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Imnotgoing Sideways

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Everything posted by Imnotgoing Sideways

  1. You have interesting conspiracy theories, but, I believe you overestimate the significance of Linden Lab and underestimate the stupidity of the people who are supposedly following you. The fact that you speak to them at all (something you've already admitted to) tells me that you either want to engage them or lack the self control necessary to function without responding to them. (=_=) Linden Lab has very little presense in SL. In fact, as of lately, AR response has horribly dwindled. So, unless you can cite a specific TOS violation by your little fan club, the lab can and will completely ignore you. (=_=) SaltyBoy wrote: ...this game... One clear constant I'm aware of after assisting many people through their first time in Second Life. Those who join expecting a game tend to be disappointed and hate SL the most. Simple reason: It's no game. If you want to play a game, I suggest Star Trek Online. It's free to play with a seemingly good social aspect. () Either way, it's growing apparent that you have no question and don't want to resolve anything. For that, I'll just say; good luck in your attempt to create an echo chamber of gossip against online nobodies. ()y
  2. You're already giving them more attnetion than they deserve. That's exactly what they want. Stop giving it to them. You've been far too generous with them already. (=_=) The way you're justifying them so far makes them sound like they're your friends and they just get pissy once in a while. (=_=)y
  3. "I asked if there was a problem" << Big mistake. That's what they want. Instead of addressing them, just mute them and ignore them for the insiginificant dorks they are. ()y
  4. Linden Lab won't get involved in resident disputes. It's in the TOS you agreed to when you joined. () That said, there are over nine thousand places to visit in SL. If anyone is 'finding' you, it's because you've developed an obvious pattern. Suggestion: Mute them and try some place new. SL is too big to limit yourself to a handful of hangouts. () Finally, consider more crowded locations with staff and security. Get in good with the people there and they'll ban just about anyone you claim to be harassing you. You've already given these people more attention than they deserve. Better to treat them like they're worthless and invisible. They may not ever 'get' the message, but they're likely to escelate things enough to get themselves IP banned and coming back won't be worth the effort. ()y
  5. Inworld or not, the dialogue menu for selecting an avatar's profile is triggered by a right click, not left. LSL has no event triggered via right click. In addition, your profile is accessible via a simple link in a browser. Namely: http://my.secondlife.com/wynter.pawpad as is mine http://my.secondlife.com/imnotgoing.sideways so there is no way inworld to address this at all. () Long story, short: Don't put anything in your profile that you consider to be private. Profiles are not private. ()y
  6. What are these griefers doing? It sounds persistent. Odd that LL won't respond but I've heard rumor that the AR form is buggy. Did you get any confirmation Emails for the ARs you've sent? ()
  7. I've made it a practice to stick with using EGL. That hasn't seemed to trigger things. ()y
  8. I could always go to my land in Ferguson. If not there, I have a spot in Samoa. Then again, I put a cute little house in Brown that I need to furnish. Then there's my place in Ukanipo. If none of those fit me, I have my sim, Morbidette. () .... Why do I have all this land? ()
  9. You'd have to have an externally attached item which sends a llWhisper to your HUD. As far as I know linked messages don't jump between attachments. ()y
  10. What I'm thinking about is... LOLWUT? Really, between the grammar and spelling I can't even decipher what's being said. ()
  11. Oh, I just don't care. () Long story short: If Linden Lab returns something, think twice before rezzing it again. =^-^= Really, is this one game the sole reason you exist that you're going to spill money into a quack lawyer when the most you'll get out of him are the breath mints he's kept on his desk too long? () I drive fast. Someday I'll get a speeding ticket. But, I have to be caught first. Same goes for everything else in SL. Every AR I have written has been based on TOS violations and every single one has gotten a response. Just because you have a 100 avatar pileup against something, it doesn't mean that LL is going to act unless a good solid TOS violation is found. When it is, they tend to delete and return things... Like that game the OP is crying over. ()y
  12. You already got your answer. It was deleted. It's a violation. End of story. () You just want a different answer. One that follows your sensibility instead of the TOS. Lacking a different answer, LL provides no answer. You're entitled to nothing here. The lab does not owe you a thing. You can't say what you want and you won't get an answer which pleases you. () It's cute to see you flash money around, but, that $65k drop in the bucket is barely a shy glimmer of what a few estate owners contribute to SL. Feel free to take it elsewhere. The lab will survive just fine without it. () The only reason anyone gets away with any violation of the TOS is this: They haven't been AR'd yet. So, gamblers, money launderers, bot runners, griefers, sexual ageplayers, racists, bullies, frauds, adfarmers, and many others go about their day "free" to do what they wish in spite of the TOS. (>.>) You got caught. Deal with it. () Just remember me when you leave and give me your stuff on your way out. ()y
