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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Roseysun Galicia wrote: It would be nice when I click on a thread to have some sort of indication of which posts inside the thread have not been read so I can quickly get to them. For example: Bold print, small arrow, flashing neon colors. :-) Sequins maybe? ...Dres
  2. Storm Clarence wrote: And what about the people that have come back! I welcome them wholeheartedly, as I have done and will continue to do. Though I must point out that I'm probably not as familiar with all of them as others might be... meaning only that I may not recognize them right away if they were to pop up. In the words of Tangina, "All are welcomed." ...Dres
  3. Venus Petrov wrote: I bet Daria would have a mouthful to say about 'too ugly'. And, I would read every word. Do you think if we mention her name in five threads in a row, she'll suddenly appear? ...Dres
  4. Void Singer wrote: dres...I can't believe those words came out of your mouth.... think about what you just said for a moment... if doesn't come to you then play word replacement. Hmm... you have a point. ...Dres *thinks about it some more*
  5. Mayalily wrote: No, not absurd. Prejudice in this example of the word: any preconceived opinion or feeling, either favorable or unfavorable.  When I see a tall dark and handsome and super rich looking male avatar I have preconceived notions of "I'm not good enough"... "He'll never give me the time of day"... "I'll never measure up"...that sort of thing. It's a preconceived feeling that comes from insecurity, but I do definately notice I feel much more comfortable just talking to a regular every day looking avatar or even one that is a little odd. It's weird how I have this pre-judging feeling towards the ultra handsome avatars. It's kind of like I over look them before I even get to know them or give them a chance. That is a prejudice on my part, most definately. And, I need to get over that. Dictionary definitions sometimes fail to capture the true implications of a word in regular, everyday use. I mean honestly, how often do you hear prejudice used in reference to something favorable? What you're talking about is your own insecurity... just because you can twist that around in your mind to fit the definition of prejudice, doesn't mean it actually makes any sense... hence, absurd. ...Dres
  6. Ima Rang wrote: Eloise Baily wrote: Funny that. I always think Rene Zelwegger looks like she's had her face pushed in from the middle. Haha! I have always thought she looked like she constantly smelled a turd. Lol... I'm glad I'm not the only one. ...Dres
  7. Oh I do miss Daria, she certainly does have a way with words... just seeing her name pop up in a thread would put a smile on my face. Of course, if she did decide to grace us with her presence, I'd have to figure out a way to have her every post sent to my email... they probably wouldn't last long enough for me to see them the way things are now. Wherever she is and whatever she's doing, I wish the best for that crazy chick. ...Dres
  8. Keli Kyrie wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Lillie Woodells wrote: Forum wh... ? What? Who would.. ? Oh, never mind. That just means you're supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. ...Dres I tried to get that as an alt but you can not have that many letters. Awww... display name maybe? ...Dres
  9. Lillie Woodells wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Lillie Woodells wrote: Forum wh... ? What? Who would.. ? Oh, never mind. That just means you're supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. ...Dres Is that good or bad? Yes. ...Dres (...lol)
  10. Lillie Woodells wrote: Forum wh... ? What? Who would.. ? Oh, never mind. That just means you're supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. ...Dres
  11. Carole Franizzi wrote: Seriously? I've heard claims that there are prejudices against short avies, tall avies, child avies, furries, vampires, subs, doms, nekos, etc., and this thread is about "prejudices" against the ugly ones....so tell me - if the pretty ones are also victims of prejudice, exactly what avatars are not subjected to discrimination, because, at this point, no other type comes to mind? Don't you think that it's truer to say that some people prefer certain avatars over others? In which case, we're discussing personal preferences and not instances of discrimination. "Prejudice" is a serious matter - I think we'd need to talk to a victim of RL racial (for example) discrimination to hear exactly what that entails and if it compares to these SL "cases". Your right, there's a huge difference between not liking someone because of the way they look and liking the way someone looks so much that it makes you feel too inferior to them to strike up a simple conversation. Equating that to some sort of prejudice is just absurd. ...Dres
  12. I think it's a great song... but then again, I've never been able to pull off the trendy sophisticate thing. ...Dres *adjusts his tassels*
