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Imnotgoing Sideways

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Everything posted by Imnotgoing Sideways

  1. I chin attach every hat, align them, and always make "hat hair" copies in their own folder. Since we don't have the local physics to tell hair to smoosh down under a bonnet, it's up to us to manually make those changes. () My technique is to wear the hat where I like it, then edit the hair by selecting linked parts. For each part that still shows, I shrink it without reducing both sides. If a piece distorts too much or is too difficult to get right, I size it to 0.030, 0.030, 0.030 and bury it in the center of my head. () End result is some pretty darned nice looking hats. =^-^=
  2. Given LL uses pictures from Flickr as a presentation, can we have a simple means of sending pictures from our profile feeds to Flickr, or yFrog, or Email like in the client? () In other words... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-6846 SL users can do some pretty amazing stuff without touching things up. =^-^=
  3. I'm guessing there are some update delays. When moving individual objects into the DD outbox, I found they automatically make their own folder. From the looks of things, folders are the method to replace boxes. () Given how much I prefer inworld shopping, I will ~NOT~ miss boxes. =^-^=
  4. RE - Fullbright: There seems to be a percentage of the SL population who have grown into the habit of locking their sun at high noon. I wouldn't be surprized if it turns out that many of them get into the jewelry trade. Also, older inworld lessons tend to advise using fullbright instead of shiny, given how much darker shiny can get compared to the original texture. (>_<) It may also be that we're dealing with content creators with little experience and mostly apply a consistent set of gradient textures to nanoprims then rely on fullbright and 'bling' particles to make their stuff "gleam". (._.) RE- Light sources: Part of my flexi and light class includes a reflection on the 6 lamp limit, how it leads to flickering, and what it does and doesn't do. I use a facelight as a direct example, but, the point I try to get across is that any build which uses 6 or more lights in any given vicinity was made by someone who simply doesn't know the facts. Most who take my class never heard of this before. (T_T) Also, I've gotten into a war of words a number of times with people who believe that the Light setting simply makes their prims look brighter. There's no getting through to them regarding how face orientation to light determines what will be illuminated or the 6 lamp limit can affect things. Prime candidates for the placebo effect. (=_=) In manufacturing, we call this "Tribal Knowledge". Meaning, something that the staff has shared over time and believe to be true in spite of what any of the documentation claims. Often it's used to fill a void in documentation without actually addressing the void. That's where education comes in. Not just to hammer down facts and figures, but to also be open to feedback. Things turn out best when valid knowledge winds up in documentation and the same knowledge is used to make tihngs right. () Sadly, that's viewed as the hard way... (T_T)
  5. If my Dell Inspirion duo can work with SL, anything made in the past 4 years can. =^-^= My work laptop has an older Nvidia mobile GPU and runs SL very well. With your setup, I'd risk to say you can even run with shadows enabled. ()y
  6. There are over 9000 other places to visit in SL. Their land, their rules. Explore more. ()y
  7. One thing you should be aware of is that a purchase transaction is 100% the buyer's responsibility. The seller commits no action to approve, deny, or futz with the purchase. (>_<) That said, when you bought this item, did you click the "Buy" button or "Pay" button. Any further actions will rely on this information. () Buy: If you didn't get something, it's Linden Lag's[sic] fault. You can open a support ticket with the lab with the transaction number from your transaction history. You may ask the seller to see if they'll re-send, but, they're under no requirement to act upon your request. () Pay: Did you notice drop down boxes spamming you when you made your purchase? If so, that was your item. If you declined the inventory offer, you rejected exactly what you paid for. On the other hand, if you got no drop down box, then the item delivery script is faulty and you can take this issue up with the seller. If the seller refuses to address you in regard to this transaction, there is an Abuse Report category called "Refusal to deliver goods/services"... Feel free to report the bugger and the lab will deal with them accordingly. () In the end; Caveat emptor. If you want a soapbox, start a blog. ()y
  8. Pretty much just don't do it again. (._.) Linden Lab will not get involved in resident disputes. Be careful with who you trust online. (._.)
  9. I'm one of the endbosses. Gotta get through me and live. =^-^=
  10. I shop. () Then I shop some more. () Then I keep shopping. () If something catches my eye, I buy it. =^-^= Then I wear it to go out shopping again. ()y
  11. I DON'T want LL catering to the whines of a few oldbie curmudgeons when there's advancement to be done. ()y
  12. Sounds like a good day to bring "Little Immy" out of the deep recesses of my inventory. =^-^= Don't MAKE me cute y'all to frigg'n death!
