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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Um, Marianne... how dare you come in here and try to change the topic?... lol. ...Dres
  2. Oh I know... and being able to see him practically nekkid in 3D? A little slice of heaven. ...Dres
  3. Nice, I'm all ready to reset my camera once I find your other post on it and figure out how to do it. It'll have to wait though, because I'm tired and hungry... lol. Oh okay, found it here... nap time. ...Dres
  4. It's called roll play for a reason. Honestly, if two consenting adults want to pretend whatever they want (well... besides sexual ageplay) they should be able to. It's not against TOS and it's not illegal either, nor should it be. Fantasies are fantasies, that doesn't mean the person that has them needs to be arrested or see a shrink in and of itself... lord knows some of them do. I want to say that I truly have respect for Scylla for standing up for what she believes. Though I believe differently, I see where pornography can lead to the objectification of not only women, but men as well, in some reality-challenged minds. But I don't think that means the rest of the people that can differentiate between fantasy and reality should give up their right to partake in such activities if they so choose. ...Dres (I hope I haven't opened up a can of worms)
  5. You'll run into all kinds of people in SL, take Sylvia's advice and just TP away. No one can rape you or make you do anything you don't want to here. There may be places where the rapists are sent to prison, but that would be a completely different kind of RP I would assume. Believe me, no one is gonna harm you, unless that's what you want. Oh come on, I'm gay... you knew I'd pull out the Streisand at some point... lol. ...Dres
  6. The thing is, most people just don't understand why they'd be better off at scale. I just had a conversation about it with my RL roommate, who's been in SL as long as I have, and it took a while for me to explain it to her so that she understood. That's what makes your OP so great... it lays it all out in a way that people can comprehend. I should have just told her to come here and read it... lol. ...Dres
  7. Yay!!! I already have my glasses. I accidentally swiped them leaving the theater after going to see the Green Lantern the other night... so I'm set. ...Dres
  8. Jo Yardley wrote: If it was up to me we would see all sorts of measurements. Oh I wish, how nice would it be to have measurements on the sliders instead of just numbers. This in itself would probably go a long way to not only encourage proper scale but better proportions as well. I wonder how hard it would be for LL to change that. I know nothing about code and all that stuff, but it seems like it would be quite possible even if it is a bit complicated. My thought about the possibility of this actually happening, is that a TPV would probably do it long before LL would, if they could, that is. I have no idea myself, but I want it... now... lol. ...Dres
  9. Hiro Pendragon wrote: 3. Widespread ridicule of tall avatars. (Kidding. .... sort of...) Lol... Phrased a little differently, sure. I've heard a lot about people being ridiculed for being too short and it's easy to see why some would be inclined to ridicule right back. But just informing someone that you are of appropriate scale without getting defensive about it, would do a lot of good. I've seen a lot of those type of disclaimers, as sirhc pointed out, in profiles and some of them can sound rather defensive... perhaps those that choose to put a disclaimer in their profile could just state it clearly without lashing out and even add a link to this thread (or the article when it's published, whether on a blog or in the KB). Then maybe it wouldn't come off as us against them, but still get the message out. ...Dres
  10. Whatever you and Jo come up with I still think would make a great addition to the KB and would be willing to advocate for it's inclusion, since I'm usually at the meetings in the first place. ...Dres
  11. Farthington Whetmore wrote: Its a waste of prims and it took me 4 months before the Lindens cancled the ownership of mine... I would avoid it. I believe you may have missed the significance of the provided link. ...Dres
  12. Welcome to the forum Brenda. I'm sorry this is happening to you, the first thing you need to do is remove this persons name from your post, it's against TOS to post people's names in this manner. There is no way to know who's alt they are, or even if they are an alt. The best thing you can do is completely stop communicating with them for any reason, block them if you have to (link) and if they're still somehow able to harass you, you need to file an abuse report (link). Hope this helps... Dres ETA: Btw, just causing drama is not abuse, but if they won't leave you alone when you ask them to that could be considered harassment and therefore abuse.
  13. *blushes* ...Dres (It could just be the red background.)
