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Imnotgoing Sideways

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Everything posted by Imnotgoing Sideways

  1. Just like when LL sees Nikes, Converse, Spiderman, and various copyright violations get uploaded nearly every day. I'm sure the Labbies say WTF just as loud and ten times as often as you do. () You don't have a ~right~ to upload mesh. Heck, you don't have a ~right~ to have an account with SL. So, for you to describe what's little more than checks and balances for a privately owned digital content provider to avoid legal issues down the line as "oppression"... Hooo baby, have you missed the boat. =^-^= It's their lawn. We're just playing on it. Scuff up the grass too much and I doubt you'll continue to be welcome. () "Linden's Ego" No... Linden's cautious legal indemnification. () If you don't like it.... Can I have your stuff when you leave? =^-^=
  2. oops!!! As for the matter of creating a license, it's all a matter of wording. Explore CYO's marketplace store to see how they're handling it. Pretty much everything they sell is full perms with conditions stated at the bottom of each page. () My own Avatar Alpha Foot Masks are done with the old notecard method using the legally binding license terms available at http://creativecommons.org/ and once I get off my lazy butt I'll transfer the terms from the notecard to the marketplace page. () Basically, you don't have to "get" a license for anything you've created. The fact that you've created it already grants you All Rights Reserved by default. (Media that actually states 'All Rights Reserved' are really being redundant. It's a default and they don't actually have to state it.) That said, what you say, goes. You can find examples of end user licenses all around. They're usually slathered by thick gobs of legalese because they're written by corp staff lawyers. But, one doesn't need to be a lawyer to say "Don't steal my schzt!!!" ()y
  3. The user license doesn't override the existing permissions system. If you don't want people to copy something, set it to No Copy. If you don't want people trading things around, set it to No Transfer. I know that sounds rather naiieve taking account copybotters. But, since when did a thief ever pay attention to the rules? (>_<) Instead, this new feature applies to full perms items not intended for direct resale. It has always been a very risky position listing an item as full perms and relying on a notecard to spell out the conditions are entailed in the purchase. Now, this option allows sellers a direct path of information to rely upon to combat losses by lesser scroupulous people simply trying to cut a buck out of their wares. () A license will only ever keep the honest people honest. It is now a third wall of protection from the simplest ways of creators losing their IP rights. No Copy and No Transfer are no less license conditions and, in fact, inheritly override the user license via the mechanics of the asset/inventory permissions system. ()
  4. It takes a bit of touch to learn how to use a Spacenav, but, that'll take about a day. From then on, camera control becomes stellar. It comes with nearly limitless range and control. Large builds and megaprims are easier to manage, given you Spacenav with your left and and mouse with your right. And, shopping becomes a renewed experience. =^-^= The down side? Someday you'll find yourself on a computer without one and miss it horribly. (>_<)
  5. After you log in, click your "Recent" inventory tab. That'll force the asset download and display number. ()y
  6. NCI has sandbox space in Hamnida, Fishermen's Cove, and NCI DreamSeeker. Those sims are usually rather empty unless a class or event is on. () Just about every parcel I own is open for anyone to rez. Personally, I think no-rez and no-scripts is stupid. =^-^= Once you find a nice place, make and keep a landmark. No more searching, you can always have a quick-click solution for going back. ()y
  7. Since telling people I prefer to type in text makes them go hmmmm... I did this. =^-^=
  8. Gridsurvey stopped updated its blotter because Linden Lab stopped publicizing its incidents. It was more of an archive of data LL was already listing and when the list came to an end the archive had no source to continue filling in. (._.)
  9. Nearly everything in Second Live is resident created. You can check the maker of an item by looking at its properties in inventory or while inworld by editing it. From there you can find out the creator of the items and ask if they offer any kinds of templates. They may or may not. They're not obligated to do so. But, it's worth a try. ()y
  10. Pretty much the group will continue to exist as long as it has 2 or more members. But, lacking officers and/or owners, it simply can't be administrated. Odds are, the creator/owner of the group was permabanned. If you want full management of the group, I'd suggest a migration to a new group with an active owner/officer roster. It's not impossible. I've actually done this exact thing a couple years ago. ()y
  11. The best I can say is that it's not impossible. In fact, I believe that a change like that would be a very trivial option to add with near zero risk of breaking legacy assets. Why hasn't it been done yet? Only a Labbie can answer that. (._.)
