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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Ceka Cianci wrote: i would agree that those tools should be a two way street.. a way to shut it off if it is used or even maybe a way to shut those kinds of scripts from seeing us would be a good feature if it were possible.. i just think they would be sending the opposite message than they did with the media filters if it were a one way street and there was no way to shut it off.. it has nothing to do with drama for me..drama doesn't really phase me..they spit out their jibber and go on ignore as many times as they choose..stalkers i could care less..they won't find a victim here.. it's just sometimes i like to be alone and no distractions while building something or working on something or just hanging with some friends.. all that is gonna happen is if i put myself on hide and someone sneaks around the feature..i'm just gonna add them to ignore for good for being a sneaky lil rat that i don't need to be knowing anyways.. i just don't understand why people want to be so nosey is all when they don't like someone being so nosey to them.. I agree, especially the last line. I don't care personally if these things are included or not, besides the OTR (do I really need to keep saying that... lol). ...Dres
  2. Just wanted to say, I completely understand people's aversion to these features (besides OTR), on the one side, they can feel like an invasion, on the other, having them at your fingertips makes them hard to resist at times. Hence my idea to have them turned off by default. What really needs to happen is LL has to make it possible to actually be hidden online, so that these features wouldn't even work anymore. I'm really not sure if that's possible to do even if they wanted to. Perhaps someone else knows *waves at Void*. ...Dres
  3. I could personally care less about most of the "controversial" features, but my view is why not? As Void stated, you can easily script something to do the exact same things... you simply can't hide when you're in SL. I can see how it might cause people to start creating all kinds of immature drama but that's on them, not the viewer. Perhaps the way to go would be to have them included as options but turned off by default. Then maybe people who would have to go out of their way to activate them would be less inclined to use them. The one thing that I believe should definitely be included is the OTR encryption, I don't see how this is controversial in the least. If I and the person I'm speaking with wish to keep our conversation private we should be able to. This hurts no one... in fact it doesn't effect anyone except the people using it and LL. And if LL had a problem with it they'd have banned it's use long ago. Of all these "controversial" features, all of which deal with privacy issues, the OTR is really the only one that gives anyone any protection. The others can be easily worked around and therefore leaving them out could be see as giving people a false sense of security. ...Dres
  4. Thank you for fixing the alignment thing... it drove me nuts...lol. ...Dres
  5. Oh alright, I'll keep my battering ram handy just in case. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: ...Dres
  6. Yay!!! I'm glad it you got everything straightened out. If I was your landlord I'd offer you a little free rent or something for putting you through this to begin with, but as long as you're happy and able to enjoy your SL again. @Mayalily: Agreed... I do so enjoy our interaction even when we don't agree completely. ...Dres
  7. Again yay. Of course you know I had to double check... it is correct now. ...Dres
  8. Yay! Guess this means I can remove it from the agenda then? ...Dres
  9. Wow, I thought you were dropping it. In RL there has to be regulations when building a house so that they don't catch fire or fall down and kill someone, that can't be equated to building a house in SL. Many people know nothing of how to build things in SL when they start off, it's really a learn as you go deal for most people. This is how a lot of people got their start and some have developed into incredibly talented creators. The restrictions for which you are advocating would stop that dead in it's tracts and SL would be left with a mere fraction of the wonderfully diverse content that now exists there. I have to wonder if you've ever even tried to create a thing yourself in SL. If you had, then maybe you'd realize the beauty of being able to make something that not only you but somebody else truly appreciates and enjoys, even though you haven't gone through years of graphic arts training. I will not continue this discussion with you though, because I don't know how I can make this any more clear and I'm frankly tired of repeating myself to no avail. Good day... Dres
  10. Steph Catseye wrote: I dreamt that Ian Somerhalder is gonna merry me! If it's not built in the viewer i will sue you :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: Um... no, sorry sweety. He's mine... keep dreaming... lol. ...Dres
