday, 30L Sat, 35L Sunday, 1 Linden 1 Hour, etc... I'm super careful about what I spend outside of bargains, thus I don't put real money into SL very often at all, nor do I spend a lot of my time searching the grid for the great deals.
  14. Wait a minute - are you saying that all those old outfits I threw away because of system layers might actually still work in the future? Granted, I might not really want them anyway, just due to quality, but still.
  15. Definitely a detriment. We all have different reasons for being here and mine most definitely has nothing to do with reincarnating anything from the games of my youth. I want to play dress up, shop, do hunts, listen to music, dance, and chit-chat with people. At no point in my SL fun do I have any desire to battle anything or anyone.
  16. I'm guessing you mean the noticable line between head and body. This is a common issue that mostly depends on the skin chosen and the corresponding body applier. You do need to at least make sure the skin and body applier are from the same creator. The HUD will have a button called Neck Fix which can help, but not always with all skins or all bodies. Many people (myself included) invest in a variety of chokers and wear those to cover that line.
  17. Before spending lots of money on clothes, one of the best ways to get started is to pick up some quality freebies. That will also give you some things to judge some creators by. Search inworld for The Free Dove and go there. Also, look at these two websites that list lots of free and cheap items. When you finally spend money, remember the golden rule: Demo, demo, demo (at least for anything costing more than about L$25) https://fabfree.wordpress.com/ https://www.scoop.it/t/second-life-freebies-und-mehr
  18. If you had the 32-bit installed (previous default) and then installed the 64-bit (new default), it installs to a new folder. Your shortcut will have to be deleted and re-created. Also, check if it is pinned to the task bar or start menu. If so, delete that and re-pin it from the true install.
  19. That is cute, not weird. I'm not a pink kind of gal, but that is still super cute.
  20. I'm actually thinking the bodysuit would look cute with the right skirt.
  21. A better picture of those super duper high platforms that I almost fell off of. Never wore anything that high before.
  22. @Maureen Boccaccio Mo gave me the "pics or it didn't happen" dare - related to an outfit conversation inworld. The creator called this a 'Dress'.
  23. I gave up on totally pain-free a while ago. Those little aches and pains when I wake simply remind me of the fun I had in my younger days.
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