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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: I'm not sure of the real-world age limit on buying tobacco--like RL age-of-consent it may not be 18 in other countries than the USA--but there are age limits. So at that level, it isn't crazy. So, if RL age limit for dirve a car is18 in some countries, a car is a Mature item? And airplanes? And buy and own land? And use a weapon (General in guidelines!!)?
  2. I don't know if I understand correctly your question. You must purchase objects or use free items, "freebies". You can shopping inworld and/or in the Marketplace (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/). What objects? The objects that you want or need In any case, the sum of the prims of those objects can not exceed of 117.
  3. Peewee.Musytari wrote: ... but they won`t be owned by the new owner... That was my doubt, thank you very much Peewee!
  4. I'm sure this is a silly question. Sorry, but it is something that I've ever done If I sell land WITH objects and an object is NoTransfer, the seller receive that object and appears as new owner (and I lost the object, of course)? Thanks in advance.
  5. The residents must give you the link to their whislist. In any case, in the actual Marketplace the wishlist is not enabled.
  6. Other entry of statistics useless. Pure advertising.
  7. References to tobacco use as Moderate Content? Well, I have a freebie box of tobacco. The automated system asigned that box a General content. I have changed the level to Moderate. I don't understand that level for the tobacco but ...
  8. What are your system specs? Announcement: Asking for tech help? Be sure to provide your system info! If your question is of a technical nature, like "Why do I keep crashing when I wear my animation override?" or "How come my graphics look messed up?", please BE SURE TO PROVIDE YOUR SYSTEM INFO (click the link for how to do it, it's easy!). Other Residents can't effectively help you without knowing these details first, so it's absolutely necessary for you to share. by Torley Linden at Sep 15, 2010 3:56 PM
  9. Probably you will find more answers in the Scripting forum: http://blogs.secondlife.com/community/forums/scripting
  10. Irene Muni

    undevelope land

    About how terraform: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Terraform
  11. Well, I have heard of first cases that web profiles were reported to the european department of juvenile protection for displaying adult, fascist, perverted sexual and other illegal content freely on the web. Wel'll see what happens now. What if LL gets banned in europe for the web profile nonsense? Jeannie "European Department of Juvenile Protection"??? Eum... source of the notice, please?
  12. Remember (hope never die LOL): JIRA request about rmove the facebook and twitter gasdgets in web profiles --> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3378
  13. Q Linden wrote: To stay up to date on future deprecation announcements, please subscribe to @secondlife on Twitter. Why??? I'm subscribed to Second Life. You have my email. You have this blogs. You have the Message of The Day. Why I need follow Twitter?
  14. From http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Facelight (the document has more info): A Facelight is an (most often) invisible attachment, which works as a light source to illuminate an avatars face. This practice is supposed to give the avatar a nicer look. However, some Residents became annoyed by the use of facelights, since they may also influence the lighting of their surrounding, or make avatars look bleached out, depending on your Environment Settings and graphics settings. See also Facelights make you mad? PS. Personally I totally agree with "some Residents became annoyed by the use of facelights"
  15. Never stop learning in SL. Thanks, Nyll
  16. Publicity? Ask yourself: What have my club (or what should have) that do not have other hundreds of clubs in SL? What have my dancers (or what should have) that do not have other hundreds of dancers in SL? What have my DJs (or what should have) that do not have other hundreds of DJs in SL? What have the seller of my (or what should have) that do not have other hundreds of sellers in SL? What have my events (or what should have) that do not have other hundreds of events in SL? Well, maybe an exaggeration, but I think it is clear what is essential. The question is not a "I have a club". The question is "I have a SPECIAL club because...". Publicity without special/different content is a waste of time.
  17. I don't know how disable completly that TOOLTIPS. But there is a workaround: Advanced > Show Debug Settings (ctrl+alt+shift+s) > tooltipdelay. And increase the value. Message was edited by Irene Muni: typos
  18. Gentleman, will be easier to answer you if you post a picture about your problem.
  19. Mmmm... If you are asking for "scripts in hairs" (your other thread: http://blogs.secondlife.com/message/576084#576084) not always you can see the number of scripts in a hair when you go to buy it. But is that your question?
  20. isis Grashnar wrote: Can someone explain how i check the scripts and prims on an item? You can edit the object. In the Content tab you will see the scrips. And you can open the script (asuuming the script is Modificable...). In the General tab you can see the number of prims of the object. isis Grashnar wrote: Maybe this one should have been first but, can someone explain what scripts and prims are exactly? I kind of know but want to be sure. Script is a a piece of code. A little program writed in a programming language (Linden Scripting Language LSL), The script create an effect in the object (or in the prim). See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Script About "prim" see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Prim
  21. As Jessika says, sellers of hair usually offer demos. If the seller don't offer a hair's demo ... beware. Message was edited by Irene Muni: JessiKA, not JessiCa
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