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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Release Notes 2.5.1 -> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Release_Notes/Second_Life_Release/2.5.1 AFAIK it was an announcement for 2.5.0 ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/Viewer-2-5-with-Web-Profiles-Has-Arrived/ba-p/675559 ) but not for 2.5.1
  2. From Community Help about SL Answers ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/qa#qa ): To receive a helpful response in a quick and easy manner, enter questions where: the topic is related to Second Life the question is practical you are asking how to resolve a current problem you are asking why a particular issue happened to you the response you want is a solution. To prevent your question from being removed, avoid asking subjective questions where: every answer would be opinions or preferences: What is your favorite ______? there is no actual problem to be solved: How does everyone feel about______? you ask an open-ended, hypothetical question: What if ______ happened? it is a rant disguised as a question: ______ is awful, don't you think? :smileytongue:
  3. Irene Muni

    Password Scam

    UsherChick wrote: I attempted to reset my password on my account. I was asked to name names of 3 people I had never heard of. Probably they are asking you the name of 3 residents in your Friend's list. UsherChick wrote: I attempted to reset my password on my account. I was asked to name names of 3 people I had never heard of. This was the only security queston offered. A case was created and a support rep from Linden Labs sent me an email. It stated the case number and infomred me if I supplied a copy of my Government Issued ID they would be happy to reset my passord. I offered to send a copy of my DNA instead. I have since created a new account. And what is your question? You can send any valid document for verify your identity.
  4. AnnMarie, I have submitted a ticket 1 hour ago with the lat version of Firefox (3.6.14).
  5. Comento sólo un detalle que no sé si aclara o embrolla estas últimas reflexiones. En Europa (ni idea de otros países que tienen IVA) la compra de divisas NO está sujeta a IVA. Lo que sí está sujeto a IVA es la comisión que te pueda cobrar la entidad por esa compra de divisas (suponiendo que se sea tan corto como para comprar divisas en un sitio que te cobre comisión por eso), pero la compra como tal de las divisas NO tiene IVA. No tengo ni idea de si la compra de L$ se considerará compra de divisas, pero supongo que a eso se agarran todos los sitios (y, como ha anotado bien Catwise, también LL) que no cobran el IVA cuando compras L$. Eso aparte, recordemos que el debate empezó cuando se dijo (4º o 5º post más o menos) que los métodos de pago están sujetos a IVA del 20%. Personalmente sigo diciendo (como también han dicho otros) que no es así, que hay varios métodos de pago (PayPal y, al menos en mi caso, mi tarjeta de débito) que no me cobran IVA por usarlos. El IVA lo tendrá -si lo tiene- aquello que yo compro con ese método de pago, pero no el método de pago en sí mismo. Y vaya, que esto es así en SL y en RL: cuando yo me compro lo que sea en RL y lo pago con tarjeta, pago el IVA de ese lo que sea, pero mi entidad bancaria no me cobra IVA por haber usado la tarjeta.
  6. And see a peculiar aspect of the problem of this new system: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/When-will-the-support-ticket-system-be-back-up/qaq-p/711375 The OP needs an Alt for answer the issue
  7. JIRA about "Ranks in Forums and SL Answers are unnecessary and inconsistent with community spirit": https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705Please, vote AND WATCH (on March 8th, the voting feature in JIRA will no longer be available).
  8. [off topic] Related: Jira about "Ranks in Forums & SL Answers are unnecessary and inconsistent with communitu spirit": --> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705 [end ff topic] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- bee Baroque wrote: i experience the same as mentioned by suella and irene and others re the comments function. we had a thread just yesterday that i am sure could have been solved quicker had we not had the comments messing things up. the op supplied additional info in the comments and other posters arriving later wanting to help did not see or read the comments and that resulted in so much back and forth that i myself got a headache trying to make sense of it all and decide on how to response to the op in order to help as much as possible that i walked away from the thread. i would not be sad to see the comments function disappear and give answers the same layout as the rest of the forums. Agree, this is the main problem of the new format of SL Answers. There are many questions in SL Answers that cannot be managed by "THIS IS MI QUESTION" and "HERE IS YOUR ANSWER". When the solution to the problem requires cross-examine and investigate different possible solutions, this new system is useless.
