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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. It might be easier to either make the channel a random number using something like llfrand or use llRegionSayTo
  2. Ajay Giano wrote: - Make monthly themes and encourage designers to create items for that theme. - Highlight the theme on the main site and sponsor a LL event (example: Medieval theme, anything from clothes to buildings and at the end of the month have a LL sponsored event for that theme) They've done themes before, I'm not sure how well that worked out.
  3. It's out of date in one regard, the beta is finished, people on local payments should have received an email similar to this: "Dear Ciaran This email contains important information that affects your Second Life account and requires action in order to continue any payment transactions with Second Life. Due to the conclusion of the Second Life local payments beta program, it is required that you add a new credit card or PayPal account by going to your billing information page on Secondlife.com. Best Wishes, Linden Lab and the Second Life Team"
  4. I don't know if they ever sorted out the paypal issue but alternative payments is finished, people on that system need to enter their payment details onto their account again.
  5. Phil Deakins wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: But before there was Marketplace there was SLX and OnRez (or whatever those things were called) and still in-world stores thrived. The difference is that SLX and OnRez didn't have the capability of being able to push themselves down everyone's throats, but the marketplace does, and that's what LL did with it from the start. And they still do it. Heck, for quite a while, when you got the login page to the site, you were greeted with "Welcome Marketplace User!", in large type, even though you weren't a marketplace user. LL send out emails to everyone, promoting the marketplace. Everyone's dashboard promotes the marketplace. Everyone's dashboard has a "What's Popular" link, and, a while ago, when the marketplace was new, it lied through its teeth by stating what was popular on the marketplace, but without saying "this is just what's popular on the marketplace". In its early days, inworld stuff was more popular, which is why it was a lie. That's why inworld stores are failing - because LL push their own website mall to the limit, knowing that inworld stores go to the wall because of their unscrupulous actions. The marketplace isn't a useful extra like SLX and OnRez were. The way that LL do things, t's a complete 'instead of'. The new viewer even has a shop link in it, which takes you to the marketplace. Then there was the merging of balances, SLX and OnRez never had this sort of reach.
  6. Maybe people have stopped reading the blog? I've long complained about the lack of information coming out of Linden Lab on their own blog, I find more information on third party forums or delving into the wiki to read the minutes from office hours, the blog has not been a good source of information for quite a while now.
  7. Ceka Cianci wrote: Ann Otoole wrote: PeterCanessa Oh wrote: All I read is: ... recently launched Linden Realms, the Lab's first-ever game prototype ... this will make the polished creation of full MMORPG’s or people/animal simulators within Second Life easier and of high quality. ... For those LL deems should have such privs. i didn't see that part in there..where was it that they said only the select may have this? "One of the key goals of Linden Realms was to learn more about what tools Residents could use to develop richer experiences in Second Life — and boy, did we learn a lot! In Q1 2012 , we will be releasing new tools used to develop Linden Realms, which will allow Residents to create even richer original experiences in Second Life. To prevent abuse of these tools, we will introduce a "creators" program in which verified members will be given access to these very powerful capabilities."
  8. This is an old issue when it comes to large amounts of items, I have texture packs I've purchased that carry a warning about this, if it's happening now with smaller quantities then this isn't good at all.
  9. Charlotte Bartlett wrote: Weirdly, my sales were never better than when just Marketplace and have not increased with inworld presence. I have spoken to another builder who tells me most of their sales are via the marketplace, buildings to me are something I want to walk through before purchasing, unlike say clothing which generally the picture sells, so I can understand why they'd do better on the markeplace. However it does seem that the marketplace works well for buildings too, surprises me but people do tell me the model works.
  10. I would love to see search metrics, or at the very least search metrics for how people came to my parcels, alas I've never seen them.
