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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Void Singer wrote: That's actually my 3rd favorite track on that album Darren... (proceeded by Half-Jack, and Girl Anachronism, and followed by Perfect Fit and Truce).... That is such a great album (btw, Wildcat, it's the self-titled Dresden Dolls' first album), here's one you missed... lol... ...Dres ETA: @Wildcat: Okay... I was confused... I thought you were asking Void about the Dresden Dolls album... lol. Since "Pump up the Jam" doesn't seem like such an embarrassing name, I have to assume she was talking about the TMNT III soundtrack. Just a guess.
  2. OMG... I love that horrible song... lol. And it reminded me of this other horrible song I love... ...Dres
  3. Darren Scorpio wrote: This one Warning: It might be an addictive tune I love the Dresden Dolls and that song, being the first one I heard by them, is a big reason why... and a big reason why my name is what it is, as well. ...Dres
  4. Quinn Morani wrote: I'm so glad to see this thread. I almost started one just like it on songs you're embarrassed to admit you like, but I never got around to it. I'm glad you did it instead! The downside, of course, is that now I'm forced to admit to being a sucker for Air Supply and Barry Manilow. *hangs head in shame* Oh the horror. *joins in your head hanging* Quinn Morani also wrote: And Xanadu? I love that movie! In fact, seeing those songs here just drove me to Netflix where I discovered that it is available on my instant streaming account! I just added it to my queue and am SO going to watch it this week!!!! Um... I own it... lol. *hangs head even lower* ...Dres
  5. That is one I really do hate admitting to, but so is this... ...Dres
  6. Charolotte Caxton wrote: This lunch is gonna happen, this lunch is gonna happen. Fine, I'm still wearing a bustier. ...Dres
  7. Speak for yourself... oh, wait.. you are. ...Dres
  8. Are you kidding? How can anyone not like Olivia from the Xanadu soundtrack? Speaking of which... Not only Olivia, but ELO as well... can't get any better than that... lol. ...Dres
  9. Oh I know... isn't that one of the worst Fleetwood Mac songs to admit to liking... guilty... lol. ...Dres
  10. Sorry Sassy... I can't say that I only like these two songs from Aqua and the Venga Boys... I actually like most of their songs... thank you for making me look like a f^cking lunatic. ...Dres (I'll get you, my pretty)
  11. Hey... Val sweety... I do like that song but I much prefer this version... LOL... ...Dres
  12. Not only do I love the original version of that song, but I (and my sister) thought this version was great as well... thanks. ...Dres
  13. I hate you... my sister ended up coming to sit next to me to listen to this song (yes she is my RL roommate) and we almost died laughing. Do you have any idea how close you come to being arrested for homicide? ...Dres
  14. Lunch? Oh sh*t... I thought they said launch... I've always wanted to be an astronaut in a bustier. ...Dres
  15. So, after Lillie's rez-day party (fun, fun, fun), my sister and I started talking about music, and somehow the topic came up about songs that we were embarrassed to actually really like. I'm sure I have quite a few, but here's one to start... So, fess up... what songs do you like but are usually too embarrassed to admit to? ...Dres (I, for one, will not hold it against you.)
  16. Randall Ahren wrote: 11. One hundred percent straight in a woman is boring. I'm right there with you, sweety.... of course that applies to men as well. ...Dres (Where's my sixpack?)
  17. Lovely pictures everyone. I was just playing around with this and thought I'd share it... My sister thinks it's creepy... she's probably right... lol. ...Dres (That's what I get for drunken photoshopping.)
  18. Darrius Gothly wrote: (proving once again that needlessly complicating the content of your posts does not necessarily thwart comprehension by everyone involved.) Shhhh... don't spoil the delusion. ...Dres
  19. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Take care and hurry back, Wil! Thanks for all the gingerbread! :smileyhappy: Gingerbread? Dammit, my computer gets borked for a few days and I miss all the good stuff. @Wil: ...Dres
  20. Well, that depends on whether or not that's the problem... did you try signing into another location? I had another thought about what you could try to do to resolve it yourself... I know it sounds crazy, but it might just work. If, by chance, you remember what group tag you were wearing, you might be able to contact the group owner with your alt and have them either change the tag or kick your main out of the group for the time being. What's ridiculous is that this has been a known issue for months and months, and nothing seems to being done about it. Guess it isn't important enough to waist the manpower to fix it... that is, of course, unless you're the one going through it. I wish you luck ...Dres
  21. Hmm... try logging into another location such as Pooley. And if that doesn't work... Do you remember what group tag you were wearing? There's been an issue with invalid characters in groups tags that causes log in failure (link). If you are a premium member you should be able to have that fixed through Live Chat, if not, you might have to just put in a support ticket and wait. But, if you were wearing a tag for a group where in your alt has the ability, you may be able to use your alt to delete the roll with the tag you were wearing. It might work. Hope this helps ...Dres
  22. Venus Petrov wrote: Oh? Hey... I said I was going to take a nap... My World. My Invigoration. :smileytongue: ...Dres
  23. "Your World. Your imagination." is a weapon to use against people who think they have the only "right" way of thinking and behaving in SL. I would expand on that but I'm too tired atm, so I will express myself by taking a nap. ...Dres
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