  9. Another example: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/i-can-t-reply-anymore-to-my-own-questions/qaq-p/707637
  10. AnnMarie Otoole wrote: The support ticket system was supposed to be VIEW ONLY until March 2nd. It is March 3rd and still cannot post tickets. The Support ticket system has been avalaible these past days (at least for me LOL). Where do you read that notice? What happens when you try fill a ticket? Any error message or...?
  11. Related: The previous system had a JIRA requesting removal the system of points ( https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1498 ). In this new system, there is a JIRA requesting to be removed the "Ranks" and their permission to act in one way or another on the forums according to your rank. JIRA about "Ranks in Forums and SL Answers are unnecessary and inconsistent with community spirit": https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705
  12. Perhaps. But persists the problem I have written in the JIRA: some users cannot do some features, some valued residents with no rank, no community spirit... In my opinion the problem is the existance of ranks.
  13. Lexie, a silly (or not) question: are you sure is a gfood idea allow the Private Messages? I can think many "malicious" use of the PMs.
  14. Ann Otoole wrote: In my opinion... There are issues that have a much farther reaching impact than forum badges to worry about. I would rather put my energy on community activism and organizing for issues that have actual importance to the success of the entire platform. Like Privacy and things like Jira voting (albeit a lost cause). Of course there are issues that "have a much farther reaching impact". But what's the problem in "watch" a JIRA and "put your energy" in activism about other JIRAs?
  15. Damian Zhaoying wrote: EDIT: Algo que me olvidé decir: Sabiendo que este sistema fue anunciado y, en ese anuncio LL dijo que contaba con el beneplácito de los tester que participaron de su prueba y puesta a punto, es lógico pensar que ninguno de ellos estuvo en contra del sistema de rankings, por lo cual, le dieron a LL el visto bueno al sistema. Ahora, si presentaron sus dudas al respecto pero, sin embargo, LL lo implementó de todos modos, da lo mismo lo que opinemos los usuarios, nada va a cambiar. No puedo hablar por todos los testers porque, que yo sepa, hubo tres oleadas, vamos, que fueron tres grupos distintos (creo, no lo sé seguro si hubo más). Del grupo que conocí yo (éramos 12 según dijo Lexie Linden -que también dijo que se nos había invitado a esa oleada a 31, pero que sólo aceptamos 12, por el NDA o por las razones que tuviera cada cual-, pero habituales fuimos 5 durante una semana), hubo 7 testers que estuvieron declaradamente en contra de los Rangos y 1 que estaba a favor. Y en otras cosas parecido: ningún tester (repito que de los que yo conocí) estaba de acuerdo con el formato que se ha implementado para SL Answers, ni con que no hubiera un foro en inglés dedicado a "general", ni con otras cosas, ni con el formato de las "badges" o como se llamen que a veces dificultan leer el nombre. En cambio, sí que he visto que algunas cosas que se sugirieron en ese test que no estaban y debían estar: la posibilidad de traducir documentos de la KB, la creación de SL Answers en portugués... Y desde luego lo que sí hubo fue mucha prueba de "cosas pequeñas": que si colores de texto, funcionamiento de privados, todo el tema de edición de la KB y cien cosillas más (unas que las íbamos descubriendo y otras que nos decían los Linden que se probaran).
  16. Many information: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Make_money http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Recent_Business_Articles http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Business_and_Marketing http://slcaveatemptor.blogspot.com/ http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Bringing_Your_Business_into_SL http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:Business_Owners And some places offering some jobs: http://www.slprofiles.com/secondlifejobs.aspRESUME: To find job in SL is very similar to find job in RL. You have some skill and you "sell" that skill. See the great answer of George Orellana. Another question is if you really needs a job in SL. Many times it's better buy L$.
