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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Sell your L$ on the LindeX and convert the US$ to UK £ Or -easier- use an approved third market seller: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/L$_Marketplace
  2. Lola Longully wrote: ......Let's have everybody rally around and vote for it and maybe the new CEO will see it. (Well, perhaps maybe.) Underlined: (Well, perhaps maybe.) LOL But hope never dies
  3. Hi Lola. Perhaps you will find interesting this (very veteran) JIRA: Redefine SL system time as UTC/GMT instead of PST-PDT California time
  4. Irene Muni

    Prim Counts?

    Great post bee! BTW yesterday I used that system to see the prims of a linked kitchen. The handle of the pan was right between my thighs (ehem, yo understand me). I have photos but this is a PG forum LOL
  5. Ni idea. De todos modos, si de verdad has leído las normas de LL, habla de NOMBRE de sitios, no de que no se pueda decir Second Life.
  6. Risto Shim wrote: Entonces, ¿todos esos millones de blogs que contienen las palabras Second Life, están violando el TOS de Linden Lab? Sí. Más que según los TOS, según las leyes de Trade Mark a las que LL se acoge. Pero a mí que me registren, cada uno que haga lo que considere.
  7. Peewee está dando la respuesta correcta, lee esa documentación con calma. Hace ya años que no se puede usar en el nombre de un blog (o foro, o web, o...) las palabras "Second Life", ni el logo del ojo en la mano (por eso LL ofrece los logos de "In SL"), ni nada de eso. De hecho, gente como, por ejemplo, "Mundo Second Life" tuvo que cambiar su nombre, y así otros sitios hispanos. Pero como digo, en la página que te ha puesto Peewee (y en sus enlaces) tienes toda la información.
  8. Ronnie Pawpad wrote: ...But as anybody know teenagers with access to the net' will try to fake these settings to access 'adult content' and as far as i know its just my/our responsibility to ban and report it as soon as we catch wind of the information regarding X resident. It's true. But if your club is in Mature land, you club cannot have Adult content
  9. BTW the Age Verification is a relic, a legacy. It was the first control system when SL only had 2 ratings: PG & Mature. At that time, the Age Verification was useful for some places located in Mature sims. But today we have a third maturity rating: Adult. Actually the Age Verification is a no sense
  10. You're welcome Buuuuuut... yes, I asked that question, I see the answers, but as Asimia and you I can rez up to 4096 meters LOL Wel, I don't know more
  11. Senobia Xenga wrote: I want to know if there's a way to mute posters so you don't have to .... No, there is not. But there are two tings that you can do: Request that feature voting the appropiate JIRA: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1074 But that's just my opinion Be yourselfe the first to be polite in your answers. But that's just my opinion
  12. AFAIK 4096 meters. See limit build: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits I asked the same question: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/594654#594654
  13. como hago para jugar y entrar a jugar} dalita, este no es el foro apropiado para tu pregunta. Crea un tema con tu pregunta (y explícate bien, por favor) en http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/answers/preguntas_espa%C3%B1ol Gracias
  14. Totally agree New maturity level for weapons: General New maturity level for tobacco: Mature Ehem...
  15. Understood. Thank you very much for the explanation. There are things that, as a European, I can not understand at all, but your explanation has been helpful to me
  16. Hi Darrius. I'm not from USA, I believe what you say. But is there in USA laws against cybersex (cybersex as in SL) between minors or cyber sex of minors with adults?
  17. Can you add a image please? In any case, I don't use Phoenix. But if that is a specific feature's Phoenix, you can ask inworld in the official 'Phoenix Viewer Support' group: http://world.secondlife.com/group/3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd
  18. I have learned a lot with all your answers, thank you very much!!
  19. Is there a height limit for running scripts?Is there a height limit for rez an object? I see in http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Limits there is a limit for "build". Is it also a limit for rez?Thanks in advance
  20. I usually clean my groups of no longer active SL members. But just because I want the number of members is as accurate as possible.
  21. Well, I could say there are some exceptions for inworld shopping If I decide to buy an expensive prefab or, lets say, am elaborated expensive pet or wild animal, like the whale I bought, I surely use SL Market, cause Inworld search just does not work. But I would never do the final purchase without checking the item Inworld, rezzed or checking the prefabs rezzer parcel Maybe a dress or a texture or simple objects do not need Inworld but complex or expensive 3D spacial creations like homes, etc, still do need Would you buy a 10K castle or skyscraper before checking it closely Inworld ? My point is - Some products benefit from 3D shopping Inworld and justify land tiers to show and sell them Totally agree.
  22. Xzarina Demina wrote: But they didnt include any "wrong" words, unless Library or DinnerRoom is a bad word.
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