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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Which version of Phoenix are you using? I know there was a bug that caused an issue like this a few versions back. Try getting the latest version ( if you're not already on it. Since this is a Phoenix specific problem, I'd suggest you join the Phoenix/Firestorm Viewer Support group and ask for help there. You can find it by pasting... secondlife:///app/group/3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd/about ...into your local chat then clicking on the link it creates. Hope this helps... Dres
  2. Welcome to the forum Xavi. If LL did implement this sort of system, I fail to see why they'd make it optional. If there is really a need for this type of extra protection, then shouldn't everyone be required to make use of it? And if by chance someone gets your password to sign into SL, why couldn't they get your $L purchasing password as well? Seems to me, anyone that would go through the trouble of getting one will go through the trouble of getting the other. Honestly, I've never had an issue and have never heard of someone having had an issue who hasn't done it to themself by sharing their password. Sure it could happened, but does it happened enough to justify the time and trouble of changing the system? I don't see enough real added benefit to offset the inconvenience to LL or the residents that would now have to remember yet another password. ...Dres
  3. Sorry that you are in this unfortunate predicament, but honestly there's little that you can do. I believe LL would consider such a situation as being a dispute between residents and, per their policy, will not get involved. The first thing you absolutely must do is edit the name of the mall out of your post, it's against TOS to post names in this manner. Second thing... let this be a lesson to you. Never pay rent to someone with whom you've never even had a conversation. It could be that they are on vacation at the moment or for whatever reason they can't get inworld. Maybe their computer died or they lost their internet connection for some reason... you never know. Let's hope that this is the case and that when they get back they'll clear this up for you; maybe even give you something for your inconvenience. In addition, maybe next time try paying for one week at first instead of six, so you're not out of so much money if something should go wrong. Hope this works out well for you... Dres
  4. While I do like this suggestion, I believe there already is a forum that would be suitable for these types of posts, namely the Favorite Destinations forum. I know my home is one of my favorite destinations. Though Carole can come off sounding a bit crass when making a point, that doesn't mean her point has no merit. And, in this case, I agree with what she's saying. A lot of us did just advocate for forum consolidation, and though I think some things are still a bit jumbled, I'd rather not see subforums being added right off the bat. In the case of a Home & Garden forum, I don't really see enough people posting new threads on the subject to justify a whole category being devoted to it. I think a "Vanity thread" about people's homes posted in the Favorite Destinations forum would be sufficient enough to get the ball rolling. As a matter of fact I was planning on starting one myself once I had the time to take pics of my cute little skybox (life's been rather hectic lately... lol). Maybe someone can beat me to it. ...Dres
  5. Here's a pic I took the other day while I was out shopping. For the life of me I can't remember where I was, if I find it later I'll post it. The only editing I did was a little cropping... didn't think it needed much more. Hope you enjoy it. ...Dres
  6. We asked for some consolidation in the forums which was very needed. We didn't ask for the merging of unrelated topics. I agree with you that the connection machinima has with animation is tenuous at best. By that logic, machinima could be lumped in with any one of the creation category subforums. Perhaps we should have more subcategories in the creation forum. The fact that some topics overlap a number of others doesn't mean they should be combined into one of them. I can only guess that the reason they were is because neither one had very many posts... not that that makes it a good reason. I'm sure this will be talked about at the upcoming CTUGs, and be worked on some more after they sift through some of the feedback that's being offered. And, as with most everything in SL, will continue to be a work in progress. ...Dres
  7. Though I'm truly grateful that we now have the general discussion forum we've asked for since the start of the Lithium based forums, I have to wonder who's brilliant idea it was to lock and hide the feedback forum. Ffs, just yesterday, I posted a pic of hairless cats in the poll ideas thread for everyone to enjoy... now, it can't even be found... and it was terribly cute. :matte-motes-crying: But seriously, was the feedback forum not useful? If there was one thing that needs a forum of it's own, I think feedback is the one. But I guess it's alright if we post our feedback here in the GD forum as long as the Lindens still pay attention to it. While I'm at it, I see the Fashion forum was moved to the Creation category. Does that mean it's meant to be taken as a forum to discuss creating clothing as opposed to just talking about fashion? In my eyes those two things are not mutually inclusive.The way I see it, discussions about fashion would be better suited to the My Avatar forum, in which case, the Fashion forum should be renamed Clothing. Maybe that's just me. Anyway, I'd like give a thousand kudos to the powers that be for finally giving us a much needed general discussion forum. I think this will go a long way toward giving the SL forums the feeling of community which it was so sorely lacking. At least that's my hope. ...Dres
  8. duke. Have some pie ooops, sorry... it slipped. ...Dres
  9. Rodvik posted something about this a few days ago (link). Although, it's not much help, at least we know it hasn't been forgotten about. ...Dres ETA: Btw, welcome to the forum Silua. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  10. Luc Starsider wrote: Ah, yes. Of course! Replace no 1 with 'Fluffy cats', and you got yourself a poll. - Luc - I say: 10. Hairless Cats ...Dres ETA: Ooops, don't know where I got 10. from... lol.