  13. If you click the Forums link up top you should at least be able to see the SFW threads without signing in. At least, that's the way I see it since my cookies got corrupted. (>.>)
  14. Omni Huntress wrote: WELL GET READY,,,, I'm getting a lawyre and i suggest the sim owners get one too..... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahaaaaaa*cough*!! I do hope you understand that if Linden Lab brings gambling back to SL, Paypal will disallow transactions and you'll lose the ability to cash out. () I'm sure youyre lawyre will explain that to you better than I have. =^-^=
  15. If you enter my house and constantly admonish me for how ugly you think my couch is, I will kick you out. () If you try to replace my furniture with stuff that you "know" is better than mine, I will kick you out. () If you spocketing drinks from my refridgerator, I will kick you out. () Your right to "free speech" ends when you enter my door. If you wish to say whatever you want, feel free to do it outside. () Same goes for Linden Lab. We're guests of this forum residing on their hosts. It's their private property to do as they please and they're not subject to congressional legal limitations because... well.... They're not congress. =^-^= We are customers of their service. Just like a convenience store posting a sign saying "No shirt, no shoes, no service", the lab has the same rights. Violate the TOS and expect your violations to draw attention. Go too far and expect to be kicked out. You're in no position to demand that people run their own equipment under your guidelines. () If you think you can get 50,000 people to rally behind you and shut down SL, I have a bridge you may be interested in. Until I saw this thread, I didn't even know that this "Byngo" game existed. If/when you leave, I really doubt people like me will even notice. LL will still make money and SL will still live on. () But, since we've now met, I feel a bond here. Can I have your stuff when you leave? =^-^=
  16. Creators are rarely if not never notified. If it worked that way, people who give out full perms prims would have to deal with every time their prims were to be used in a griefing. No. Caveat Emptor. The end user is the responsible party. ()y
  17. Objects get removed for violations of the TOS. Abuse reports only point out potential violations. Once deemed a violation, the object will be removed. << There's your answer. If the object was removed, it was due to a violation of the TOS. () SL will do fine without that one game. They're not legally bound to provide anything. ()y
  18. There hasn't been an addition of extra joints. Animations are made no differently than they've been done before. () There has been an addition to a couple attachment points. Thing is, they always existed, just went unutilized. Those are Neck and Avatar Center (That part of you which sits still while dances move you all over and visually through things). () Rigged mesh does have the capability to push joints around like deformer animations, but, nothing is actually added or removed. ()y
  19. Check out the guy section at Curious Kitties. They have a ton of well proportinoed shapes there. Also, to get a smooth and lean boyish shape, you're more likely to find success in the female base avatar. The male base is just too heavy and beefy for a slender and smooth appearance. ()y
  20. They're all the best. What do you prefer? () I ran Niran's for about a month but with a less-than-stellar frame rate and the more recent updates would crash. I'll re-try it this weekend to see if anything has improved. () I ran Catznip in the past. Off and on, this has been the highest FPS client I used. () I'm currently using LL's client... Which is odd for me. But, my reasoning is simple. At this time, on my computer, the LL release client has the lowest crash rate and highest FPS. () That all said, I rarely run a client for more than a week. "Best" is a matter of personal preference and everyone prefers something different. ()y
  21. Maeve's cube advice is one spot-on example. In fact, I keep a "Cube.dae" file handy for any mesh upload which either won't be physical or won't benefit from anything more than a single hull. It'll just size itself to the outer boundaries of any sculpt uploaded and minimize the resources used to generate a physics model. ()y
  22. Mesh requires us to re-think what we make. () Prims are just prims. They were all given a score of 1 regardless of how many resources they used. Mesh, on the other hand, isn't a matter of "there or not". So, when creating mesh items, we have to be mindful of the lag they potentially cause. (>_<) In fact, when dealing with mesh, I prefer to re-think prim count as a lag score. A cylinder and a few torii would be 5 prims in classic prim count. But, the resources they used were a nightmare compared to 5 box prims. With mesh, we get to witness the nightmare as a fathomable cost. () Long story short: Build a laggy build = pay a hefty price. () That said, with good practice in efficiency and consideration for resources and LoD, there are mesh items which can be less than a prim to the point where two, three, or four can be linked together to still form a single prim. It just takes learning and practice. ()y
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