  12. I'd call myself downright indifferent to it. The internet as a whole still pretty much behaves like a microbe. Block something and someone will proxy around it. Make something illegal and someone will game the loophole. As for me, I pay for what I'm charged for and take what's given for free. It's a fair balance where I see myself going unharmed if this bill passes and/or not. () That and I'm a steaming pile of political apathy. ()y
  13. Yeah, I've already nicknamed the feed "SLacebook". As for content, your feed is part of your profile. So, all the guidelines that apply to your profile apply to your feed. If you see someone breaking those guidelines and "getting away with it", it's simply because they haven't been reported. So, combine a careful balance of semi-modesty with well thought out filtering and you should have no problem posting anything you like. ()y ... Unless... You like THAT... Bloody deviant! (>.>) =^-^=
  14. RudolphUkka wrote: "Abuse" is only used in the * Community Guidelines in the context of their attempt to * censor any and all criticism of the * moderation process. Please don't use it as a * convenient euphemism for "griefing". Griefing and abuse of residents are * issues that relate to * inworld situations, not these * forums. *** Rudi *** Focusing on the broader context, my use of the word abuse goes beyond a partial definition as found in local documentation. There are mechanisms in the forums which can be abused to the extent of causing grief to others. () Now... Bed time. Try to not think about what my pajamas may look like. =^-^=
  15. Most abuse I see is a matter of a number of people who are already in an abusive dialogue. Forums don't offer much in exploitable mechanics to really drag someone though hell. So, at best, I can see being abusive and getting away with it is second only to reporting posts of an unliked person simply because they're unliked. () Beyond that, I don't know what the fear factor is here. I hear of people leaving or refusing to post on this forum. There's a pervasive tone of "you can't speak your mind here". I guess all I can say is those are people who haven't chosen their words carefully enough. To add, they probably feel they earned the priveledge to lipflap whatever they want in spite of community standards. (=_=) I still post here. Not often. It's tough to take this forum seriously given its heavily flawed interface. Still... If something lands on page-1 of new posts that interests me. I'm all in there. ()y
  16. JeanneAnne wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: I understand Ceka. I am suggesting that most of the information they may have assembled on any one person could be littered with inaccuracies. Even collection agencies work very hard to make sure the person with whom they are talking is, indeed, the one that owes money. I spent the entire morning reading just the Summary! If even a fraction of what's reported there is true - and a lot of it sure seems to be - then it ought to go beyond civil law suits. Criminal charges ought to be brought. Jeanne Believe me... Once I can get any one of them to corroborate the claims they have about me in their wiki, I will take legal action. But, to date, they beat around the bush, refuse to respond, divert attentions, and pretend that the information listed about me has been doctored before it had been leaked. (>_<) Ever see that scene which happens in nearly every TV news consumer advocate program... When the fraud/thief is seen being chased by the news camera while running away, locking doors, requesting they leave, and having nothing to say? That's the current state the exopanty mob has been in since this leak got so far. ()
  17. JeanneAnne wrote: So why are they tolerated? That's what I'd like to know... Jeanne Primarily because their most superficial operations fit within the bounds of the TOS/CS. (>_<) It has already been made rather public that they had a few Labbies that they could turn to in order to deal with tight situaions. Other than that, really, they're ~not~ tolerated. I've been a vocal opponent to their activities for a long time which only grew stronger after i found that they were monitoring me, had a wiki page in my name, and flagged me as a "griefer" in their networked security system. Many others have been in my position. The key problem is that so many people get flagged as "griefer" and the exopanty mob has no scrouples against abusing the AR system by filing mass reports against someone. (=_=) AR parties FTL!!! (>_<) They called me "griefer" but I won't let that fly. Being that I have never been suspended and hold no hsitory of any actual griefing or harassment events. And, I'm sure they've AR'd me on a few occasions. But, since LL values our privacy (which I'm thankful for) I can only assume. (>_<) So, there they are, ready and willing to accuse someone with no griefing history, no bans, no suspensions, premium account holding, estate owning, inworld educator of being a "griefer" and categorized under "Hazardous Liaison". It's going to be insanely difficult to convince me to trust them with anything. (=_=)
  18. Canoro Philipp wrote: JLU and Unions are forms of organization that their purpose is to protect the weak against abuse. i agree that some of those organization dont use the best methods, but at least they are doing something. the more people get together for that noble purpose, the better. im up for anything that fill that hole in second life. No. JLU is a fraudulent, self-serving, and corrupt organization who abuses more people than they appear to "protect". In fact, they protect nobody and often put a lot of effort into convincing other people that they would have been griefed if the group weren't around... In spite of a lack of truly identified griefers or an interest by said griefers in targeting anyone other than JLU. (=_=) "At least they are doing something" is a very very very very dangerous point of view. Especially when their activities are akin to bludgeoning everyone who walks down the street and they just so happen to hit a pickpocket every few days. (=_=)
  19. Ask me about "Hazardous Liaison". () Given I've dealt with a number of groups which add people they simply disagree with to a "griefer" list, I see no good coming from any resident ventures in security and governance. (=_=) Solution: Write your own ARs and let the Lindens sort it out. ()y
  20. Consider also reaching out to inworld resident help groups. () New Citizens Inc., Oxbridge, Builder's Brewery, Dreams, and many other groups can provide tips, advice, and information for just about everything Second Life. Most have land, sandbox building areas, a place to set as home to get away from the infohubs, and a chat group which offers Q&A night and day. =^-^=
  21. Consider also reaching out to inworld resident help groups. () New Citizens Inc., Oxbridge, Builder's Brewery, Dreams, and many other groups can provide tips, advice, and information for just about everything Second Life. Most have land, sandbox building areas, a place to set as home to get away from the infohubs, and a chat group which offers Q&A night and day. =^-^=
  22. No. () Your friends list and inventory are only visible to you. You would have to tell someone your password so that they can log in as you to see such information. ()y
  23. No. () Your friends list and inventory are only visible to you. You would have to tell someone your password so that they can log in as you to see such information. ()y
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