  13. Crytek is a resource hog which depends on the devs to polish up every detail just so people can get a half decent FPS. It's not new either. Just bloated enough to trigger peoples' "wow shiny!" response. The VW I remember to use Crytek was Blue Mars. Note, I say "was". It was a dismal failure because, not unlike PS Home, regions had to be fully downloaded before interacting with them. Add the dismal FPS and near total lack of usability for anyone other than the developers and, well, you see where that went. =^-^= And, 2002? Really? Please produce a screenshot of a scene in SL from 2002 which resembles what I just posted. () I'm not 'turning everything maxed out'. I'm using a client which had a shader update in 2008, a developing shadow rendering ability since 2009, the ability to project a web page WITH FLASH on a 3D manipulated face inworld in 2010, and a means of allowing users to import proprietary mesh objects in 2011. () That's a far cry from "turnig everything maxed out"... Which, sadly, is the only thing Crytek can do. Given they dumped every possible shader/tracer/mapper/morpher tool into it without any consideration for GPU, RAM, and CPU limitations. Almost makes one wonder why the CryEngine is used to benchmark a gaming computer... Or not... Because it bludgeons the bloody hardware to death with its bloat. (=_=) In the end, SL is doing something no game has ever done. Actually, it's doing a lot of things. Given the ability to deliver and render real-time environments which can be created by users on-the-fly and managed with a physics engine that operates server-side so that every viewer experiences the same effect... Really, name a game which does that. () One thing I often say: Anyone who comes to SL expecting a game is bound to be disappointed. Oh well. Want a game? Go play one. That's what games are for. ()y
  14. I really wish the lab would just publish a list of "Moderate" and "Adult" words... (=_=)
  15. Eh... Second Life ~HAS~ new graphics and physics engines. Have you turned on shadows in a well built sim yet? () And physics? You do know that every physics function in SL is server side and has to span the internet before things take effect. I should show you my 256 bullet per shot gun and operational though explosive crankshaf and piston project. =^-^= Content, games, and archetecture are our responsibility. SL is not created by some collection of hired artists. The lab provides the canvas and we, as customers, do the rest. () Also, you're not referring to Playstation Home, are you? Does anyone us PS home for anything other than cussing at each other in voice chat while lifeless avatars stare into space in a fistfull or regions which all have to be pre-downloaded? Uh... Yeah... that sucks. I would never want SL to turn into that mess. () If you want SL to be pretty. Start creating. But, you better be good. Here's the competition. =^-^= https://d3li5r2routkf1.cloudfront.net/users/4d293ae890820d142700035f/snapshots/original_4f3811afd0d2d933f0000001.png https://d3li5r2routkf1.cloudfront.net/users/4d293ae890820d142700035f/snapshots/original_4f3814b79283a1377a000001.png https://d3li5r2routkf1.cloudfront.net/users/4d293ae890820d142700035f/snapshots/original_4f3817390f23674166000001.png All screenshots were taken in SL using Linden Lab's Second Life 3.2.8 (248931) Feb 9 2012 09:04:17 (Second Life Release). ()y SLURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Art%20Screamer/174/28/21
  16. People overreact about online safety. (=_=) Online accounts don't "Get hacked": Stupid users create stupid passwords which are too easy to guess. (=_=) Cookies don't "follow you" and/or "track you": They hold a small amount of information locally on your computer so that you and the site host can avoid redundant actions. () Nothing in your inventory can do anything to your avatar. LSL scripts ONLY run when rezzed inworld. () SLv3 should be capable of some auto HUD attaching and teleporting. It's how Linden Realms operates. The supporting LSL code is still pending release, I believe. () As for this IGS thing... Just AR the creator/owner. If they're doing something against the TOS, they'll be banned. Otherwise, why worry? IGS has nothing to do with SL... Whatever it is they do. They are no more or less capable than you are. Much ado about nothing. ()y
  17. I've been building in mesh since it hit the Magnum RC channel. I've been able to replace prim and sculpt builds with sub-prim LI mesh items. () One of my most extreme examples is a house I have rezzed in Brown. With fully formed window frames and arched doorways between rooms, it still comes up at about half the prims that would have been needed to make it as-is from prims. Add that it doesn't have the spaghetti LOD effect sculpts have and it's a ++. =^-^= Just last night I made a new tower to replace a prim one and wound up at arond 70% of the formal total prim count while still adding diagonal supports which would have made the original prim build unnecessary bloated. () My message to any builder who is complaining about the LI system is very simple: You're doing it wrong. ()y
  18. I may be mentioning a few things you already considered, so bear with me. () 1) Cache. Hopefully you ran this test on a clear cache each time. Otherwise, there should be a shift in bandwidth. Simply due to the client relying on more local resources. If not that, it could be a matter of each client having subtle changes in garbage collection and/or visual culling. () 2) HTTP. HTTP texture downloads really speed up data gathering, but it can also be a resource hog. I believe the key problem with HTTP asset gathering right now is that the process is given too high a priority and devouring useful CPU/bandwidth for other operations. (>_<) That's all I can imagine right now. There could be other causes and I could possibly be 100% wrong. But, hey... =^-^=
  19. OMG! Send the dood my way. I so totally want to play with a toy like this. =^-^=
  20. Eh, do you behave like this for your paying customers. You could have all the exposure you want, but seeing you flipp'n out over words on a forum makes me not want to do business with you. ()
  21. Control. () With a private estate sim, you get estate side controls and menus unavailable on mainland. You can set your own ground texture and water level. You can look at script times for all scripts on the sim and stats for physical items. And, you can run your own restart if need be without running a trouble ticket. () Beyond that, you get control of your entire view since you'll have no neighbors. You can even use megaprim sim-surrounds which scale the size of up to 9 sims and give a much larger visual space. In addition; no neighbors means privacy is privacy. Nobody can go to a next-door sim and cam in on you. If they can't get in, the can't get near either. ()y
  22. Far from impossible. I support a Q&A group, host a formal Q&A each week and teach two classes on building... All in a V3 client. My Nvidia GTX295 (far from new) will run about 15 to 20 FPS in LL's V3 with shadows on and about 20 to 25 in Phoenix with shadows off. () That said, the UIs are close enough to only have to deal with a couple hiccups. Me|Preferences is Edit|Preferences in Phoenix. When building, Select Face is Select Texture. It's okay for you to not like something. But, the broad brush you're trying to paint with is based on biased, vague, and false information. Complain all you want, I'll be inworld helping people. () And, Intel graphics chips are not designed for 3D performance. You're lucky they work at all with SL. Complaining that SL lags on an Intel GPU is akin to complaining that the freeway is too dangerous to ride a motorized kickboard. It's like... Yeah! Of course! ()
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