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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Suella Ember wrote: Depressing, sentimental claptrap that I detest. Except I like it. Why do I like it?! WHYYYYY?! :matte-motes-crying: OMG, Suella, I tried... I really did. I watched and listened to the whole thing, hoping I would get something out of it (I have a very open mind, as far as music goes). The only thing I could think is it would have made an okay b-side to a release from some unsuccessful musical. Having said that, I sincerely appreciate your admitting to liking this bit of drivel... after all, that was the purpose of my creating this thread. Thank you ever so much ...Dres (love, love, all the time, love)
  2. justum wrote: Since the quality of products raise very fast, and in additions to the premium sandboxes it maybe would be a nice idea if the Linden would use their best designers and give people the opportunity to get education on a higher level. Since the quality and commerce is raising within SL, it's hard to keep up for many creators. It would be commercially interesting if LL offer such a thing for premium accounts. You mean like a Linden College of Creation? Interesting, except that even if LL did have exceptional designers, which is questionable from the start, that doesn't mean that those same designers would be any good at all at teaching. Teaching people what you know requires more than just knowing it. ...Dres
  3. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: I was kidding How could anybody hate Bill Cosby? He's cute. I'd be glad it's him and not Goatse or tub girl. Or Michele Bachmann. ...Dres
  4. Nahtasha Uriza wrote: well played lol... Lol... indeed. ...Dres
  5. Claireschen Hesten wrote: don't know how true this is but i read somewhere in an early version of SL you could set fire to the trees and i think Av's too lol Pretty much, you could shoot trees and set them on fire... don't know about setting them on fire but you could actually edit other people's avatars. There were birds and these little creatures that you could hunt and kill. There was no "ownership" of land or things, anyone could build anywhere and edit anyone else's stuff. Here's an interesting video from 2001 when it was still called Linden World... ...Dres
  6. Void Singer wrote: @Missing Daria: eh, I'm 50/50 there... she was bright enough to grasp difficult things quickly when presented with them, but while I respected her honesty, I found her utterly narrow and self centered world view to be insulting for someone that obviously had brains to see past superficial labels. Understood, but I believe part of her "fun" was purposely grouping things, and people, into labels and then mocking them as such... not saying it was preferable, but it was certainly entertaining. ...Dres
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: Given that beauty confers such huge advantage in RL and none in SL (since if we are talking about the typist, he is invisible and if we are talking about the avi, anyone can be beautiful), what conclusions do you think might be drawn about people most likely to be attracted to SL? Oh, you mean people that don't realize how beautiful they are for real... right? ...Dres
  8. Hey Thermal, this is not the way that most SL vampires behave, contrary to the way it may seem... there are rules in place to stop this kind of activity. Unfortunately, new users have no idea what's going on, so they are "easy pray" to those in the vampire community that are unscrupulous or taught incorrectly. I'm not sure if reporting them to LL would do much good, but I know you can report them to someone in Bloodlines... and if there are enough reports (which if they are behaving as you say they are, there will be), the whole clan could be chastised for it in some way (don't ask me how... I don't follow all that very closely). ...Dres
  9. Carole Franizzi wrote: Solar Legion wrote: If you didn't like his/her response then you really won't like mine. After a single day within Second Life, a new user should not be in one of the public welcome areas. If they had any neural capacity for cognitive thought they would have remained on whatever passes for the starter islands these days until such a time as they are able to at least move around and communicate without much trouble. As a former Mentor/Helper .... I have very little patience for such individuals who feel they are OH so advanced and can skip right past the orientation process. I have even less patience for those who took an offered teleport by a "friend", dragging them off of the starter zones. "Welcome to Second Life: Learn how to operate on a basic level or leave." - The mantra of every burnt out helper. I cannot express strongly enough how much I agree with the sentiments in your post. Noobs either get with it pronto, or they get out. I mean, it's not like we NEED new residents, do we? I mean, even if just a handful of us super-expert old-timers are left in SL, it'll continue to be a successful and solid business anyway, won't it? I mean - who says you NEED new residents at all? I bet SL would be just fine and continue to survive even if numbers of residents continued to drop, don't you think? And anyway, probably the newbies still stuck at the welcome points are maybe elderly, with limited pc skills or - who knows - visually impaired, with some sort of disability which limits hand-eye co-ordination or lord knows what! sarcasm off/ PS Why on earth BE a helper at all if you have no patience, no tolerance and only feel burnt-out by the experience? I think this isn't a unreasonable question to ask - just how many new residents have you chased off the grid because they didn't grasp the basics quickly enough for your taste? ...Dres
  10. Solar Legion wrote: If you didn't like his/her response then you really won't like mine. After a single day within Second Life, a new user should not be in one of the public welcome areas. If they had any neural capacity for cognitive thought they would have remained on whatever passes for the starter islands these days until such a time as they are able to at least move around and communicate without much trouble. As a former Mentor/Helper .... I have very little patience for such individuals who feel they are OH so advanced and can skip right past the orientation process. I have even less patience for those who took an offered teleport by a "friend", dragging them off of the starter zones. "Welcome to Second Life: Learn how to operate on a basic level or leave." - The mantra of every burnt out helper. How inconsiderate... I spent a few hours on help island before I accidentally clicked on something that sent me to Korea. I didn't wanna be there... I knew I hadn't spent enough time on help island, but at that point, there was nothing I could do about it. But... seeing as though you've been a mentor for so long, I can understand why you'd be burnt out and have such an attitude... thank you for dealing with it and holding out for as long as you could. Surely, in your time, you've done a lot of good. ...Dres