  13. DQ Darwin wrote: Pretty sure it would be number 2 on this list Dres http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=to+sub+someone I seems to fit:) Oh alright... I think I get it, thanks. I usually try to stick to rule number one from the video, seems to work the best and doesn't require a lot of work. Though sometimes I let off steam by writing out some nasty and usually, intricately written reply then pressing the cancel button... lol. ...Dres
  14. Elle Benusconi wrote: Upon consideration of the article I was left with two conclusions. First, soon we will see the formation of the "Ugly Lobby" And second, lawyers will latch on to this, and a new group of lawyers specializing in "Ugly Discrimination" cases will flood our over burdened court with this sort of case. Seems, in order for that to happen, a person would have to be legally declared "ugly"... can you imagine?... lol. ...Dres
  15. DQ Darwin wrote: I found an interesting clip Lillie it might be an aid to all on the forums:) Alright, I may be exposing my ignorance but what does "do not sub him" mean? I can't even figure it out from context... "If you sub him he's going to think you're afraid of him"... what? ...Dres *sad cause he missed the barn dance last night*
  16. One of the best times I ever had in SL was a St Patty's day party at a nude beach filled with gorgeous guys. One of these gorgeous guys was in a wheelchair and after having the pleasure of chatting with him, I understood that he was in a wheelchair in RL and wanted to use one in SL in an attempt to educate people about being disabled. Perhaps this hypothetical colostomy bag wearing avatar would be wearing one for the same reason. The discomfort you feel about seeing a handicap person is not uncommon I suppose. Sometimes just being around someone "different" can be uncomfortable in some ways. Then it could also be that they might remind you of how fragile the human body really is and how you yourself could easily be in the same situation if you were a little less fortunate. Of course, there are some people that just want to look ridiculous in SL. I've seen all kinds of hideous avatars in my time in SL and can usually tell when someone's doing it on purpose. I usually just think either that person is crazy (which is perfectly okay with me) or very creative (which is even better)... sometimes the two go hand in hand. Certainly, you can ban anyone from your sim that you please, but I don't see how an avatar's appearance alone can be considered a griefing tool. It could be considered tasteless and even offensive, possibly in violation of TOS depending, but I wouldn't consider it griefing unless it was something directly aimed at you personally (can't think of any good way to illustrate what I mean by that, but I hope you catch me drift). ...Dres
  17. Void Singer wrote: I found that track more than a little disturbing Could be why I like it so. ...Dres PS. *giggles*
  18. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: I suppose they did this in order to stop the spammers, which often used v.e.r.s.u.s in their post titles The abbreviation v.s. (without the middle dot) is also banned now. It's a bit ridiculous imho, but there are workarounds :matte-motes-big-grin-evil: That is ridiculous... I wonder who's brilliant idea that was. The worst thing about it is the fact that I now realize the last time I used that word I misspelled it verses, as if I was talking about a poem. *hangs head in shame* As for the topic on hand, I never meant to recreate my RL coloring, very dark brown hair and blue eyes, when I first started SL... it kind of just worked out that way. Part of that is because (not that I think I'm gorgeous or anything... lol, but) I find I'm attracted to guys with dark hair and blue eyes in RL. I see a lot more blond haired guys with blue eyes in SL vagina dark haired ones, maybe I'm wrong but I do think it's a little bit more unusual. I've tried changing my eyes since I settled on the ones I use now (and spent a lot of money doing so), but even if I use something in the same exact shade it still feels wrong somehow. My eyes have become part of who I am... I'm just don't feel like me with anything else. Well, I figure why not re-post my creepy close-up eyes pic... ...Dres
  19. Love them... but my favorite by them is... I ran across one of their albums at a thrift store a few weeks ago (vinyl of course) and just couldn't bring myself to purchase it. Bubblegum pop at it's best. Here's another embarrassing one... ...Dres
  20. Wildcat Furse wrote: haha still love (ahem hate) this song .... /me thinks about the year 1985!!! :matte-motes-inlove: *meows* I loved that song, but it's much harder for me to admit to this one from 1985... ...Dres (That was a tough one to own up to... lol.)
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: ........... Cute smiley. I have to admit to liking both this and the previous song a lot... I'm a sucker for a great beat. ...Dres
  22. Wildcat Furse wrote: ....... :matte-motes-delicious: *meows* Tell me this was a joke... lol. ...Dres (it is fun though)
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