  11. Roseysun Galicia wrote: Thanks for the suggestion. Posted the question there as well. It seemed odd that they would continue one User Group meetings and not another. There are things that can be discussed at the adult user group meetings that would be harder to discuss on the forums so I hope they don't close that one down, there again I find it disappointing that they've closed the community tools group too, especially as these forums have new sections added and taken away, that user group still had much purpose.
  12. Oskar Linden wrote: There will be no releases next week until the new year. Is next week some sort of science fiction week that contains years llGetParcelMusic() seems to work fine on Le Tigre so hopefully all will be well with this week's roll.
  13. Innula Zenovka wrote: I think removing identifiable information is just going to cause more rants, because in that case, people are simply going to blame every bloody thing that goes wrong, from the fact they keep on crashing with the new Firestorm to the failure of the Marketplace to deliver something, on the fact they are on, or might be on, an RC channel, and LL is hiding from them whether they are, in fact, on a RC channel and, if so, on which one ("Why won't LL tell us, eh? You answer me that. It's because they've got something to hide, that's why!"). Indeed, look the release channel method is one of the best ideas LL ever came up with, it's not perfect but Second Life is an imperfect world, however trying to hide this info is not helpful to LL or customers, many more people than LL realise appreciate how this works, that many don't understand it should not be a reason for LL to step back from what is a very sensible process.
  14. Absolutely Jack, I love the release channel method, it works beautifully, just because some folk don't understand what's happening shouldn''t mean LL retreat, they should embrace the opportunity to tell everyone how it works and why it works well.
  15. Yes it's a bug: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4154? I advise that you comment on that Jira. ** Duplicate Answer
  16. Yes it's a bug: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-4154? I advise that you comment on that Jira.
  17. Nalates Urriah wrote: I think removal of the channel ID means we will see some ID meaningful only to the Lindens. Oskar's attitude is fine. He is looking for some way to get actionable information without the useless informaton and rants. After all the whole grid is a test of the software. That Lindens broke it into regions for various tests seems to have given people the ideas that only the RC's are test areas... which is misleading. By removing the ID's... that conceptual image can be removed from users' thinking. I suspect they hope people will then focus on the symptoms rather than the idea they are a guinie pig and being experiemented on. I have no doubt Oskar is responding to users. Its much more a user attitude that is the problem. Taking away identifying information for the user is not the way to get actionable information without useless information and rants, this is the wrong approach to that issue.
  18. I can fully understand Oskar's reasoning, at work we've rolled out Windows 7 and users tell me that their problem is due to being on Windows 7, when often it's not. However I don't agree with the proposed solution, the answer lies in providing more information, even a sticky here in this forum would be a start, explaining what release candidate channels are for and how they work. I wanted to test llGetParcelMusicURL() last night, to do so I had to go to a Le Tigre region, being able to easily identify that the region was on Le Tigre was therefore useful for that purpose.
  19. AmabileSciavo Olivieri wrote: The word "pés" means feets is that triggers the filter. I'll rephrase the text by changing the word specifically. It should trigger the filtersomehow. I appreciate everyone's attention. They were very kind .... Thanks especially to the Anjo Quinell who was killed Quinella this charade ... haha I went through it for you, I should have checked back earlier as you found it before me! It's a combination of pés and something else that is the issue.
  20. AmabileSciavo Olivieri wrote: Removing the text in Portuguese, the item goes to the general classification ... As there are no words or quotations "inappropriate", I think perhaps some combination of letters is causing the ranking adult ... pés is the problem, why I have no idea, it must be flagging some sort of combination that gets flagged because on its own it is not a problem.
  21. There have been communication issues, not sure whether this is the cause in this case but if you can try getting the sim restarted.
  22. LoveAngeL Lyre wrote: Hello Phil. You do that with the Picks button. If you don't see the button, right click on a toolbar --> Toolbar buttons --> the customize toolbars window opens --> find the button and drag it out on a toolbar. After, clicking it you can add, edit or delete picks. This is also how you have to edit and create classifieds, via the picks button dragged onto your toolbar.
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