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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I miss playing GoH! But I still love my Vic and Trad too much to give either up and I really can't afford another one.
  2. I forgot about this til just this past weekend when I was at an RFL event, I spent $12,243LL in donations, playing a fun game of one up man ship with a person who couldn't stand odd numbers in the donation accumulation, so every time they donated to round off to the nearest ten dollar, I'd pay an odd amount to mess with them. I will give whatever I have to find a cure for cancer.
  3. nah, I do SL for fun. I have no goals, but I've had a lot of fun.
  4. My hair was thick like that when I was younger. I wore it long (Butt length) starting in my teens and throughout my twenties. In my twenties I suffered from killer headaches and finally learned that they were caused by the weight of my hair causing strain to my neck. wore it shoulder - chin length for the next 20 years and then let it grow out again. Now my hair is long gain reaches my butt and I almost always wear it in a braid or bun, The headaches are gone because I only have about half as much volume now. It still looks as full but it's not as heavy. In SL my hair is red. I change the length and style constantly but it's always a dark red. In RL my hair started out the darkest of browns and stayed that way til my early 30's when i became prematurely gray. It's mostly white now. ETA, my first av had white hair, I tried to make her look as much like me as I could. Kali is my younger, braver, wilder self.
  5. Mesh bodies are about $5,000ll a pop, and at one time I bought each new mesh body as it came out. Tried to wait on Mesh heads because I didn't want to spend like that again, But once Bento came out I bought a couple brands, before deciding which one I could make look most like my system self. But these are 1 time purchases that I'm not likely to repeat unless some new innovation changes SL again. Same with Land. I bought a pricey bit of mainland in Bay City, which I can't recall the Lindens spend but it amounted to $45.00 USA dollars. That's a one time purchase that I am very unlikely to repeat as well. As far as repeat purchases go, I have spent $1K lindens on fatpacks over and over. I can never decide which colors I like the best so I almost go for the whole package. I have spent over $1K on a few unique dresses for special occasions but not often.
  6. Got to let go of the winning, let go of the debate. If that's the goal then you've already lost. The goal is understanding each other. Promoting more understanding, seeing each other as fully human, that's my goal.
  7. I try to stay in the moment. If I let the mountain of past experience color my present, it is much harder to be present. Just like in SL, I choose to accept people as they present themselves; they may be totally different than what they present, but I need to discount that and just respond to them in the moment and accept them as they present themselves. I stay true to myself and i give them my willing suspension of dis-belief about themselves. I let go of the results of my endeavor, that's not up to me.
  8. depends on how you do it Luna. If you say I am benefiting from white privelege and you relate your experience of that, someone listening to you can see that they also might have a similar experience.... and their awareness rises. If you describe the very same experience saying you, you, you, instead of I, I, I, then the person reacts with "who are you to tell me what I am experiencing, you are wrong because I feel you are picking on me and they fight you. One way is sharing an experience that can be seen as non threatening and even identified with, the other way is an accusation.
  9. Name calling very rarely results in change; it's more likely to make a person dig in and fight back. I think that sharing how you came to see the need for change without accusing anyone is more likely to result in a thoughtful exchange of ideas instead of an adversarial impasse.
  10. I don't concern myself much with other people's opinions about the meanings of words. When I use a word, it means what it means.
  11. I know that some of you love to get involved in citing articles back and forth but that's not what I intended for this thread. This thread is more about personal response to trying to awaken your consciousness to the fact that we are all living in a systemically racist society and in order to change that we need to feel it, and feel the wrongness and rise up to demand changes to the system. we are not a bunch of scholars debating here. we are people.
  12. I'd just really like to see an occasional thunderstorm or a windy day
  13. I didn't know you can set the weather! How do you do that for say a 1024 parcel on the mainland?
  14. Thanks Scylla, it's not been an easy journey, but it's well worth taking. I'm hoping that if we continue to acknowledge whats wrong with the system, we have an opportunity here to really change things for the better.
  15. @Lindal Kidd that last one was a true LOL for me, not a groan.
  16. That's a little harsh, don't ya think? I'm thinking what we need is more of a groan.
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