  11. I had the pleasure of corresponding with Prok the last time he posted to the forum (okay, maybe not the last time, but the last time that I personally noticed) and, honestly, it was kind of crazy. Not that I don't think Prok could add to our community in any positive way... as far as I'm concerned, I'd welcome him back as anyone else. Wasted?... well... sure... with the way forum moderation is these days, I'm sure it wouldn't take long for him to get himself kicked out for the eight hundred and fifth time... lol. ...Dres
  12. You can interpret Ishy's statements one way, and I can interpret them another... such is the perception of different individuals. Your right though, I should not "chastise" you for your reply to Ish or your interpretation of what she said... I didn't think I was. I thought I was merely telling you what my own interpretation was, perhaps I didn't express that well enough or perhaps you just took it the wrong way. We may never know. ...Dres
  13. 1. The colors... I simply adore the oranges, reds and purples. 2. The whether... living in New Orleans is hell with the heat and humidity. Fall means a tiny bit of relief... yay!!! 3. As Void said... Halloween... my favorite holiday. I'm having a party this year and I expect everyone to attend... it is written... lol. New Orleans' weather is all about fronts... the first front that comes in cool (well cooler anyway) and dry will send me into heaven and leave me wishing that my life will be forever autumn... ...Dres
  14. Pamela Galli wrote: I am glad to hear Daria is out living her life instead of hanging around here entertaining us. But I can still miss her, right? ...Dres
  15. Omg.. I recognize a number of them but I completely forget about how much I loved Unklebob... how dare you remind me to miss him so. ...Dres
  16. Keli Kyrie wrote: they are all Maddy's alts. Damn her... lol. ...Dres
  17. Whatever... almost everything he points out are acquitted assessments. Take it or leave it. ...Dres
  18. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: So, in *your* SL, then sure, feel free to see someone that uses a wheelchair as a mental health case, and bounce them out of your sim or club. I don't understand... where did Ishy ever say anything like that? I love your perception of SL, and agree with most of it, but in reality, most people have emotions that are not necessarily PC and those thoughts are usually hidden in fear that the rest of society will chastise them for being inconsiderate. Denying that does a greater injustice than admitting it, as Ish has done in this thread. ...Dres ETA: Not that I meant she was being inconsiderate, just honest.
  19. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: Void Singer wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Elle Benusconi wrote: Upon consideration of the article I was left with two conclusions. First, soon we will see the formation of the "Ugly Lobby" And second, lawyers will latch on to this, and a new group of lawyers specializing in "Ugly Discrimination" cases will flood our over burdened court with this sort of case. Seems, in order for that to happen, a person would have to be legally declared "ugly"... can you imagine?... lol. ...Dres dres...I can't believe those words came out of your mouth.... think about what you just said for a moment... if doesn't come to you then play word replacement. @whoever said "intent" yes, exactly.... some people make their intent clear... some not so much.... those I tend to ask (and err on the side of innocence) I think Dresden had a point. Human societies have always looked at the middle portion of the bell curve as normal and desirable, and applied different labels to the people on the outskirts of this curve. Without these labels, which are in themselves a form of discrimination, the concept of discrimination makes no sense. It is not discriminatory to dislike an individual. One can only discriminate against clearly defined social groups. I took it as her pointing out the "undesirable" status that I am saddled with (being gay) and what if I would have to be proven legally gay in order to be protected. Of course, though my statement about being legally proven ugly was a farce from the start, what she said really made me think about it... and I appreciate that. I just didn't want to derail the thread by stating my thoughts on it. ...Dres
  20. Pamela Galli wrote: Yes the forum would be richer with Daria. The Daria avi is gone but her replacement is still in search. I knew her from Xstreet, but would sometimes peek into GD and read her comments, which I got a kick out of. :-) I gave her a small house once (because of her "Do something unexpected" thread) -- she tped me to see how she had modded it, and I was very impressed -- she added a room upstairs and dormer windows, not something most people would be able to do. Now that she's gone, I kick myself for not trying to get closer to her... she fascinated me and frightened me at the same time. What a beautiful combination. ...Dres
  21. Storm Clarence wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: I am pleased with what the results are. If the results are tobacco free then you win the game! Me too. Good luck Dee, I am trying to convince myself I don't need tobacco either. I had a steak dinner with some friends this week, and I wanted so much to light up a Havana. I wish there was a replacement. So I drank more. I have to admit, the first time I quite smoking, I bought a big bag of weed and stayed stoned twenty four hours a day, for about a week. It worked, but it only lasted eight months and may not have been the smartest thing I've ever done. I wish you luck, Storm. ...Dres *curses that fact he no longer has any connections anyway*
  22. I quite for two years and picked up again a few months ago simply because I thought I wasn't dying fast enough... lol. Seriously, I hate, hate, hate smoking... oh, if only I knew what I was getting myself into at sixteen. I actually smoked for the first time at thirteen but I hated it. That was due to peer pressure... at sixteen I didn't have any peers (don't get me started on my miserable childhood), so I had to pressure myself. I remember one day just sitting there, being boring, then out of the blue, I decided I needed to become a smoker. I walked myself over to the corner store and bought a pack of Vantage... you know, the ones with the holes in the filter. That should tell you how completely out of my mind I was back then. Now my life is nothing but coffee and cigarettes... coffee and cigarettes coffee and cigarettes coffee and cigarettes Blech! I swear I'm gonna quit again... as soon as I gather enough strength. Meanwhile I'll concentrate on losing a few pounds... every bit helps, I suppose. ...Dres PS. When I first saw the title of these thread, this song came into my head and now it won't go away... so, in retaliation, I shall torture you with it as well...
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