  11. Yay! Glad you got it figured out. ...Dres *puts on his party outfit*
  12. Void Singer wrote: ETA: please for the love of all that's holy (and a reduction in problems and complaints from your users) do not use the "Timeless" door script... if nothing else, have some one rewrite it for you, so that it does not have all the reset logic that is not needed. Thanks for saying this, Void. I don't even know what reset logic is but it must be pretty bad. I certainly don't want anyone vanquished to the depths of hell because of my ill informed suggestion... lol. ...Dres
  13. There are two ways to link prims in SL... a "hard" link and a "soft" link. A hard link is when you actually link two objects making them one. A soft link is when you right click on one object, hit edit then hold down shift as you click on an other object... this effective links your objects until you close the edit window or click on something else without holding shift down. With a soft link you can, not only, move things around at the same time while retaining their position in reference to each other, you can right click and hit take or take copy. When you do this, it will show up in your inventory as a coalesced object. You'll find more information about coalesced object here. That being said, there are linkable door scripts available. Here's an old one that might still work though I haven't tried it. Definitely test it on something other than your creation (that goes for anything you're trying to do for the first time). If it doesn't work you might want to ask in the LSL Scripting forum. Hope this helps... Dres
  14. Check out Abyss, LaVie Den-Dou and Prodigal. ...Dres
  15. I recently started using Twitter and can say that while previously my perception was, "who needs it?," now, after having gotten a grip on how it works, I find it to be an amazing tool for connecting people and sharing information. And unlike Facebook, you don't have to expose any information at all about your RL to be able to make use of it. But SL buying out Twitter would be a wreck, imo. With LL's track record of buying things out and dismantling them in questionable attempts to incorporate them into SL, surely it would mean the end of Twitter. Not good. ...Dres
  16. Hit the "Refresh List" button at the bottom and see who shows up. Anyone that isn't you or someone that you know that has prims on your land, select their name and hit the "Return Objects..." button. ...Dres
  17. Persephone Emerald wrote: This is not just about Second Life names on Facebook accounts. "We fundamentally believe this leads to greater accountability and a safer and more trusted environment for people who use the service. This view point has been developed by our own research and in consultation with a number of safety and child protection experts," the (Facebook) spokesperson said. This part kills me... so now, if you disagree, then you're against protecting children, right? Whatever. I have no presence on the web under my real name, nor do I ever feel the need to. Before I joined SL I had a presence with a user name that I used across platforms... good enough for me. After I joined SL, my SL name took over (damn you Dresden... lol). The attitude that, because someone chooses to not give their personal information out to the world, they can't be trusted or held accountable for their actions is just ridiculous. It would be easy enough for law enforcement to find out who I am if I should do something horrible enough for them to even care to, but to willingly give that same ability to any Tom, Dick or Harry on the net for no reason at all? I don't think so. The more people are willing to put forth this information about themselves, the more it will be expected. The more it's expected, the more pressure the ones that don't want to will be under to follow suit. Soon, if you don't provide your real information you'll be accused of anything from dishonestly to down right treacherous intent. We saw this play out in SL with zfire and his Redzone ridiculousness. Yet people are going along with it in droves, Facebook is an internet phenomenon. I can easily see them changing the face of social networking much the way Wal-mart changed the face of retail. And it's scary to think of the possible ramifications. ...Dres *considers the best thing to do is delete the "Fictitious Character" Facebook page he created today (reference) and be done with the whole thing* Edited to remove a superfluous sentence.
  18. Why didn't I see this earlier...lol? All this deletion hoopla made me curious as to whether or not you had to link your page to your RL profile, or if that was just misinformation I'd heard. So I went to Facebook today and created a page as a fictional character just as you've described here. Turns out you don't have to link your RL identity to your page, so that's good, I guess. The only thing is, now I have a presence on Facebook, which I swore I never would... lol. To make this post less pointless, I would like to point out that pages don't have the same functionality as profiles. Here's a site that explains it better than I can. Having never had a Facebook profile, it's difficult to understand how that effects your ability to do things. But I suppose it has to do mainly with the way you are able to communicate... which I don't understand in the first place. So I guess I won't be missing anything in that regard. ...Dres
  19. You might want to check out this thread just so you'll know what you've opened yourself up to by posting this. ...Dres
  20. Please... this is no way to pick up men. ...Dres
  21. Wow! You have an amazing voice. I'm definitely going to be showing up at one of your shows, when I get the opportunity. Personally, I enjoy hearing original music rather than all covers. Though, I suppose most people want to hear something they're familiar with; something they can possibly sing along with and really get into. Maybe a good strategy would be to play covers and throw in some of your original stuff in between. You know... something for everyone. Just make sure to pick covers that either fit in with your style or that you can transform to fit into your style. The latter is what I would find most interesting, if it's done well... which I'm sure you could do. The main thing is to just keep at it and have a good time. Cheers... Dres
  22. I believe it's possible to create a page for a business or organization that isn't tied to a personal profile at all. But like you, I don't really know as I, too, don't care for Facebook and have never even gone through the process of trying to sign up there. I'm almost certain I never will. ...Dres
  23. The key word here is personal. Dana Hickman wrote: "The terms of service prohibit a personal Facebook profile for an artificial entity." Business profiles and such aren't considered personal profiles, so no problem. ...Dres
  24. Dagmar Heideman wrote: Persephone Emerald wrote: ...Just because I want to protect my RL identity, that doesn't mean I'm trying to trick anyone or abuse my Facebook "privilege". I never share my RL information online with people I don't know in RL. It's not about tricking people. Data mining is a key element of Facebook's business model. If you don't provide RL information then you undermine their ability to datamine your identity and the company has little use for you. Exactly, if they let people use fictional information their data wouldn't be worth as much to other businesses and they wouldn't be making the tons of money they do. What I find most deplorable is Zuckerburg's insistance that people that don't want to give their true identity to him, so he can get rich, are somehow being dishonest and deceitful. But given his business plan, I can completely understand why he'd want to promote that fallacy. ...Dres
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