  11. Adam Spark wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: what i meant as "a V2" is a Viewer 2 based viewer. i guess the Phoenix team have worked very hard to bring us this viewer, from the design of the elements (great idea of Phoenix to have the landmarks on top!), they must have wrote the capabilities to display windlight, ambient occlusion, Depth of Field, body physics, outfits, multiwearables and multiattachments, must have been such a hard work. the Lindens sure not did even half of the work that Firestorm team did, i guess more than 90% of the code in Firestorm must be of the Phoenix coders. must be tremendous hard work to build over the work of somebody else! i dont know what you mean by LL denying us a usable viewer, i switched from Emerald to the first Viewer 2 beta, and i have been using it without a problem. To be fair, a number of things like LMs across the top, body physics, multiattachments, ect., are in V2, even if some of it was borrowed from earlier TPV's like Emerald/Phoenix. LM's on top in particular is a LL offering, launched in I think Viewer 2.5 (worth noting that it didn't work for some, like myself, however). Much of Firestorm is based on Viewer 2.5. Some things did come from Phoenix, and there are even a couple extra things, but it is largely a re-shuffling of V2's elements to make for a more useable UI. True. Though the things that were added from Phoenix did have to be completely rewritten from scratch for Firestorm, which had to be a blast... lol. ...Dres
  12. Mayalily wrote: And no, I think there are problems because of all these viewers, because I'm not the only one experiencing this. You can think what you want but this issue has no basis in reality. There's a lot of things that effect sim performance to varying degrees; the effect of TPVs is so negligible as to render it inconsequential. In fact some TPVs that have a built in AO actually lessen resource usage because HUD based AOs are one of the most memory intensive scripted attachments you can wear. Getting rid of the need for wearing one helps a lot, though probably more for the individual taking advantage of this than anyone else around them. Besides this, the fact that people are using different viewers and experiencing the same thing that you are, would more likely lead one to believe the viewer being used is not what's causing the issues and that it's probably because of the SL servers. Hopefully I'm explained this in a way you can understand. :matte-motes-grin: ...Dres
  13. Sucked in? All I'm saying is you have the option of creating the perfect place for yourself, where you can set your own objectives and decide for yourself when or if you want to close it down... how can that fail? After all it's just about you and what you want, right? Fyi...TPVs don't effect your use of SL unless you're using one, making that a non issue. And quality assurance just can't be done effectively unless the whole system were to be changed. This would stifle content to the point that it would make SL irrelevant as a creative platform, sort of like Blue Mars. The beauty of SL is that anyone can create anything they want... what you're suggesting would destroy that beauty. ...Dres Edited for spelling.
  14. Here's an idea... vote with your wallet. If a club is too laggy for you then leave, if a DJ doesn't honor your requests to your satisfaction... don't go to his shows anymore. And if you really want a place that lives up to your expectations in every single way, create one yourself. That way you can control the amount of scripts on your sim to your hearts content, request that avatars with a huge amount of scripts remove them or be kicked out 'til you're blue in the face, hire only DJs that play exactly what you want to hear, or just buck up and DJ yourself. And unlike clubs that have vendors set out to help offset their operating cost (even with them they're probably operating at a loss), you can pay for it all out of pocket. If this is not something that you're willing to do for yourself, then ffs... stop complaining about the people that have. ...Dres
  15. Well, welcome back Quinn, please dive back in, the water's fine (most of the sharks are gone... lol). My mother is a teacher and I've heard her talk about how when she gets a new class she has to be extra strict at first so the kids know she can't be walked all over, but after some time she can lighten up and foster a more pleasant, relaxed environment. I believe this is kind of what has happened in regards to moderation here. It seems to have worked out well. And getting the GD forum back was a most pleasant surprise. I can't count how many times I've stated in various threads that we needed a place here that would facilitate the feeling of community that this forum so glaringly lacked. This, plus the little bit of consolidation they enacted, goes a long way toward achieving this goal. ...Dres
  16. Void Singer wrote: likewise if hearing a tiny little girl voice from a big hulking brute (or other mismatched variations) really just kind of kills the feel of it. I read this sentence and my first thought was yeah but that happens in RL as well (think Mike Tyson). Or if, by chance, you should stumble into a gay leather bar on any given night, you can rest assured they'll be at least one guy there whom, at first glance, appears to be the epitome of the big, muscly, mean looking, leather daddy type, but then he opens his mouth and you realize he sounds more like a flaming queen then most of the cutie little twink boys from the dance club down the street... talk about destroying the illusion... lol. ...Dres
  17. The forum posts link is correct now but the forum threads link still leads to answer threads. One out of two is only half bad (sorry Meatloaf). Oh and while I have your attention... here's what I mean when I say the inserted pics are out of alignment. They float above the sentence the way smilies did after the new ones were added. ...Dres
  18. Randall Ahren wrote: I posted "If I were gay". Ian is very handsome, but not quite handsome enough to get me to switch teams. Although he has got me thinking about it. <wink> Awww... now I'm jealous. ...Dres
  19. It totally sucks that the very blog you linked to is talking about how that sim is closing down now. And how telling is it that they've been able to remain financially viable until "very recently"? Not pretty. ...Dres ETA: a word.
