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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. No points. But for your perfect description you have win a kiss from me. Open your RL window, the kiss is flying looking for you.
  2. Tolya, I love your signature .
  3. ??? Definitely, the system of points of this blogrums is a madness Vote https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1498 !!
  4. De nada, genial que se arreglara .
  5. Las posibles soluciones son varias. Es cosa de ir probando, empecemos por lo más clásico: Vacía la caché de SL y luego vuélvete a conectar, escribe cualquier letra en la búsqueda del inventario, y deja que se cargue por completo el inventario antes de tocar nada.
  6. Follow the Boroondas Gupte's answer and you will see below a button for that:
  7. 3. More tips: http://virtualoutworlding.blogspot.com/2010/11/ghosted-avatar-exorcism-more-rituals.html
  8. 1. The official answer about the region needs a restart: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/When_I_log_into_Second_Life,_it_returns_an_error_saying_%22The_system_is_logging_you_out_right_now._Your_account_will_not_be_available_until...%22 2. Other tips in this interesting Marigold's post: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/358757#358757
  9. Irene Muni


    DisQ Hern wrote: Never mind, found the answer. Could you please mark the question as answered then so it doesn't show up in the list of unanswered or possible answered questions? Thank you!
  10. Doran Carter wrote: So, let me get this straight. If the last bid stands at L$ 1500, and I put in a bid for L$ 9000, the software will only put in a bid for L$ 1600, but automaticaly re-bid for me if some one else bids higher than L$ 1600 ? Yes And you will receive by email notices of each one of your new bids.
  11. Bret Taurus wrote: I tried to submit a ticket but there is no selection for Basic Account plus the Age Verification (Beta) has failed to work after I did numerous tries to sumbit with all indentification that I had including the last for #s for my SSN. What is going on over there? Actually there is no Manual Age Verification for Basic accounts. I have submitted a 'Contact Us' form requesting the update of http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Age_Verification_FAQ#What_happens_if_I_experience_problems_when_I_try_to_verify_my_identity.3F It's annoying that LL changes the Support Tickets but does not update the Linden Lab Official documentation
  12. With payment info in your account you can access to ALL the Adult regions and searches. Buy you cannot access to the (few) places where the owner request the Age verification. More info: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:What_are_the_different_types_of_Account_Verification%3F
  13. Use Manual system: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Age_Verification_FAQ#What_happens_if_I_experience_problems_when_I_try_to_verify_my_identity.3F
  14. Irene Muni wrote: AFAIK it's the same and only email for account and forums. ......... From https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Blog_FAQ#How_do_I_change_my_email_address.3F How do I change my email address? We only use one email address for your entire Second Life account and all authorized services (like the Marketplace) because of a system called SSO (Single Sign-On). When you login to blogs.secondlife.com, you're securely authenticated with the same information you use at the regular secondlife.com. To change your email address: Use the Contact Information page (normally found on the left-hand side of your Dashboard). On blogs.secondlife.com, click Log out in the upper right then log back in. This shows your updated email address in your blog profile. Otherwise, the old one still displays, and it's confusing but works. Note: Only you and Lindens can see your email address in your blogs.secondlife.com profile. It's hidden for everyone else.
  15. AFAIK it's the same and only email for account and forums. Apparently there is a odd issue with your email and this amazing (ehem) system of blogrums. Perhaps all will be sincronized from here a while. Sorry, I have no a useful answer
  16. No, there is no refund. See TOS 3.3. -> http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php
  17. You're welcome. Baeric.Constantine wrote: I should have paid more attention in class. Yes, but don't worry: probably this class will last quite .
  18. I don`t understand why two identical threads in two different forums. We know ourselves browse by the forums
  19. bee Baroque wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: And oh yes!!! I saw no spam this morning!! Woot!! then you woke up to a good morning And he woke up late! This morning (morning in Europe, about 1 am SLT) there was spam of FUengineeCK in some forums (portuguese, for example).
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