  14. The Lindens are smart people? Okay... if you say so. Setekh Ichtama wrote: It's just like telling a group of people you will call the police for loitering in front of your business unless they leave. They have an opportunity to vacate without a problem and that I think is very fair. The alternative is to just call the police and create more trouble that could have been easily avoided. The problem with this analogy is that in SL, if people are loitering in front of your business you can just eject them from your sim. You don't have to threaten to call the police nor do you have to actually call the police. Anyway, I believe the OPs original intent, was to point at the way the system can be abused. Certainly there are times when it's completely appropriate to AR someone, but there are some people that use the system to get back at people they don't like for some reason or who use the threat of an AR to bully people into doing what they want. Surely you're not advocating this behavior... baseless ARs can clog the system making it all the more difficult for the oh so smart Lindens to get to the real problems. If I'm going to AR someone, there has to be a pretty damn good reason and not something that you'd have to warn someone about. Anything less and I can first ask them to stop whatever it is that they're doing that's bothering me. Then if they won't and they're on my land they're gone, if they're not on my land, I'm gone... simple as that. You can do what you want. ...Dres
  15. Penny Patton wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: And have you gotten anywhere with it? I always find this question, and similar comments, kinda odd. If I had posted a tutorial about sculpt making, efficient texture mapping, or how to do low-lag scripting, would you ask the same question? If you're really curiuous, I believe you answered your own question by the end of your post. The trend is undeniably, if slowly, towards more correctly sized avatars. Regarding all the other questions you asked, every single one of them is answered the first post. You'll actually find some of your questions in large, bolded lettering followed by an answer. Maybe I should have phrased it differently, what I meant by that question is have you noticed that it's working? In other words, are people actually starting to build things that are scaled more realistically? I certainly wasn't questioning the content of your OP in any way. My questions were not about why or if it should be done, but how do we accomplish it? I mean, should the system be changed some way or do we just try to educate people and eventually change their perspective on it? That's why I asked about the incentive a builder would have to create a house to scale now, when if they're trying to sell it, most people would think it's too small and not want to buy it. I didn't see the answer to that question in the OP and thought it was something worth thinking about. I was hoping you might have some thoughts on it. And my belief is that LL has to be part of the effort for it to really take off. You make a very compelling argument as to why they should. I just wonder if they ever will. Btw, I agree with Luc, your OP should be included the knowledge base... perhaps it should be brought up at the next CTUG. Of course that's up to you, but I'd certainly bring it up if you want me to. ...Dres
  16. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Hawt - Check. Does this mean I'm now officially "Hawt"? lol. Griffin Ceawlin also wrote: Half-naked - Check (Well... I'm wearing a kilt and boots, you may be full-on nekkid for all I know...). *grins* Griffin Ceawlin wrote as well: Red background - Check. Maybe I should just change mine to magenta. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: I can practically hear the accusations of "ALT!" should I ever start tweeting drunk. :smileyvery-happy: I don't know what you're talking about... lol. ...Dres (if I don't remember it, it didn't happen)
  17. So, you think it's okay to threaten to AR people to get them to behave themselves in accordance with your own personal set of standards? Have fun with that. ...Dres
  18. Penny Patton wrote: I've been trying to point out these issues for years (since about the time I joined SL in 2005) . I'm sure there's plenty of people in this forum who can vouch for that. And have you gotten anywhere with it? (And no, I'm not being facetious.) You're talking about a complete change of scale for a whole world that's grossly unrealistically scaled. Getting everyone to start scaling things differently would be a major feat, one I'm not sure if even LL could accomplish. But for it to happen, it would have to start with LL... they started it, after all. When I first came to SL I scaled myself to real world proportions... but eventually I realized, by comparison, I was a munchkin. So I sized myself up to "fit in" better. That's what most people do, that's why we end up being huge if all you're looking at is measurement. At 7' something, I would be considered huge, until you put me next to most avatars in SL then I'm actually only a bit shorter than most. Why would I be motivated to scale myself down just to fit some sort of RL standard then end up looking like a pigmy? Then multiply this to every individual in SL... I mean, who goes first? It's quite a dilemma. Something would have to be done on LL's side, but what? How could this be done without breaking content all over the place? Being able to size no-mod things would of course be crucial, but would that even be possible to implement? And what would make people even want to do it? As it is, say I build a house to scale as you suggest and then tried to sell it. Most people would stop by to see it and not even be able to walk through the door. How many do you think I'd sell? I wouldn't think I'd do much business that way. So, honestly, where do we start? Or are you hoping to just educate people about correct scale until everyone just catches on? Seems like that would have to be done on a massive scale, again something I think only LL would be able to do effectively. But I guess every movement has to start somewhere... I have noticed more shorter avs than I used to, so maybe times are changing. Anyway, great thread. ...Dres
  19. Love may have not answered your questions, but he's done a pretty good job of answering Griffin's. ...Dres
  20. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: S'ok. As was discussed elsewhere, "we" all look alike. :smileywink: Wait, what? I resemble that remark. :matte-motes-wink-tongue: ...Dres
  21. NOOOOO!!!! Not the hat! It is purdy though. @ the OP: While there are times that filling an AR is very appropriate, I see no need what-so-ever to tell the person first or at all even. The ones that do that are just bullies trying to get their way, which as has been stated is childish and drama inducing, but does no real harm that one can't just ignore. The worst are the ones that actually go through with it and clog up the system with stupidity. Making it that much harder for LL to deal with actual abusive situations and every once in a while even manage to get someone booted for absolutely nothing. For that they should be ashamed of themselves, but clearly some people have no shame. ...Dres
  22. Chelsea Malibu wrote: Today this world is filled with either bored (and boring) individuals who have little more to do than sit at home in their bathrobes, popping Prozak looking to find people they can "narc" on or compulsive masturbaters. OMG! Have you been spying on me again? I told you to stop that or I'll report you! ...Dres (Btw, you forgot to mention the bunny slippers)
  23. I especially love this part... "Quality homes in sought after locations" ...the similarity is astonishing. ...Dres
  24. I can't conceive how going backward will move you forward. My hope is that should LL decide to completely redesign the viewer once again, they'll go through great pains to make it as intuitive as possible... something that can't be said for either V1 or V2. ...Dres
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