  20. OMG bella... thank you.. I'm so very flattered. It's so very interesting to me to read different women's thoughts on what is attractive to them and not. For obvious reasons I've lived a long time not thinking about what women are attracted to. That's one of the reasons that I only suggested places that would have quality clothes rather than suggesting what he should look like. For me, it's easy, I've made my av the very thing I like in a man... I've had years to work on it and have basically perfected it until my look turns me on more than any other look in SL. Please don't think that this makes me narcissistic, that's not the case at all. Tbh, I'm more attracted to men who are very different than what I present myself to be in SL than those that do. But attraction is very individual... that's why my advice to Davier was to be himself. Sure you can model yourself in a way that is attractive to a lot of people, but if that isn't really who you are, then what have you become? Just be yourself Davier baby. ...Dres
  21. I just had a conversation about this topic with my roommate who's been in SL as long as I have, and she had a very good point (I asked her if I could post it and she said please do). Her view is that the vampires that constantly accost you at some hubs needed to be stopped. Now I have nothing against vampires and I explained to her that the same could be said about any persons that accost you at hubs, such as any kind of griefers. She agreed. My response was that the only real way you can curtail that kind of activity would be active policing by LL themselves. I don't see that happening. If someone has an idea to deal with this, please, please offer it up. ...Dres
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: Until last week, I didn't really appreciate how damaging to retention the maturity rating stuff is, because I'd always focused on the hurdle of getting to Adult. What's worse is the hurdle of getting from General to Moderate, if the newbie hasn't been clued-in to that. I'm not sure why this newbie was stuck with General-only settings (is that the default? I certainly hope not!), but hers were set General only, and she was stuck, unable to navigate to any of the green dot-populated places she saw on the Map. She couldn't even walk there without bumping into a mysterious maturity fence, and although the "fence" explained itself, there was no way she could be prepared to understand that explanation, nor what to do about it. I finally managed to explain all that to her, just before she had to log for RL. As helpful as I tried to be and as grateful as she was, I very much doubt she'll ever be back. There's no reason why this couldn't be explicitly explained in the tutorial mode which I mentioned, this being something very basic. It could easily be thwarted at any level that a person was trying to reach that was unauthorized, then include a link to where they'd need to go in order to activate it. I guess what I'm saying is that the viewer could be used as an educational tool. People are not going to be predisposed to looking through countless KB or SL wiki sites for the information they need. They'll ask other residents if and only if they have access to people that are willing to help. A lot of what needs to be known can be automated inside of the viewer, then whatever else should be done by people specifically designated to do it, either through LL itself or volunteers in some sort of mentoring program as we had before (the one-on-one hand holding that you were speaking of... though one-on-one may be pushing it as far as resources go, making it necessary for viewer based learning, as I've described). The idea to increase premium membership free land to 1024 seems unfalteringly sensible to me. If, as I understood it to be in the first place, Linden homes are actually intended to lead to land ownership, there has to be an incentive to upgrade... as it is now, there is none. Why go buy a 512 piece of land when you will end up having a lot less prims (because your house would count against them then)? Totally bonkers. ...Dres *hopes any of this make sense*
  23. Lag has been a problem in SL for... well forever. It has gotten a lot better over the years, but you're right... it's a big issue. The main problem is that SL is not the same as WoW and other MMORGPs that you download onto your hard drive. Everything in SL has to be downloaded as it comes into view. Sure better servers would help, but even then, not all lag is server side. Plus a lot of content in SL is created by hobbyists that don't know squat about what causes lag nor how to build their spaces or avatars in a way that will minimize the effect. I'm still waiting for LL to impose script limits on avatars... that alone will make things much, much better for everyone. I'm not sure about the official V2, I use Firestorm where the cache limit is 1024... I can only assume that's what you mean by texture memory, of course I could be way wrong. I'm not aware of any other way to evaluate texture memory and would love it if you explained how to besides that. ...Dres Edited to fix spelling.
  24. I've put in my two cents about this in a CTUG once when we were discussing new user experience and the basic viewer. My idea was an optional tutorial mode that would direct users as to how to do the simple things like getting around (walking ,running, flying), using the inventory, editing your avatar, building things, etc. before these things are "unlocked" for them (well, maybe walking shouldn't be locked... lol). That way they'll learn something and feel like they've accomplished something as well (leveling up in a way). This would take the burden off of other residents to teach them to do these basic things, but would not replace the need to have people available to answer questions that aren't covered or that people still don't understand. Not to mention just being there to make people feel welcomed when they log in for the first time. That's something that a computer program can't do and imho would make all the difference to new users entering a strange new world. @Phil: I like both ideas, though I think the second one would be easier for LL to swallow than the first one. Do you really think, the economy being what it is atm, that LL would take the initial cut in tier on the off chance that they'll sell enough new land to eventually make it up in the long run? I have my doubts. ...Dres ETA: a second thought.
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