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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Tamara Artis wrote: Third idea; Tell your partner: "This weekend I am whole yours!, I will do whatever you wanna do so make sure you plan some interesting stuff we can do together". I like this one... make them entertain you for a change... lol. ...Dres
  2. It's simple, if you're a premium member, you get L$300 a week every Tuesday. ...Dres Btw... welcome to the forum.
  3. Um... sweety.. have you ever given much thought that you could be cursed by the devil? ...Dres
  4. Don't they hide most things? lol. Honestly, I don't see how they can manage most of anything. SL is an inescapably complicated place, always has been. They can hide anything they want to to make it appear more simple, they just can't hide the truth... it's not. ...Dres Edited for grammar.
  5. Okay.. I'm probably dating myself but I remember in the movie Tootsie, there was a conversation very close to this. When Dustin Hoffman, as his female persona, asked (um... I forget her name... the blonde chick) what she wanted from a man, she said something like just come out and say what you want. So when he met her as a man, he did, and she rejected him outright... lol. I would have too (now if he was Henry Rollins that would have been a different story). As per your suggestion as to what Dana should put in her profile, I think it's brilliant. I'm giving it considerable consideration as I type. Don't be surprised if you look at my profile tomorrow and see it in there... lol. ...Dres
  6. I can speak from experience, that is not always so gross... ...Dres *hides his face in shame*
  7. Wow, where is this person and how can I meet them... lol. Honestly I would never keep money I got that way. It's a matter of principle. Your friend may have agreed to it in order to get the money, in which case, that may be considered by some to be fraud.. but... If you're asking about the possibility of her getting into any sort of legal trouble over it, I'd say that was unlikely. This person wouldn't know who your "friend" is to file any RL charges against them. There's very little that can been done imho, even by LL. It's probable that this person was not on the up and up either... that doesn't mean I would stoop to their level. ...Dres
  8. Let me get this straight... you tested it with Kirsten's and it was alright, but it still doesn't show in the official viewer? BS! I think we need to do more to draw more attention to this issue. I believe I'm the only one to have voted for, watched (beside one other person... probably you) or commented on this. I don't know much about advocating for JIRA's... maybe we need to start another thread warning people about it and asking them to vote... adk. Seems to me if Kirsten can get it right, LL should be able to as well. It'd be nice if they'd have a little consultation with her about it. I don't know here personally, but I'm sure with the effort she's put into creating a viewer for residents to just have a better experience in SL, she'd be willing to help a bunch of moron devs get their sh1t straight on an issue as "inconsequential" as this. Anyway... Dres
  9. And tons of people had to remove their Na'vi stuff from SL right after the movie came out. Maybe they've softened there pursuit of that course of action now that it's been a while. Wait for Avatar 2 to come out. ...Dres
  10. You're right, I just tested it and it would never show on V2. I had both my AVs wearing one and I could see neither of the other's in V2 but when one was in Phoenix I could. Didn't matter if it was created in V2 or not. I found a JIRA on this here, I voted and watched it. This is a major issue if you use a chin shaper. I don't but something like this can't go unfixed. ...Dres ETA: oh duh... that was your JIRA... lol... but still people need to know about it
  11. What viewer are you using? And have you cleared your cache recently? If not you'll want to do that. It's better to do it manually and where it's located, if you don't know, is different depending on which viewer you're using. This page might help. Also, it's always a good idea to refresh your modem and router (if you have one), just in case there's an issue with your connection. First turn off your computer and unplug your modem and router for a minute, then plug your modem back in. Wait for it to connect, then once that's done, plug in your router and turn your computer back on. Hope this helps... Dres
  12. Yay, Cerise. I hope so. It's great to be able to view the forum this way. It even includes posts from the answers section which I truly missed. ...Dres
  13. Could be a heat issue. The first thing you want to do it is make sure the inside of your computer is clean (Here's a page that can help you with that) and make sure all your fans are working. Other than that, it would be helpful to give some more information on your system specs and what exactly is happening. ...Dres