  17. Example of my previous post (and example of the great Suella's post): http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Cannot-watch-Quicktime-videos-in-game/qaq-p/710621 See the problem with Answers & Comments It is veeery difficult for a new reader of the thread understand the "order" of the dialog.
  18. Suella Ember wrote: ............................ That just seems confusing to me as when 'Lexie' comes along to look at answers she sees my reply first and then thinks "Huh? Where's what Irene said?!" She has to scroll on to see that (this gtes more confusing the more people who have answered). And more and worst. Imagine I ask "I have an issue about lag...". Suella answers: "Post the specs of your computer, please". I post the specs (answering OR as a comment LOL). And Lexie read the thread and write a comment to my post about specs with the correct answer to my issue. Can you imagine the mess? :smileytongue: But that scene is VERY frequent in SL Answers
  19. Perry Mizin wrote: Los métodos de pago para los europeos es un 20% (casi la cuarta parte) más caro que para otros paises, debido al impuesto del valor añadido que cobran automáticamente. Desconozco cómo será la cosa en otros países, pero en España buena parte de los métodos de pago más frecuentes no tienen IVA por usarlos. Otra cosa, como bien anota Catwise, es que determinados pagos tengan IVA, claro, como todo. IVA que ni es ni no es el 20%, eso depende de cada país. Pero eso es una cosa y otra cosa es que los métodos de pago te carguen IVA, que, por lo menos a mí, no me lo cargan (sobre las comisiones del banco/caja por tener una tarjeta ya es cosas de que cada quien se pegue con su banco/caja). Y una pequeña nota: lo del IVA no es sólo para Europa, muchos otros países no europeos tienen IVA.
  20. Pues si publicar información de Linden Lab aportada por Linden Lab (y, encima, en castellano en este caso) es ser pelota, me parece que voy a seguir siendo pelota durante muchísimo tiempo jajaja Y espero que otros muchos sean también pelotas y aporten información de Linden Lab que yo desconozca. Y no sigo porque tengo que ir a mi foro a hacerme la pelota a mí misma y publuicar esta misma información :smileytongue:
  21. Perry, no entiendo tu argumento (si soy pelota ¿por qué quiero que se quieten los ranks de este foro y los puntos del anterior?). Pero me es igual, no me hace falta entenderlo. Si verdaderamente crees que yo o quien sea estamos en este foro para ser pelotas y conseguir no se qué de los Lindens... ¡vota ese JIRA ! Es una pequeña pero sencilla manera de ayudar a que a ninguno de los que, segun tú, nos gusta eso tengamos "rangos" en estos foros y así no podamos fardar de ser maestros o lo que sea. Vota y ya está.
  22. I don't like the general system for SL Answers. I think it's a bad idea that we can only "answer" the OP or "comment" an answer. It's very difficul follow the logic and order of posts. SL Answers has not only "answers and comments". SL Answers has answers, requests of new information, new solutions after verifying that previous solutions did not fix the problem... and many more. Why not use the same system of the forums? Preventing chit-chat?
  23. Supperfan wrote: *****so can I ask if the JIRA is against "Ranks" in the Forum or have you made a mistake and it is actually against "Rants" here? ********** Ranks: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/ranksroles#ranksroles
  24. Buf... I don't know if "Entertainment" is the correct subforum to inform the community about a new JIRA request. But I cannot find a subforum for that :smileytongue:
  25. I have created a thread in "Entertainment" about a new JIRA request against Ranks in forums ( http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Entertainment/JIRA-againts-quot-Ranks-quot-in-Forums-and-SL-Answers/td-p/709753 ). But I'm not sure if that is the correct forum. Perhaps we need a subforum for "JIRA requests" (or something similar).
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