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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. I cannot help, I'm not a Phoenix user. But there is a support group inworld (http://world.secondlife.com/group/3a1be8d4-01f3-bc1a-2703-442f0cc8f2dd) and a suport web (http://www.phoenixviewer.com/support.php) for Phoenix.
  2. Euridice Qork wrote: Lo más simple y lo más obvio, y no sabíamos por donde tirar jejeje ¡Eso me pasa a mí mucho en SL! Me deshago el moño pensando cómo porras hacer algo y al final descubro que lo tenía delante de las narices jejeje De nada, saludos y enhorabuena por la región
  3. Lo mismo que se hizo para solicitar la inclusión en la Guìa de Destinos, contactar con los editores de la guía: How do we contact Linden Lab editors? For questions or update requests to existing entries, or to report an error — like a wrong SLurl or place that's gone — please contact the Linden Lab editors via email. Please note that we are not able to respond to all inquiries about individual submission suggestions. However, we do welcome all comments, feedback and suggestions. (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Destination_Guide#How_do_we_contact_Linden_Lab_editors.3F)
  4. Dekka Raymaker wrote: ....Being a creator, at the moment, V.1 is a better option.Totally agree. But you are assuming SL is for creation. SL is for facebook lovers (sorry, only a -sad- joke )
  5. A friend of mine has an Amaretto horse in his Linden Home (and rides by the region). No one has said anything. As others said, there is no problem for horses as Amaretto in the covenant of Linden Homes.
  6. You're welcome Could you please mark the question as answered then so it doesn't show up in the list of unanswered or possible answered questions? Thank you!
  7. Ellla McMahon wrote: Hello Irene, when you click a SLurl, it tries to open the last Viewer installed From SL Wiki Using Second Life URLs Oh, so it was ! I think, some time ago, the system opened the display you were using at the moment, but I'm not sure. Anyway, the issue is clarified (this time I forgot to look at the KB LOL). Thank you very much, Ellla .
  8. What exactly means "none of then will work"? You attached the AO and then... ... ...
  9. I had "Use Second Life (default)" or something similar (I use Fire Fox in Spanish . I have changed to "Always ask" and the problem persist: Windows ask me wich program I want use, I mark SL and then, if I have open Viewer 1.23, the system trry to open the Viewer 2 LOL. But thaknks for all your interest and ideas .
  10. No, I have not that popoup. BTW congratulauons for your interest in the Art, Peace and Diversity Maraton
  11. Interesting idea. Usually I use Fire Fox. But reading your post I have tried using Explorer 8... and I have the same problem. Yes, as you I also use Windows 7, but no popups windoes for me. Thanks Peewee
  12. All comments are appreciated Dekka Do you have installed and do you use sometimes the Viewer 2?
  13. Perfect explianed Maybe what you say, a change from LL.
  14. Well, I'm not sure know how to explain the issue: If I have CLOSED my viewer and I use the "Teleport Now" button of a SLurl there is no problem: the system open my Viewer 2.If I have OPENED my Viewer 2 there is no problem use that button: the Viewer 2 open the "Place profile" and I cant teleport to the location.BUT If I have OPENED my VIEWER 1.23 and and click the "Teleport Now" button of a SLurl I have a problem. The system try (and cannot) to open my Viewer 2 (?? I can see briefly the icon on my screen) but nothing happens. The Viewer 1.23 does not open the window of the location for teleport. Is that a normal behavior? Or is there something I have misconfigured?Thanks in advance
  15. Terry Kiopak wrote: ...It shows as loading but I cannot werar anything as it tiellme they are not loaded "yet/" ... That's normal.
  16. Perhaps you should test in the land of a friend the URL you are adding in your Linden Home : perhaps the problem is the URL you are using. Like others have said, there is no problem listening music in Linden Homes.
  17. From http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Abandoned_Land_FAQ#Will_Linden_Lab_sell_abandoned_land_directly_to_me_if_my_claim_on_it_is_good_enough.3F (see underlined): Will Linden Lab sell abandoned land directly to me if my claim on it is good enough? This can sometimes be tricky, but there are cases in which a Resident may have a pretty good claim to abandoned land. These can include but aren't necessarily limited to: The land I own borders three sides of an abandoned parcel. The land I own completely encircles an abandoned parcel. There is a parcel of abandoned land directly between my land and another Resident's land, but the other Resident has stated that he has no interest in owning the abandoned parcel. The land must always be less than 512 square meters. Remember that these parameters are only guidelines; each parcel is considered on a case-by-case basis, and the Land Team may not sell the land to you even if you meet some of the claims. In many cases, there's no single Resident who has a very strong claim to a particular abandoned parcel, in which case it goes to auction.
  18. That ticket types are outdated. See the las version at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Support_Tickets_Types
  19. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: Yes, it kind of sneaked in and affects not just new accounts but also those outside the US who have been in SL years but did not previously set up Payment Info on File. I don't understand why the Paypal option was removed though so if anyone knows please comment. I'm not sure. But perhaps because a teenager can open a PayPal account? It's only a idea, I don't know.
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