  14. Thanks I figured that out already... all by maselfs... lol. Still I don't understand why this feature is so hidden. I can't see anywhere to be able to get there from anywhere unless you have the direct link. I ended up just typing "message" into the url where "thread" was and hitting refresh. And who would know to do that? There should be a prominent link to it on the main forum page. Seems like an easy fix. I'd like to add it to the agenda but it seems like what's there now is from last week still. Should I just add it to the bottom? ...Dres
  15. Oh wow, thanks a lot... But how do you get to that page? And how come I've never seen it before? Always something new to learn. ...Dres
  16. LL buying out Avatars United (kind of like a Facebook for AVs), unceremoniously closing it down while stating they would be incorporating some features into SL (or something to that effect), then launching web based profiles, leads me to believe there's some truth to where you're saying the direction of SL is headed. With the caveat that it is still up to individual residents to decide for themselves how much RL information they want to provide. There have always been people in SL that are more RL oriented that most are comfortable with. Perhaps in the future there will be more. But it's still the SL community as a whole that will dictate what's socially exceptable in SL and what's not. In which case, I'm not worried about it. When voice was first introduced, some people were very concerned about RL encroaching on their SL. This may have happened to an extent, but not to the extent that they were envisioning. I believe this to be the case with this situation. At least I'm hopeful it is. *crosses his fingers* ...Dres
  17. I'm seriously frustrated with the way this forum is set up. Instead of, or at least in addition to, a section for recently created threads, I think there should be one for recently posted to threads. One that encompasses the whole of the forum, instead of having to go into each subtopic to get an idea of what conversations are going on at the time. Sort of like the part of the dashboard that was so rudely taken out when we switched to lithium. I'd really like to see this issue discussed at the next community user group but I have no idea how to add it to the agenda, or if I even can. It's quite possible that I'm just unaware of this being discussed before. If someone can enlighten me about this I'd be much appreciative, or at least let me know how to include it for discussion next week. Thanks... Dres
  18. The chin shaper is not an attachment, it's part of the system hair; and the Phoenix Viewer now uses V2 style attachment points anyway. So the dislocation issue couldn't be the problem. I would be interested to know what version of V2 they were using. The latest beta, 2.6.3, seems to have some major issues, this could be one of them. ...Dres Edited for wording.
  19. This sounds eerily similar to something that happened to my roommate recently. My suggestion is call first, if that's at all possible, because they might be able to give you more information as to what needs to be included in your ticket. I say this because my roommate was told my the person she talked to that she would be required to send a copy of her picture I.D. And judging by the ridiculously long time she had to wait for her ticket to be answered, this saved her the headache of having to send it again and wait even longer. In any case, good luck... Dres
  20. It's a known issue with 2.6.3 and will most certainly be fixed soon, I'm sure. I suggest switching back to the previous viewer until that time. ...Dres
  21. The problem with companies in SL or any kind of partnership in general is that there's usually no way to "sign" a contract. And prosecuting someone for any potential wrong doing can be problematic depending on where they live, be it in another state or another country. You'd do better investing money in starting your own business, unless you know someone very well and know you can trust them implicitly. ...Dres
  22. You might want to state what kind of stuff you are trying to sell. Many such places cater to a more specialized type of product or theme. For example, you wouldn't want to put a furniture store in a fashion mall, or something with a sci-fi theme in a goth themed mall. ...Dres
  23. Right, so back to the previous version until LL actually releases 2.6.3. It's a simple fix. ...Dres
  24. An easy fix might be to detach it and try attaching it to another place. Most hats are attached either to the head or one of the ears, so start there. Hope this helps... Dres ETA: Here's a good site to get ideas and learn about mens fashion in SL. Be sure to check out the list of links to other blogs on that page. This one is specifically for mens freebies.
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