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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Cielo.Seminario wrote: Check on Marketplace for ASCII or Unicode Notecards dunno why some people decide to charge about 30L for em but they should be free There are many free cards of ASCII in Marketplace
  2. They are using "Display Names" (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Display_names). You can wirte your display names using unicode, ASCII...
  3. Facebook Connect might be a good guess. So you can log on with your FB identity. Hence the need for changes to login names. You cannot register in Facebook with a false identity. The name of our SL accounts it is not a "real" identity.
  4. If you cannot return that objectx using the About Land window, probaly these prims are "ghost prims". There is only one solution: a restart of the region. You can use Live Chat for request that restart (or in a Private Region contact with the region owner).
  5. /me waves at Irene I noticed you haven't set up your social networking like status for your blogs profile yet! Tstststs! You should do that right NOW! Sorry Ansariel, but in Spain we are long overdue. We don't know about social networking, that is the problem of a country as Spain. But I'm very interested in the matter, if LL says that is good, sure it is!! (please, emoticon of sarcasm + ).
  6. ..... who did that German translation for that checkbox? Google? Try again! It's wrong!...... Same funny (and totally wrong) translation into Spanish. And the spanish residents in the offcial translator group requesting "job" a year ago without response.
  7. The new forum software is under NDA so we'll have to wait and see. Or wait and pray
  8. Great! It's good to know that, you're welcome
  9. Amanda, apologies for quote myself, but there is a question without answer. You have answered that we are enabled for post in other forums innapropiate content for SL ("Arkady--Sure--you can point the discussions that are not appropriate to host on an SL forum to SLU. I’m cool with that."). Well,. thanks, it's clearloy that LL cannot forbid our participations in other forums. But my question was another: I have a doubt about the new Community Participation Guidelines Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. What is the exact sense of "Do not reference other websites offering any product or service"? Can I reference websites (forums, blogs, web pages...) with some commercial goals but also with tutorials, help threads, forums...?
  10. I'm beginning to understand the logic of LL. A vast mayority of posters (in this thread and in another threads) against the web based profiles means TO ME: "Probably LL will reverse in this matter". But a vast mayority of posters (in this thread and in another threads) against the web based profiles means TO LINDEN LAB: "We have a ver favourable feed back of the community supporting this new feature and happy with the web based profiles". Well, I must reread "Alice in Wonderland". Probably the Cheshire Cat has the key. Apologies if this comment is offensive. But sometimes it's hard to be at all times a good person.
  11. Q Linden wrote: Today we launched Viewer 2.5, now out of Beta. The most significant update is a new, web-based profile system, which allows profiles to be viewed and edited both on the web and in the Viewer. For example, here's mine. Please note this is just a starting point for the web-based profiles; we’ll be doing a lot of work to refine the usability and make them richer over time. Linden Lab, are you sure you understand what measn "Beta" and a "Stable" version?? Viewer 2.5 is "stable" with web-based profiles without refine? Hundreds (literally) of post against the web profiles and the answer is "Hi, we have added the web profiles". Or perhaps you have not hear the complaints because we don't post in Twitter or Facebook. OMG It is impossible understand to LL
  12. What I am going to say in this post is only a fraction of this matter of "communication", but perhaps it may be useful. Lindens, do you read the forums? More specifically: do you read "SL Answers"? Any regular user of SL Answers is able to say what are the most common technical problems of the residents, specially NEW residents. Perhaps you should use also this "Line of Communication".
  13. bee Baroque wrote: i was just being silly and sort of hinting to the op - and others posting like that - with titles like "hello/hi/help/re/omghelpme!!!111eleven/avatarname" and very little or no info in the post. LOL LOL LOL I love "Re:" as the better subject for threads
  14. I understand Sole. For italian or spanish people, that "bllocatto" is clearly italian ("blocked" is the spanish "bloqueado" and the italian "blocatto"; in Spain we know that our gerund "..ado" is "...atto" in italian). And that "my login" sounds as a direct translation of "Yo me conecto" (I login).
  15. Liberty Zane wrote: Thanks Irene, Wow I see you have been trying for years to get spell check... You're welcome The creator of that JIRA was Aimee Trescothick, a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery veteran resident (since 2005).
  16. There are many more examples. See this store: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/22601 (finded searching "ass"). Or this item: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/japanese-turn/1225810 And tobacco is mature LOL
  17. Hi Amanda. Thanks for new features and ideas for improve communications. I diusagree wuth no votes in JIRA and all the matter of Facebook, but there are many comments about that. I have a doubt about the new Community Participation Guidelines Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. What is the exact sense of "Do not reference other websites offering any product or service"? Can I reference websites (forums, blogs, web pages...) with some commercial goals but also with tutorials, help threads, forums...?
  18. There is no spell checker in Viewer 2 (AFAIK), but there is a veteran JIRA requesting that feature: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-5447
  19. I dont know if this will be helpful for L$ Balance (apparently it's helpful for inventory): Updating Your Account on Aditi We have an account auto updater system of sorts in place. If you cannot log into ADITI or would like your inventory updated change your password. Then your account will be updated automagically within 24 hours. You have the control to update your accounts now. You no longer need to message Oskar for account updates to ADITI. Account Update Steps Change your login password on AGNI. How to change your password Wait 24 hours. Log into ADITI. Rejoice!! Fom http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid#Updating_Your_Account_on_Aditi
  20. Releyendo el tema me doy cuenta de que hay algo que se me pasó por alto. Y es que más allá de que sea ilegal o no, hay una cosa que sí me parece clara en cualquiera de los dos casos: la usuaria que te baneó de su grupo es tonta jejeje Aun suponiendo que tu blog fuera ilegal (digo suponiendo eso, no digo seguro que lo sea) nadie tiene por qué banearte de un grupo por eso. Joé, si cada dueño de grupos tuviéramos que estar pendientes de si este o el otro han hecho algo ilegal para banearle íbamos listos. Si alguien tiene que banear a alguien será LL, pero nadie tiene por qué expulsarle de su grupo (a menos que la ilegalidad fuera gordísima claro).
  21. Bravo Mike! Totally agree. I'm learnig a lot with this thread and the different posts and contributions. Nuhai, there is no show.
  22. If you are 17 you have only access to G regions. Nudity is not allowed in G regions.
  23. In your Dashboard (secondlife.com) go to Linden Exchange > Manage > Process Credit
  24. What happens if you use another skin, a free one for example, a "nude" skin?
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