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Ciaran Laval

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Everything posted by Ciaran Laval

  1. Saw the same thing in another sim. Not sure what the cause is, whether it's malicious or something has been broken by an update.
  2. Did you hear the theme tune from the Twilight Zone playing when you logged in? Check that the land is still owned by the people you rented from.
  3. Check your graphics settings and your windlight settings, I haven't heard anything about clouds going away.
  4. Phil Deakins wrote: ETA: Just out of interest, if you sell a piece of group land to yourself, you still don't get the tier back with it and, if you are personally tight on tier, don't buy land from your group until you've reduced your tier donation to the group. There is an option to remove group tier when you sell a parcel to yourself but you still have to keep your eye on the buy land window which informs you whether your tier will go up.
  5. If you want to buy more land for your group you can put the tier back into the group and use the buy for group option, as long as your group has enough in land contributions, which you initially did.
  6. Isle of Dee Presents: Dark of the Moon Dance Party - November 26th 1pm -3pm SLT This will be the Dark Of The Moon Dance Party of the year, from 1:00 to 3:00pm, with the fabulous Jen Noel leading us in an hour of bellydancing, followed by top DJ Cataplexia Numbers playing from her "Songs from the Wood" set, for us all to dance to! Dancing, wine, fun, laughter and good company. The event is OOC, but we would be glad to see everyone in medieval attire, for the sake of... well, for the sake of looking medieval! Bring your friends, and enjoy this excellent community event! THERE WILL BE A CONTEST, with cash prizes, in the second part of the evening. Prizes will go to the "Darkest" dressed on the dancefloor (not necessarily IC) - use your imaginations! - as voted for by the dancers. Dig deep into your inventories! ============== SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dee/127/127/4002/ From the Landing: - Enter the Gate towards the Dance Dell
  7. Nelson Jenkins wrote: I wish people didn't use email... it just feels icky. Having to put up with updating UUIDs for the address is just a nightmare. Too bad you need a server for HTTP... Slightly defeating the object way around this but I did it as a little basic project and I email the new inworld URL to the remote objects on events that will see the URL lost, such as sim restart. The rest of the communications are conducted via HTTP. You still need the addresses of the remote prims, I add them to a notecard on the main prim, it's a bit of a pain to setup but once done it seems to work ok.
  8. Sorry, I should have expanded. Technically it's a flag, if concerns over legacy content could be addressed it's perfectly feasible but then there's a moral issue which would manifest itself with people putting the item into another prim and setting the contents for sale, as the item could be transferred, people could still resell it. I don't think it's worth Linden Lab's time to come up with a solution that could be so easily circumvented.
  9. Until the inworld scores and the search scores match, which they currently don't, then this is in the bug department. Once Ll sort that out, then the issue of fairness can be discussed.
  10. You're asking for a technical solution to a moral issue.
  11. Traffic is only one aspect of why a person should rent anywhere and anyone who doesn't research what traffic means or what directs traffic to a parcel will learn the hard way what traffic means. I have rented on parcels where traffic is high, but the traffic isn't coming to the market, it's going to the club, the market is not getting foot traffic, it's not getting eyes on the prize, it's not getting anything, traffic needs to be taken with a pinch of salt and its source researched,
  12. I've never worked with huds but notecards can be read by the dataserver so in theory, yes this could be done. You'd want a listener in operation, personally I'd use llTextbox for this as this way the person speaking doesn't need to specify the channel, but I'm not sure exactly what you want the person to say to get the response.
  13. Not that I know of, you can use llGetParcelFlags to see what the settings of a parcel are, but as far as I know, there is no llSetParcelFlags, it needs to be done manually. Are you trying to do this on a timed basis or something?
  14. Jahman Ochs wrote: Yesterday, my numbers were around 225 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes; my traffic number for the parcel was reported at 17569. This is consistent with my records going back over a year for this parcel. Today, my numbers were around 220 unique visitors and around 11000 cumulative visitor minutes. By my calculations, my traffic number should be somewhere between 16500 and 17000; it is, instead, 11997, a discrepancy of about 30%. 11,000 cumulative minutes should have been getting you a traffic score of around 11,000, unless LL drastically changed something with their traffic calculation.
  15. Do not pay a premium price for a grandfathered sim, they lose grandfathered status on transfer, you will pay USD$295 a month tier if you buy one.
  16. I've already bestowed myself the title of Lord by using a display name and you're not changing the rules to prise it away from me, my minion army of darkness are watching closely!
  17. Dz Delicioso wrote: Im worried because my vendors have TOLD me.. they are targeting malls with certain traffic numbers... when my traffic dipped over the summer,,, these vendors closed up shop. When my traffic returned, so did they... Thats a regular business cycle. Vendors don't leave because traffic stats drop, they leave because sales or advertising stats drop.
  18. Oh certainly achieving the task is the primary aim of the script and how we get there is certainly an optional path.
  19. Reading the script more easily is definitely a reason I like using functions, that and being able to update the block of code in one place and have it work throughout the script is another.
  20. I'll start by saying I love functions, I use them probably way too often, I just prefer scripting that way as I find it easier to follow and tweak. My rule of thumb (in SL) has generally been if you're using a line of code more than once, use a function, but is this correct? Functions I've just noticed as I read into it more, have overheads, I don't write heaps of code in a script, but is it better to avoid the overheads of functions or does using a few make very little difference?
  21. http://lslwiki.net/ is another good resource, it's not as current as the official wiki but it has some additional comments and examples that I've found extremely useful.
  22. Thanks for that tip Void, I was looking to play with llManageEstateAccess yesterday and that didn't highlight, so I thought it was only on the beta grid.
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